



◾️John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024 YouTube 2024/09/16


「ジョン・ミアシャイマーの素晴らしい本(『大国政治の悲劇』2001年)を読みました。その中で、彼はこう述べています。引用しますが、後で彼自身が語ってくれると思います。彼は、地域の覇権国は互いに脅威を与えないと述べています。なぜか? 間には大きな海があるからです。


では、なぜ私がウクライナを嫌うのか? NATOがロシアとウクライナの国境にいる理由がまったく見当たらないからです。先ほど言ったように、私はゴルバチョフの顧問とエリツィンの顧問をやっていましたが、彼らは平和と協力を望んでいました。しかし、彼らが何を望んでいたとしても、彼らは米軍が国境に駐留することを望んでいませんでした。我々がこれまで通り押し進めれば、最終的には戦争になってしまいます。ジョンは誰よりもそのことをうまく説明してくれました。











Sony Thang@nxt888


"I read a great book by John Mearsheimer, and in it, he described—I'll quote him, though he can speak for himself afterwards. He said that regional hegemons don't threaten each other. Why? Because we have a big ocean in between.

I deeply believe that China is not a threat to the United States, and I deeply believe the only threat to the United States, period, in the world, given the oceans, given our size, and given the military, is nuclear war. I deeply believe we're close to nuclear war because we have a mindset that leads us in that direction. We have a mindset that everything is a challenge for survival, and that escalation is therefore always the right approach. In my view, a little prudence could save the whole planet.

So, why I don't like Ukraine? Because I don’t see any reason in the world for NATO to be on Russia’s border with Ukraine. As I said, I was Gorbachev’s adviser and Yeltsin’s adviser, and they wanted peace and cooperation. But no matter what they wanted, they did not want the U.S. military on their border. If we continued to push, as we did, we would eventually get to war. John explained that better than anyone.

We're now at war, and even this morning there is further escalation. Blinken has said, 'Well, if the Iranians give these missiles, then we will give missiles to hit deep into Russia.' This is a recipe for disaster.

Then, last week, Bill Burns, the CIA director, said an absurdity he knows isn’t true—but CIA directors never tell the truth; if they do, they lose their job. He said, 'Don't worry about nuclear war, don't worry about saber rattling.' My advice to you is: worry a lot about nuclear war.

So, be prudent. You don't have to put the U.S. military on Russia's border. And my advice to Russia and to Mexico (I’m going to Mexico tomorrow, and I’ll give them a piece of advice): 'Don’t let China or Russia build a military base on the Rio Grande.' Not a good idea for Mexico, not a good idea for Ukraine, not a good idea for Russia, not a good idea for China, and not a good idea for the United States. We need to stay a little bit away from each other so that we don't have a nuclear war.

By the way, I recommend another good book, Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War: A Scenario. It takes two hours to read. The world ends in two hours in the book, and it’s a very persuasive guide that one nuke can ruin your whole day, as they say.

My strong advice on this, therefore, is to recognize that China, first of all, is not a threat to U.S. security—big oceans, big nuclear deterrent, and so forth.

Second, we don't have to be in China's face. What do I mean by that? We don't have to provoke World War III over Taiwan.

It's a long, complicated issue, but it would be the stupidest imaginable thing for my grandchildren to die for. I resent it every day when we play that game.

We have three agreements with China that say we're going to stay out of that, and we should. Then China would have no reason for war either.

Regarding China and economics, let me reiterate—because I was asked yesterday, and there was some surprise—was it good to let China into the WTO?

I said, of course! It enriched all of you, by the way. It enriched me, it enriched this country, it enriched the world, including China. That's normal.

Economics is not a zero-sum game. We all agree on that. I believe that security doesn't have to be a zero-sum game either. We can stay a little bit away from each other.

China does not spend its time bemoaning America being a Western Hemisphere hegemon.

They don't. That's not their greatest interest—bringing down American power in the Western Hemisphere."



