



◾️ベン・ノートン Ben Norton@BenjaminNorton  Oct 14, 2024





シオニストの "建国の父 "テオドール・ヘルツルは、アフリカのジェノサイド植民地支配者セシル・ローズに手紙を書き、パレスチナを植民地化するための援助を求めた。


To understand the genocide in Gaza, it's important to recognize Zionism's roots in European colonialism.

Israel was not created due to the Nazi Holocaust. The British empire endorsed creating Israel in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, when Europe was colonizing the Middle East

It's not a coincidence that the Balfour Declaration came immediately after the 1916 Sykes–Picot Agreement, in which the British and French empires carved up the Ottoman empire's territory and established their own colonies in the Middle East (West Asia).

Zionism was directly modeled after 19th-century European colonialist movements.

Zionist "founding father" Theodor Herzl wrote a letter to Cecil Rhodes, the genocidal colonizer of Africa, asking for help to colonize Palestine.

Herzl boasted that Zionism was "something colonial".






An influential early Zionist group was called the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association.

One of Herzl's major political allies was the British Secretary of State for the Colonies, Joseph Chamberlain, a blood-soaked colonialist who violently opposed sovereignty for Ireland.

The British empire initially considered creating a Zionist regime in Uganda, which it had also colonized in east Africa, before later settling on Palestine.

The British empire's 1917 Balfour Declaration was the green light for colonizing Palestine -- decades before World War II.

The Israeli regime's fascist barbarism makes sense when you understand Zionism and Nazism both originated in European colonialism.






The Nazis wanted to colonize Eastern Europe for "Lebensraum", just like Zionists want to colonize Palestine and ethnically cleanse the indigenous.

What US-backed Israeli forces are doing in Palestine is not new: it's what the US & Canada did to Indigenous peoples, what France did to Algeria, what the UK did to Ireland, what Germany did to Namibia.

Zionism is colonialism, which is why the Western colonial powers support it.

Israel's colonial regime was initially an outpost of the British empire, but since 1967 it has been an outpost of the US empire.

Secretary of State Alexander Haig boasted, "Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk".

なぜアメリカはイスラエルを支持するのか? 経済学者マイケル・ハドソンによる地政学的分析 

By ベン・ノートン 2023年11月12日

Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson 

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※ 何度も部分的に引用してきたが、抄訳➡︎米国がイスラエルを支持する理由(マイケル・ハドソン)