



US, EU sacrificing Ukraine to ‘weaken Russia’: fmr. NATO adviser


Aaron Mate

最後に、最近報道された残虐行為についてお聞きしたいのですが。 ブチャの町ではロシアが民間人を大量に殺害し、ウクライナ軍も殺害されたという報道がありました。また、クラマトルスクでは駅が襲撃されましたね。 この2つの事件を評価し、どのように受け止めているのでしょうか。

AARON MATÉ: As we wrap, I want to ask you about some of the recent atrocities that we’ve seen reported. There were reports of mass civilian killings by Russia inside the town of Bucha and also killings of Ukrainian forces, and then you had the attack on the train station in Kramatorsk. I’m wondering if you’ve evaluated both of these incidents and what you make of them.

Jacques Baud

そう、2つのことがありますね。 1つ目は、この2つの事件に関して私たちが得た兆候は、ロシア側に責任がないことを示しているということです。 しかし、実際のところ、私たちにはわかりません。 そう言わざるを得ないと思います。 つまり、正直に言えば、何が起こったのか分からないのです。 私たちが持っている兆候、すべて、すべての要素は、ウクライナの責任を指摘する傾向がありますが、私たちはわかりません。

JACQUES BAUD: Well, there are two things in that. And the first is that the indication we have on both incidents to me indicates that the Russians were not responsible for that. But, in fact, we don’t know. I think that’s what we have to say. I mean, if we’re honest, we don’t know what happened. The indications we have, everything, all the elements we have tends to point at Ukrainian responsibilities, but we don’t know.

戦争には常にそのような状況があり、誰が本当の責任者なのか正確にわからないという状況は常にありますから。 私が気になるのは、西側諸国の指導者たちが、何が起こっているのか、何が起きたのかを知らずに決定を下し始めたことです。 国際的で公平な調査の結果を得ることなく、制裁措置や決定を下し始めたことです。これは、西側諸国における意思決定プロセス全体がいかに変質しているかを示していると思います。

2月以降、あるいはそれ以前にも、ハイジャック事件(ちなみにハイジャックではなく、ベラルーシでのライアンエアー便の事件)の後に、同じようなことがありました。 昨年の5月、覚えていらっしゃるでしょうか。この事件が報道されたわずか数分後に、人々は何が起こっているのかさえ知らないまま、反応を示し始めたのです。 つまり、ヨーロッパ、つまりEUだけでなく、ヨーロッパの国々の政治的指導者のこのやり方です。 それは、情報機関員として心外です。 国民や国全体に影響を与え、自国の経済さえも混乱させるような決定をどうして下すことができるのでしょうか。 ですから、裏目に出がちなんです。 しかし、私たちは何が起こっているのかもわからずに決断を下しています。これは、西洋全般において、リーダーシップが極めて未熟であることを示していると私は思います。 アメリカでもそうですが、今回のウクライナ危機の例を見ても、ヨーロッパのリーダーシップはアメリカより優れているとは言えません。 おそらく、もっとひどい場合もあるでしょう。 ですから、私たちが心配しなければならないのは、何もないところから決断を下す人がいるということです。










Fue el ejército ucraniano quien cometió la matanza de Bucha

Redacción 26 de abril de 2022









ルガンスク軍は、放棄されたウクライナ砲兵陣地から、このダーツが使われている 122mm D-30 砲弾を発見した。



















◼️SCOTT RITTER: Twitter Wars—My Personal Experience in Twitter’s Ongoing Assault on Free Speech

April 13, 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022: It was, from my point of view, just another day in the life of @RealScottRitter—my Twitter “handle.” I had a phone call scheduled with the editor of a publication I write for where we would discuss topics for a weekly column I was responsible for. I was also under deadline for another article I was writing for a second outlet that published my work, and was preparing a pitch to a third platform for another article. Such is the lot of a freelance writer—it is literally publish or perish.

Part of my routine is to watch the news and keep up to speed on breaking events. This usually involves sitting in an overstuffed arm chair surfing news channels using a remote while simultaneously monitoring the various news feeds and social media applications on my smart phone. On this morning I was monitoring the breaking news out of the Ukrainian town of Bucha, north of Kiev, where the bodies of civilians had been discovered strewn along a major thoroughfare.

The Ukrainian government was blaming the Russian troops, while the Russian leadership blamed Ukraine. As usual, getting to the bottom of an issue like this from my vantage point thousands of miles distant from the literal scene of the crime was a mission impossible.

On the television screen before me, the President of the United States was making a live appearance, where he addressed the Bucha killings. “You may remember I got criticized for calling Putin a war criminal,” Biden told the gathered reporters. “Well, the truth of the matter,” he continued, “you saw what happened in Bucha. This warrants him [Russian President Vladimir Putin]—he is a war criminal.”

Biden went on to declare that his administration was gathering evidence for a possible war crimes trial. “We have to gather all the details so this can be an actual—have a war crimes trial,” Biden said. “This guy is brutal, and what’s happening in Bucha is outrageous, and everyone’s seen it.”

I had just finished an article for Russia Today (RT) on the Bucha incident, and had assembled what I believed to be the available data regarding what had transpired on the ground there. As such, Biden’s words took me by surprise.

