

「ロシアよ、やれるものならやってみろ」と少し前までは言っていたオレクシイ・アレストビッチ(Oleksiy Arestovych)がこのところ弱気の発言をしている。

他方、「ロシアは決定的に勝っている」と言い続けてきたスコット・リッター(Scott Ritter)は5月14日以降、ウクライナ戦争の力学が大きく変貌する可能性を言うようになっている。


Scott Ritter (May 25 Telegram)


Fresh batch of US-delivered M777A2 howitzers spotted crossing into Ukraine from Poland. 

Notably, this batch has radio communication and GPS equipment installed, as well as antennas for measuring the muzzle velocity of the projectile of M982 Excalibur rounds.

One has to ask how and why this is permitted to take place.

The Excalibur is a true “one shot, one kill” munition. Thousands have been provided to Ukraine by the US and Canada. The Ukrainian Army spent weeks in Germany learning how to employ this weapon. If these M777A2’s reach the battlefield, they will kill scores of Russians. That is an inescapable fact.










Yes, Russia is winning in the east which is what they said their objective was all along. And they are accomplishing that. That is the special Military Operation. But now we’re talking about “war”, and I don’t think Russia has made that transition yet. This is a defacto proxy war between the west and Russia using Ukrainian forces as NATO’s sword. The object of this is to “bleed Russia dry”. And if Russia doesn’t change the dynamic, Russia will be bled dry.” Zelensky has indicated that he’s willing to mobilize a million people, at a time when the west is ready to provide the funding and equipment to turn those million men into a real military threat.

So, I see what has been happening in the last few weeks as being decisive.

The military aid the west is providing is changing the dynamic and if Russia doesn’t find a way to address this meaningfully, and to eliminate it as a military capability… then the conflict will never end.” (“Saturday Morning Live with Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern, You Tube MAY 14, 2022 )



◼️Ukraine war: Ex-general sees “heavy blows” coming to Ukraine

Update from May 27, 9:10 a.m.: 

Former Bundeswehr and NATO general Hans-Lothar Domröse assumes that Ukraine will not be able to fully withstand the Russian advance in the Donbass in the coming weeks. “Now the great momentum of the world power Russia is coming to fruition. (…) They are superior in terms of reach and numbers,” said Domröse to the news radio MDR Aktuell. The Ukrainian forces could delay the advance at most here and there. From autumn, however, the Ukrainians could put up more resistance again, according to Domröse. In about six months, the country will have many more western weapon systems and the soldiers will be much better trained on them. “Until then, however, they will still have to take heavy blows,” warned Domröse. Time is playing for Ukraine “if it holds out”.

元連邦軍・NATO大将ハンス=ローター・ドムレーゼは、ウクライナは今後数週間のうちにドンバスにおけるロシアの進撃にまったく耐えられなくなるだろうと想定している。「今、世界大国ロシアの大きな勢いが実を結ぼうとしている。〔・・・〕彼らは到達力と数の点で優れている」と、ドムレーゼはニュースラジオMDR Aktuellに語った。ウクライナ軍は、せいぜいあちこちで進軍を遅らせることができるだけだ。しかし、ドムレーゼによれば、秋以降、ウクライナ軍は再び抵抗を強めるうると。半年もすれば、ウクライナにはもっと多くの西側兵器が導入され、兵士たちの訓練も進んでいるだろう。「しかし、それまでは大きな打撃を受け続けることになる」とドムレーゼは警告する。ウクライナにとって時が功を奏する、「もし持ちこたえることができれば」。