皆さんのほとんどは、なぜアメリカが地球上を歩き回り、あらゆる国のビジネスに干渉しているのかという疑問を自問したことがないのではないか。 それは、米国が強力だからということもあるが、覇権国だからということもある。つまり、西半球には脅威がないので、大きな危険を自由に歩き回ることができるのだ。 もし中国が地域の覇権国となり、安全保障について心配する必要がなくなれば、彼らは私たちのように振る舞うだろう。 しかし、私がジェフに言いたいのは、中国が地域の覇権国になるのを防ぐことで、そうなるのを防ごうということだ。


Most of you have probably never asked yourself the question why is the United States roaming all over the planet interfering in every country's business. It's in part because it's so powerful but it's also because it's a hegemon which means we have no threats in the Western Hemisphere so we are free to roam the great danger. Jeff, if China becomes a regional hegemon and doesn't have to worry about security, then they behave like us yeah then they behave like us exact. But my point to you Jeff is let's prevent that from happening by preventing them from becoming a regional hegemon.John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024 YouTube 2024/09/16



If China becomes an economic powerhouse it will almost certainly translate its economic might into military might and make a run at dominating Northeast Asia. Whether China is democratic and deeply enmeshed in the global economy or autocratic and autarkic will have little effect on its behavior, because democracies care about security as much as non-democracies do, and hegemony is the best way for any state to guarantee its own survival. Of course, neither its neighbors nor the United States would stand idly by while China gained increasing increments of power. Instead, they would seek to contain China, probably by trying to form a balancing coalition. The result would be an intense security competition between China and its rivals, with the ever-present danger of great-power war hanging over them. In short, China and the United States are destined to be adversaries as China's power grows. 

(ミアシャイマー『大国政治の悲劇』John Mearsheimer, The tragedy of great power politics, 2001)


◾️マイケル・ハドソン「陸揚げ空母としてのイスラエル」Israel as a Landed Aircraft Carrier by MICHAEL HUDSON, November 13 2023


Now Saudi Arabia and Washington’s archenemy, Russia, play a key role in determining global oil prices.Historically, Saudi Arabia was a loyal U.S. proxy, but increasingly Riyadh has been maintaining a more non-aligned foreign policy. And a very big reason for that is that China is now the biggest trading partner of many of the countries in the region. For a decade, China has been the largest importer of oil and gas from the Persian Gulf.Furthermore, through its global infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative, China is moving the center of world trade back to Asia. 〔・・・〕

This also explains why the United States has been so desperate to try to challenge the Belt and Road with its own attempts to build new trade routes. In particular, the U.S. is trying to make a trade route going from India into the Persian Gulf, and then up through Israel.



Given the difficulty of determining how much power is enough for today and tomorrow, great powers recognize that the best way to ensure their security is to achieve hegemony now, thus eliminating any possibility of a challenge by another great power. Only a misguided state would pass up an opportunity to be the hegemon in the system because it thought it already had sufficient power to survive.

(ジョン・ミアシャイマー『大国政治の悲劇』John Mearsheimer, The tragedy of great power politics, 2001)


覇権とはシステムの支配を意味し、通常は世界全体を指すと解釈される。しかし、システムの概念をより狭く適用し、ヨーロッパ、北東アジア、西半球などの特定の地域を説明するために使用することも可能である。したがって、世界を支配する世界覇権国と、特定の地理的領域を支配する地域覇権国を区別することができる。米国は少なくとも過去 100 年間、西半球の地域覇権国だった。アメリカ大陸の他のどの国も米国に挑戦できるほどの軍事力を持っていない。そのため、米国はこの地域で唯一の大国として広く認識されている。

Hegemony means domination of the system; which is usually interpreted to mean the entire world. It is possible, however, to apply the concept of a system more narrowly and use it to describe particular regions, such as Europe, Northeast Asia, and the Western Hemisphere. Thus, one can distinguish between global hegemons, which dominate the world, and regional hegemons, which dominate distinct geographical areas. The United States has been a regional hegemon in the Western Hemisphere for at least the past one hundred years. No other state in the Americas has sufficient military might to challenge it, which is why the United States is widely recognized as the only great power in its region. 

