



Excerpt from remarks by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, American economist and academic, in an interview with Judge Napolitano for Judging Freedom, July 31, 2024.


Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: US Subservient to Israel







Sony Thang@nxt888 Aug 1, 2024


"I cannot recall anything like it before.

I found it such a shame that it was basically unwatchable.

The idea that Netanyahu was invited to speak is one thing; the fact that he got dozens of standing ovations is simply a sign of the collapse of American politics.

It is an utter collapse of American politics.

Congress is worse than useless; it is completely corrupted.

It is not a deliberative body; it is a body on the pay.

The Israel Lobby has bought tens, hundreds of billions of dollars of Weaponry for Israel's mass murder through its campaign contributions as well as through the stupidity and naivety of many of the Congress members.

We shouldn't underestimate how ignorant many of these so-called representatives are, but I think we saw it as clear as can be.

This is the collapse of American politics before our eyes.





[Is there any question in your mind but that Netanyahu wants a war with Hezbollah, wants a war with Iran, and expects the United States to back him up?]

That's the purpose.

It's been clear as day for months.

He does everything as provocatively as possible, murdering a senior political official in Iran, no less, on the occasion of the Iranian president's inauguration, no less, days after China had mediated a political accord between the different factions of the Palestinians.

You cannot be more begging for a major war than he is doing right now.






And of course, that war is predicated on all those fools in the US Congress standing up to run in front of each other to say how many billions or trillions of dollars they'll vote for the Israelis to buy our Weaponry so that they can fight this war and maybe bring us to Armageddon because that seems to be what some of them want as well.

Israel's a nuclear-armed power, and God knows what kind of complete global catastrophe will result from all of this, given the way that we are behaving.

What's amazing to me is that Israel commits an outright political assassination on Iranian territory, and the only words out of the mouth of our Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin are, 'We will protect Israel if it's attacked.'

Not, 'What is Israel doing? It shouldn't engage in political assassination.'

Not a word of truth, but just to say, 'Okay, I am going to stand there. The Pentagon will protect Israel as it commits its murders, as it expands the wars.'

This is American politics."



Haz Al-Din @InfraHaz 2024 年 8 月 1 日



Haz Al-Din @InfraHaz Aug 1, 2024

People have become so brainwashed that a genocidal, Nazi-inspired state like "Israel" can steal people's lands and homes, murder their children for resisting, bomb any country that oppose this at a whim, kill peace negotiators...

And they'll still call it "self defense."