


➡︎ Fue el ejército ucraniano quien cometió la matanza de Bucha Redacción 26 de abril de 2022  

➡︎日本語要約版ブチャの大虐殺を行ったのはウクライナ軍である、突然メディアが沈黙した理由」という話がこれだけではなく他にも種々あるのを? 西側メディアの大嘘だったかもしれないことを?









ありうべきネオコンの目標についての私の考え オリバー・ストーン 2022年05月03日

My thoughts on some potential #Neocon objectives. #  Oliver Stone@TheOliverStone

I've watched with mounting fear these past weeks as Victoria Nuland once again emerged out of the blue, warning the Russians and us -- the target audience -- that if the Russians use a nuclear device of any kind, there'll be hell to pay. This was quickly picked up by a host of Administration officials and TV channels in the following days, amplifying the same idea -- Russia going nuclear. All this coming because of Putin's restatement of Russia's nuclear policy, which btw is not as aggressive as our nuclear posture. This made me wonder, why repeat this over and over? First, there were all the war crimes charges which came fast and furious and need serious investigation and evidence.

As a result, I wonder if the U.S. is setting the stage for a low-yield nuclear explosion, of unknown origin, somewhere in the Donbass region, killing thousands of Ukrainians? Of course, if that happened, God forbid, all the world's eyes would be trained, like a Pavlov dog, to blame Russia. That guilt has been set up already in advance, regardless of who launched the device. This usage would certainly impact the remaining 50% of world opinion, which isn't in the Western camp. Russia would be the Satan, the Beelzebub. Keep in mind, it's hard to know where a nuclear device is fired from, especially in a fast-moving situation like this war, in which it seems Russia can be accused of any behavior, no matter how preposterous. It would probably take a few days to find out the truth, but the truth isn't important. The perception is, and the U.S. is running a perception war with great skill and blunt force, saturating the CNN/Fox airwaves and our satellite countries in Europe and Asia as l've never seen before.






