


すらいと氏がタッカーカールソンによるジェフリーサックスインタビュー(May 28, 2024)の最初の箇所を巧みにまとめている。



Joe Biden: The Russian military has begun a brutal assault on the people of Ukraine without provocation, without justification, without necessity. This is a premeditated attack.


 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: Russia's unprovoked and cruel invasion has galvanized countries from around the world.



◾️Excerpt from remarks by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, American economist and academic, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, May 28, 2024.

Source: Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin


Tucker Carlson :So the one thing that we know, we heard about the movement of Russian troops into eastern Ukraine in February of 2022 was it was unprovoked. Here's a selection of what we know about that.






サックス:基本的に、それは非常に単純なことから始まった。 つまり、米国政府ーー米国民とは呼ばないでおきましょう、彼らはこの件に何の関係もないですからーーしかし、私たちの米国政府は、ウクライナを我々の側に置き、ロシアとの2100キロの国境まで行くつもりだと言ったのです。私たちは軍隊とNATO、そしてミサイルを、何でも好きなように配置するつもりだったのです。 ……

Carlson : So was it unprovoked?

Jeffrey Sachs : Well, we did hear that a lot of times. Yes, we did. I actually asked research assistant of mine to count how many times we heard that in the New York Times in that first year, from February 2022 to February 2023, in their opinion, was 26 times unprovoked. Of course, things aren't unprovoked.

Tucker Carlson : It's almost a brand name, the unprovoked invasion.

Jeffrey Sachs :It's the lazy person's dodge for actually trying to think through what's going on. And it's very dangerous because it's wrong. It gets the whole story completely wrong, and it misunderstands the trap that we set for ourselves as the United states to push Ukraine deeper and deeper and deeper into this hopeless mess that they're in right now.

Carlson : So in what sense was it provoked? What started this?

Sachs : Basically, it started very simply, which is that the United States government, let's not call it the us people, they had nothing to do with this. But the us government said, we're going to put Ukraine on our side and we're going to go right up to that 2100 kilometer border with Russian. We're going to put our troops and NATO and maybe missiles, whatever we want, because we are the sole superpower of the world and we do what we want. 



