


オレクシイ・アレストビッチ(Oleksiy Arestovych)は、ジャーナリストとか弁護士とされるMark Feygynとほとんど毎日対話しているそうだが、やや太ったな。


@OjefChJLrbqC7cu May 25


 - アレストヴィッチ大統領府顧問



ロシア軍の今の活動で予備軍を使い果たし、レンドリースの物資が前線に到着した後、攻勢に出た時にウクライナの思う壺になる - アレストヴィッチ大統領府顧問


◼️Zelensky's Adviser (Arestovych) Praises And Admires ISIS



@OjefChJLrbqC7cu May 26

"一人で立ち向かう "覚悟です。折れないというより、譲歩するのは論外です。私たちは、最後の一兵卒まで、戦える限り戦い、領土を解放するつもりです。


@OjefChJLrbqC7cu May 26

"ペース "という点では、ロシア軍に負けた。彼らは私たちよりも先に蓄財をしているのです。遅れをとっているので、前線の状況は非常に厳しい。このため、ロシア軍はわが国の北部に戻り、ケルソン-ザポリジャー線沿いの圧力を強める可能性がある」とアレストビッチは述べている。


Alla Kovch

@avpk11 May 26

Ukrainian Presidential Advisor,  Oleksii Arestovych says that Lend-Lease is working slower than expected for Ukraine. He says he has yet to see any MLRS in #Ukraine.

Next month will be difficult, because equipment hasn't arrived in time. 







Yes, Russia is winning in the east which is what they said their objective was all along. And they are accomplishing that. That is the special Military Operation. But now we’re talking about “war”, and I don’t think Russia has made that transition yet. This is a defacto proxy war between the west and Russia using Ukrainian forces as NATO’s sword. The object of this is to “bleed Russia dry”. And if Russia doesn’t change the dynamic, Russia will be bled dry.” Zelensky has indicated that he’s willing to mobilize a million people, at a time when the west is ready to provide the funding and equipment to turn those million men into a real military threat.

So, I see what has been happening in the last few weeks as being decisive.

The military aid the west is providing is changing the dynamic and if Russia doesn’t find a way to address this meaningfully, and to eliminate it as a military capability… then the conflict will never end.” (“Saturday Morning Live with Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern, You Tube MAY 14, 2022 )


それと大量の最新兵器が届く前に、どこにも兵士がいなくならないようにも祈らなくちゃな。ミリオタ界隈は当然すでにそうしてるだろうがね、小泉悠くんあたりももちろん祈りの体制に入ってるんじゃないかい? 彼は見事な様式美を持ってるからな、ファンが多いのも頷ける、《狂信家は絵のごとく美しい、人間どもは、根拠に耳をかたむけるより身振りを眺めることを喜ぶものである[die Fanatiker sind pittoresk, die Menschheit sieht Gebärden lieber, als daß sie Gründe hört...]》(ニーチェ『反キリスト者』第54節、1888年)


Dmitri @mdmitri91 May 25

Recap of today's livestream between A. Arestovych and M. Feygyn: https://youtu.be/cUOyuFpFf4o

Russians are pressing on the Ukrainian group located north of Sloviansk, pushing it into Siverskyi Donets river in an attempt to cut it into parts and defeat them.


День девяностый. Беседа с @Alexey Arestovych Алексей Арестович

#Фейгин #ФейгинLIVE День девяностый. Беседа с Алексеем Арестовичем (Киев).Подписка на PATREON https://www.patreon.com/feygin_liveЗачем нужна подписка на PAT...

Russians failed at Izyum direction but they have success in Lyman - reportedly half the town is now captured. Significant problems for Ukrainian group around Lisichansk and Severdonetsk which are under real threat of operational encirclement.

How is it all done? 5-6 fresh BTG's have been thrown in against exhausted Ukrainian troops, in addition to air and artillery superiority. Likewise, offensive towards Bahmut from Popasna continues. Bahmut is under very heavy aviation and artillery shelling.

Holding up for now but the situation is difficult and will get even more difficult. If Siverskyi Donets is crossed the ‘cauldron’ will start closing. Svetlodar has been abandoned by Ukrainian troops although the withdrawal was controlled.

It appears the Russian command set an objective to put all they have into reaching LPR and DPR borders. For that, they are bringing fresh BTGs formed from reservists, PMCs, units transferred from Far East, parts of BTG from Belgorod Oblast, Rosgvardia.

They continue accumulation and the group will be increased to around 10-12 more BTGs according to Arestovych’s estimates. So the situation is very difficult across the whole of frontline.

Something brewing up in Zaporizhye area as Russians formed 3 BTGs in Vasilyevka while attempting to reach Orekhov and Huliaipole, although for now no changes and Zaporizhye residents are not yet recommended to evacuate.

In Krivyi Rih direction Russians reached Belaya Krinitsa but it’s very difficult for them due to artillery and aviation strikes and lack of manpower. Mykolaiv and Kherson - no news to report.

Why is Russia in a hurry to conduct this offensive? Some crisis is likely brewing, but what exactly is not clear, and someone in Russia needs success. Arestovych believes it is certainly NOT linked to a potential upcoming UAF counter-offensive - it’s too much of a hurry.

The number of Russian emissaries in the West and open attempts to buy votes of politicians/lobbying show Russia’s desire to demonstrate its capability to pull Ukraine into Minsk-3 agreement.

Even though Russia suffered many defeats they want the West to believe the war will be long, Putin has ambitions, so they should be given what they want in Kherson and LDPR and then continue business as usual. But Ukraine says there will be no Minsk-3.

Gen. Major Kanamat Bitashiev who was taken down in Su-25 a few days ago. How did he end up there? Feygyn states he started from Krymsk, where nearly complete aircraft unit was destroyed. He is not alone like that.

This means Russian aviation is having terrible losses in personnel if they have to get in retired, PMC-style types. 

Also, Arestovych confirms that the Su-34 pilot with his co-pilot who were shot and ejected (we heard intercepted comms days ago), they both have perished.

While fall of Donetsk group will certainly be a very significant morale blow for Ukraine, the war won’t be lost. Just to reach Dneprovetrovsk border Russia would have to assault at least 3-4 similar localities, which will take 1,5-2 months each.

However, Russia is burning staff forces, and soon all they’ll have left will be PMCs, reservists, L/DPR, which will not even resemble a true army. With lend-lease coming within the next 2-3 months, this will reflect on Russia’s ability to defend Ukrainian counter-offensive.


アレストビッチのオトモダチのMark Feygyn は戦争は来年までは続くと言ってるようだがね。



Journalist Mark Feygyn (who speaks to Arestovych every day) believes the war will likely to last into the next year if not longer despite Russia's waning economy and financial capabilities.