




Vladimir Putin answered questions from Dmitry Kiselev.March 13, 2024 The Kremlin, Moscow


The point is that this so-called "golden billion" has been practically parasitising on other peoples for centuries, 500 years.(…) They've spent centuries filling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must realise that the vampire ball is ending.

Она заключается в том, что этот так называемый золотой миллиард на протяжении веков, 500 лет, практически паразитировал на других народах.(…) Они привыкли столетиями набивать брюхо человеческой плотью, а карманы - деньгами. Но они должны понять, что бал вампиров заканчивается


◾️ラブロフ:於国際フォーラム「プリマコフ読書会」 2023年11月27日、

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the Primakov Readings International Forum, Moscow, November 27 2023

私たちは西側諸国の新植民地主義的本能を目の当たりにしている。 500年以上にわたってそうしてきたように、他者を犠牲にして生き続けたいという願望である。 この時代が終わろうとしていることは誰の目にも明らかだ。 彼らはそれを自覚している。

We are witnessing neo-colonial instincts in the West. There is a desire to continue living at the expense of others, as they have been doing for over 500 years. It is clear to everyone that this epoch is coming to an end. They are aware of that.







Today, we are once again living through hard times.

The collective West led by the United States has challenged the natural course of history.

They have challenged the processes leading to a more sustainable and just world order without hegemons, or colonial and neo-colonial practices.

ーーRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a ceremony for opening an exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Russia-Syria diplomatic relations, Moscow, July 19, 2024.




アナトリー・アントノフ 駐米ロシア連邦大使 2024年7月17日

On the Issue of Struggling Against Neocolonial Practices

Anatoly I. Antonov, the Russian Federation Ambassador to the United States July 17, 2024




The world majority clearly understands that the Western colonial practices don’t lead to anything good. A bitter confirmation to this is the use of force by an aggressive minority under the leadership of the U.S. in a number of countries, including Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and some states in Asia and Africa. Experts estimate that since 1945, Washington has made more than 50 attempts at coups d’état and military interventions.

In the same line is the imposition of illegitimate economic barriers. These include limitation of opportunities for independent development, coercion to conclude unfair contracts, extracting resources for nothing, as well as relocation of dirty industries to countries of the South. Of special note is the unlawful practice of the West, aimed at unleashing sanctions pressure on the states that refuse to submit to the dictates and sacrifice their sovereignty and national identity. Examples of such illegal restrictive measures include the long-term economic blockade of Cuba, and unilateral restrictions against Iran and Venezuela.


In order to preserve their geopolitical presence in various regions of the world, Western capitals actively resort to the mechanisms of “debt neocolonialism.” Under the disguise of environmental protection and fight against climate change, they hypocritically promote the concepts of “green imperialism” which only benefit the so-called “golden billion.” The technological divide is being deliberately enhanced to consolidate the monopoly of Western IT corporations. There is a taboo on any publications contradicting the established Western narrative in the information space controlled by them.(…) 



Another symptom of neocolonialism is the aggressive imposition of neoliberal attitudes to the detriment of traditional spiritual and moral values. It’s about pushing a destructive agenda, including gender diversity and legalization of drugs. Among other things, the so-called “summits for democracy” organized under the auspices of Washington in order to update the U.S. toolkit of external control and interference into the internal affairs of sovereign states, as well as the fight against those who are labeled here in the United States as “autocracies.”

These facts clearly point at who remains the true colonizer. It is high time for the Western camp, representing the minority, to understand the futility of imposing neocolonial practices (including the so-called “rules-based order"), and any attempts to lay the blame on someone else.

ロシアが新植民地主義と呼ぶものの核心は、おそらくこのアナトリー・アントノフの言っている《債務新植民地主義[debt neocolonialism]》であるだろう。

マイケルハドソンの言い方なら、国際通貨基金と世界銀行もグルの《金融帝国主義[financial imperialism]》が新植民地主義の要として捉えうる。


All Of Our Wealth Has Been Coming From You by MICHAEL HUDSON

NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID interview July 12 2024




the West basically says, we can't afford you to become independent, because all of our wealth has been

coming from you. The world order that we've created since 1945 has been not the Mackinder type of Eurasian center, it's been built all around the port cities, the sea trade, the periphery on the ocean.

And it's been the periphery, because the role of the periphery is to enable the Global South, South America, Africa, South Asia, to export raw materials, minerals, oil, plantation products, and also low wage manufacturing, just send them all out to the US, NATO, English speaking countries.

And none of the World Bank loans, or the International Monetary Fund loans have been designed to develop the interior of these countries, or their mutual trade. Their trade is exclusively to get it out of the Global South, out of Latin America and Africa, right into Europe, and right into North America. But don't develop your own internal economy. Your railroads are going to go from the mines to the ports, not connecting your countries internally, or with your neighbors.