The available data coming out of Bucha was ultimately inconclusive but, if anything, strongly suggested Ukrainian culpability, not Russian. The certainty expressed by the President led me to believe that he was privy to classified information otherwise unavailable to the general public.

My curiosity was piqued as much as my ego was pickled—RT had published my article, and now it looked like I might be in the uncomfortable position of having to withdraw my conclusions and correct the record. That, however, was the price of credibility—if you are wrong, say so, correct the mistake, and move on.

Shortly after Biden spoke, however, my cellphone alerted me to a Reuters article with a headline proclaiming, “Pentagon can’t independently confirm atrocities in Ukraine’s Bucha, official says.” The article quoted an unnamed “senior defense official”, speaking on condition of anonymity, that “the Pentagon can’t independently and single handedly confirm that, but we’re also not in any position to refute those claims.”

I turned off the television, and proceeded to spend the next 40 or so minutes researching the available information about the Bucha incident. One of the leading news stories was a New York Times report based upon commercially available imagery which the authors of the article, Malachy Browne, David Botti and Haley Willis, claimed was taken on March 19, 2022, putting a lie to Russian claims that when its troops pulled out of Bucha on March 30, no bodies were present.

However, when I examined the video and still photographs of the Bucha bodies, I was struck by the fact that they didn’t appear to have been left in the street to decompose for two weeks (the bodies were “discovered” by the Ukrainian National Police on April 2.) Bluntly speaking, bodies begin to bloat some 3-5 days after death, often doubling in size. They will remain this way for up to ten days, before they burst, spilling a puddle of putrid liquid into the ground around the corpse.

In comparing The New York Times’ image with the video of the bodies on the ground, I was struck by a scene in the movie My Cousin Vinny, where Vincent Gambini, a streetwise New York lawyer played by Joe Pesci, cross examined a witness on the issue of the preparation of Grits. “Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in your kitchen than on any place on the face of the earth? Well perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove!”

All I could do is stare at the satellite image and the bodies and wonder if the esteemed journalists of The New York Times expected their audience to suspend belief for a moment and accept that the laws of biology that govern the decomposition of human remains were suspended in Bucha.

The available evidence that could be extracted from the images from Bucha showed bodies that by appearance appeared to have been killed within 24-36 hours of their discovery—meaning that they were killed after the Russians withdrew from Bucha. The exact time of death, however, could only be determined after a thorough forensic medical examination.

Many of the bodies had white cloth strips tied to their upper arm, a visual designation which indicated either loyalty to Russia or that the persons did not pose a threat to Russians. The bodies that lacked this white cloth often had their hands tied behind their backs with white cloth that appeared similar to that which marked the arms of the other bodies.

Near to many of the bodies were the green cardboard box adorned with a white star which contained Russian military dry rations that had been distributed to the civilian population of Bucha by Russian troops as part of their humanitarian operations.

In short, the evidence suggested that the bodies were of civilians friendly to, or sympathetic with, Russia. It would take a leap of faith to conclude that Russian troops gunned these unfortunate souls down in cold blood, as alleged by the Ukrainian government.

On April 2, an article appeared in an official Ukrainian government website, LB.ua, entitled “Special forces regiment ‘SAFARI’ began to clear Bucha of saboteurs and accomplices of Russia.” According to the article, “Special forces began clearing the liberated, by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, city of Bucha of the Kiev region from saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops.” According to the article, the Safari Regiment was comprised of personnel from various special police units, including the Rapid Operational Response Unit and the Tactical Operational Response Police.

There was other information—a video where a Ukrainian official warns the citizens of Bucha that on April 1 a “cleansing operation” was going to be conducted in Bucha, and that the citizens should remain indoors and not to panic. Another video, also from April 1, purported to show members of the Safari Regiment shooting civilians who were not wearing the blue distinguishing armbands signifying loyalty to the Ukrainian cause.

A Tweet

By the evening of April 5, I believed I had more than enough information to try and put forth a counter-narrative to the one being pushed by The New York Times and President Biden, namely that Ukraine, not Russia, was responsible for the Bucha killings.

“The Ukrainian National Police,” I composed on Twitter, “committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha.” Drawing on the precedent of the Nuremburg International Military Tribunal established at the end of the Second World War to prosecute Nazi war criminals, I then went on to state that “Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders onto Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations, America…we’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal!”

At 9:42 p.m. I hit “send,” and the deed was done.

As far as Twitter metrics go, this tweet didn’t do so badly—5,976 “likes”, 2,815 retweets, and 321 comments, for a total of what Twitter calls 265,098 “impressions.”

It also got me suspended from Twitter. ………



「そのほかに何か、私の注意すべきことはないでしょうか」 「あの晩の、犬の不思議な行動に注意なさるといいでしょう」 「犬は何もしなかったはずですが」 「そこが不思議というのです」とホームズは言った。(シャーロック・ホームズ『白銀号事件』)


「あなたの姉さんの裸について、そのほかに何か、私の注意すべきことはないでしょうか?」 「姉の足のあいだに僕は奇妙なことに気づいたんだ」 「彼女の足の間には何もなかったはずですが」 「そこが不思議なんだ」。(ジジェク『無以下のもの(Less than nothing)』2012)