

ヒトラーがユダヤ人をガスで殺したのは、第一次大戦の毒ガス負傷兵であった彼の、被害者が加害者となる例であるからだという推定もある。薬物中毒者だったヒトラーを戦争神経症者として再検討することは、彼を「理解を超えた悪魔」とするよりも科学的であると私は思う。(中井久夫 「トラウマとその治療経験」初出2000年『徴候・記憶・外傷』所収)

ーー戦争神経症とあるが、外傷性戦争神経症 [traumatischen Kriegsneurosen]である。中井久夫は阪神大震災被災以降、PTSDでは概念的に狭すぎるとして、フロイトの「外傷性神経症」用語を頻用している。


ヒトラーがPTSD (心的外傷後ストレス障害)だったのではないかとは、英語版のWIKIにもその記述がある(Psychopathography of Adolf Hitler)。

Although it is generally undisputed that Hitler had formative experiences as a frontline soldier in World War I, only in the early 2000s did psychologists come up with the consideration that at least some of his psychopathology may be attributed to war trauma.

Theodore Dorpat (2003)

In 2003, Theodore Dorpat, a resident psychiatrist in Seattle, published his book Wounded Monster in which he credited Hitler with complex post-traumatic stress disorder. He assumed that Hitler not only experienced war trauma, but – due to physical and mental abuse by Hitler's father and the parental failure of his depressed mother – chronic childhood trauma, as well. Dorpat is convinced that Hitler showed signs of this disturbance at the age of 11. According to Dorpat, many of Hitler's personality traits – such as his volatility, his malice, the sadomasochistic nature of his relationships, his human indifference and his avoidance of shame – can be traced back to trauma.[36]

In the same year, the above-mentioned German psychologist Manfred Koch-Hillebrecht had come forward with the assumption that Hitler had posttraumatic stress disorder from his war experiences.

Gerhard Vinnai (2004)

In the subsequent year, the social psychologist Gerhard Vinnai (University of Bremen), came to similar conclusions. When writing his work Hitler – Scheitern und Vernichtungswut (2004; "Hitler – Failing and rage of destruction"), Vinnai had a psychoanalytic point of depart; he first subjected Hitler's book Mein Kampf a depth psychological interpretation and tried to reconstruct how Hitler had processed his experiences in World War I against the background of his childhood and youth. But similar to Dorpat, Vinnai explains the destructive potential in Hitler's psyche not so much as a result of early childhood experiences, but rather due to trauma that Hitler had suffered as a soldier in World War I. Not only Hitler, but a substantial part of the German population was affected by such war trauma. Vinnai then leaves the psychoanalytical discourse and comments on social psychological questions, such as how Hitler's political world view could have emerged from his trauma and how this could appeal to large numbers of people.[38]

In 2007, the above mentionened authors Coolidge, Davis, and Segal, too, assumed that Hitler suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder.

ヒトラーは1918年(29歳)、第一次世界対戦でのロシア前線に従軍しているときに毒ガス攻撃に遭遇し、ポメラニア(現ポーランド北西部からドイツ北東部にかけて広がる地域)のパーゼヴァルク Pasewalk 病院に入院している。

ヒトラーの『我が闘争 Mein Kampf』の記述はすべてが事実ではないとされるが、彼は1918年10月13日夕方以降の出来事についてこう記している。《ガス爆弾が夜中、雨のように降りかかり、夜半、我々の多くは失神した。多くの仲間はそのまま永遠に。私もまた、朝に向けて苦痛に囚われ、時を経る毎により酷い痛みに襲われた。そして朝の7時、私は灼けつくような目の痛みによろめき揺らいだ。数時間後には私の両目は、灼熱した炭になり、周りは暗闇に変じた。》