そして、上海協力機構SCO がまさにやろうとしているのは、まさに反西側政策である。一帯一路構想の目的は、ユーラシア統合の基盤を何とかして作り出すことだ。それは相互貿易と投資のためのものになる。そして、彼らは、1945 年以来施行されてきた新自由主義の世界銀行と IMF の新しいシステムとはまったく異なる経済システムになるだろうと発表した。

ですから、私たちは今、世界を変える発展の真っ只中にいるのです。そして、彼らがこれらすべてを非常に意識的に説明しているのを見るのは、ただただ素晴らしいことです。そして、NATO と米国による攻撃の準備が進むのを見て、彼らの精神が高まっていることがわかる。

そして、NATO は、我々はもはや防衛軍ではないので、これらのアジア諸国、日本、韓国を招待したと言った。NATO がソ連に対する防衛軍であるという見せかけは、ソ連とその軍事同盟国が崩壊したときに消え去っている。

And that's exactly what the SCO is set out to do. That's what the Belt and Road Initiative is all about, to somehow create a basis for Eurasian integration, that is going to be for mutual trade and investment on, and they've announced this is going to be on an entirely different economic system from the neoliberal World Bank and IMF new system that has been enforced since 1945.

So we're at a world changing development right here. And it's just wonderful to see them spell all this out so consciously. And you can see that they've been— their spirit has been rising as they've seen the mounting preparations for attack by NATO and the US.

And NATO said, we've invited these Asian countries, Japan, South Korea, because we're now no longer a defensive force. Any pretense that NATO was ever a defense against the Soviet Union disappeared when the Soviet Union dissolved, along with its military associates.〔・・・〕


IMF は、進むべき道は、輸出を増やして負債を返済するか、賃金を下げて労働組合の結成を阻止し、富裕層に経済を運営させることで、他の国々を負債に陥れることだと言っているのだ。

all the rest of Asia is mirrored today in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The European military imperialism of colonialism has given way to financial imperialism. And you have the Global South countries indebted.(…) 

The IMF says the way to go is to create more exports and pay your debts or get other countries in debt by lowering your wages and preventing labor unionization and letting the wealthy people run your economy.






By failing to stop the Gaza genocide, the ICJ is working exactly as intended

By Emilio Dabed Jul 20, 2024


The international legal order was built to administer colonial violence, not to end wars 



リベラルな国際秩序の興亡. ジョン・J・ミアシャイマー 2019年

Bound to Fail

The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order. John J. Mearsheimer 2019


An “order” is an organized group of international institutions that help govern the interactions among the member states. Orders can also help member states deal with nonmembers, because an order does not necessarily include every country in the world. Furthermore, orders can comprise institutions that have a regional or a global scope. Great powers create and manage orders. International institutions, which are the building blocks of orders, are effectively rules that the great powers devise and agree to follow, because they be-lieve that obeying those rules is in their interest. The rules prescribe acceptable kinds of behavior and proscribe unacceptable forms of behavior. Unsurprisingly, the great powers write those rules to suit their own interests. But when the rules do not accord with the vital interests of the dominant states, those same states either ignore them or rewrite them.



For example, President George W. Bush emphasized on numerous occasions before the 2003 Iraq War that even if a U.S. invasion violated international law, “America will do what is necessary to ensure our nation's security . . . I will not wait on events, while dangers gather.”5

An order can contain different kinds of institutions, including security insti-tutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), or the Warsaw Pact, as well as economic insti-tutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank. It can also include institutions that deal with the environment, such as the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, and more multifaceted institutions such as the European Union (EU), the League of Nations, and the United Nations (UN).



人間の物質的生産諸力の一定の発展段階に対応する生産諸関係の総体が、社会の経済的構造[die ökonomische Struktur der Gesellschaft]を形成する。これがリアルな土台[die reale Basis]であり、その上に一つの法的政治的上部構造[juristischer und politischer Überbau]がそびえたち、この土台に一定の社会的意識諸形態が対応する。物質的生活の生産様式[Die Produktionsweise des materiellen Lebens ]が、社会的・政治的および心的な生活過程一般[sozialen, politischen und geistigen Lebensprozeß überhaupt]の条件を与える。人間の意識が彼らの存在を規定するのではなく、逆に彼らの社会的存在が彼らの意識を規定する[Es ist nicht das Bewußtsein der Menschen, das ihr Sein, sondern umgekehrt ihr gesellschaftliches Sein, das ihr Bewußtsein bestimmt. ](マルクス『経済学批判』「序言」1859年)



Könnten die Waren sprechen, so würden sie sagen, unser Gebrauchswert mag den Menschen interessieren. Er kommt uns nicht als Dingen zu. Was uns aber dinglich zukommt, ist unser Wert. Unser eigner Verkehr als Warendinge beweist das. Wir beziehn uns nur als Tauschwerte aufeinander.(マルクス 『資本論』第1篇第1章第4節「商品のフェティシズム的性格とその秘密(Der Fetischcharakter der Ware und sein Geheimnis」)



Weniger als jeder andere kann mein Standpunkt, der die Entwicklung der ökonomischen Gesellschaftsformation als einen naturgeschichtlichen Prozeß auffaßt, den einzelnen verantwortlich machen für Verhältnisse, deren Geschöpf er sozial bleibt, sosehr er sich auch subjektiv über sie erheben mag. (マルクス『資本論』第一巻「第一版序文」1867年)