(ジョン・ミアシャイマー『大国政治の悲劇』John Mearsheimer, The tragedy of great power politics, 2001)




アメリカ、中国、そして大国政治の悲劇 2021年10月19日

The Inevitable Rivalry

America, China, and the Tragedy of Great-Power Politics By John J. Mearsheimer

Published on October 19, 2021


It was a momentous choice. Three decades ago, the Cold War ended, and the United States had won. It was now the sole great power on the planet. Scanning the horizon for threats, U.S. policymakers seemed to have little cause for concern—and especially not about China, a weak and impoverished country that had been aligned with the United States against the Soviet Union for over a decade. But there were some ominous signs: China had nearly five times as many people as the United States, and its leaders had embraced economic reform. Population size and wealth are the main building blocks of military power, so there was a serious possibility that China might become dramatically stronger in the decades to come. Since a mightier China would surely challenge the U.S. position in Asia and possibly beyond, the logical choice for the United States was clear: slow China’s rise.



人間本性リアリズムは、ときに「古典的リアリズム」と呼ばれることもあるが、モーゲンソーの著作が多くの読者を魅了し始めた1940年代後半から1970年代初頭まで、国際関係研究を支配した。 国家は、生まれながらにして「力への意志」を組み込まれた人間によって率いられるという単純な前提に基づいている。つまり、国家は権力に対する飽くなき欲求、モーゲンソーの言うところの「無限の力への渇き」を持っており、常に攻勢に出て他の国家を支配する機会をうかがっているということである。


Human nature realism, which is sometimes called "classical realism," dominated the study of international relations from the late 1940s, when Morgenthau's writings began attracting a large audience, until the early 1970s. 32 It is based on the simple assumption that states are led by human beings who have a "will to power" hardwired into them at birth. That is, states have an insatiable appetite for power, or what Morgenthau calls "a limitless lust for power," which means that they constantly look for opportunities to take the offensive and dominate other states.  All states come with an "animus dominandi, " so there is no basis for discriminating among more aggressive and less aggressive states, and there certainly should be no room in the theory for status quo states.

Human nature realists recognize that international anarchy-the absence of a governing authority over the great powers---causes states to worry about the balance of power. But that structural constraint is treated as a second-order cause of state behavior. The principal driving force in international politics is the will to power inherent in every state in the system, and it pushes each of them to strive for supremacy.


Defensive realism, which is frequently referred to as "structural realism." came on the scene in the late 1970s with the appearence of Waltz's Theory of International Politics. i6 Unlike Morgenthau, Waltz does not assume that great powers are inherently aggressive because they are infused with a will to power; instead he stans by assuming that states merely aim to survive. Above all else. they seek security. Nevertheless, he maintains that the structure of the international system forces great powers to pay careful attention to the balance of power. In particular, anarchy forces securityseeking states to compete with each other for power, because power is the best means to survival. Whereas human nature is the deep cause of security competition in Morgenthau's theory, anarchy plays that role in Waltz's theory." 〔・・・〕


It should be apparent that both offensive realism and human nature realism portray great powers as relentlessly seeking power. The key difference between the two perspectives is that offensive realists reject Morgenthau's claim that states are naturally endowed with Type A personalities. On the contrary, they believe that the international system forces great powers to maximize their relative power because that is the optimal way to maximize their security. In other words, survival mandates aggressive behavior. Great powers behave aggressively not because they want to or because they possess some inner drive to dominate, but because they have to seek more power if they want to maximize their odds of survival.

(John J. Mearsheimer, The tragedy of Great Power politics, 2001)


◾️Quo vadis, Ukraine? A conversation with John J. Mearsheimer (EN) 2023/05/27

ミアシャイマー)リアリストは国際政治において最も重要な要素は力だと考えます。国家がどれほど強いかが重要なのです。国家を守ってくれる国家以上の権威的組織がない国際社会では、国家は可能な限り強くなろうとします。弱いと他の国家に利用されてしまうからです。そこで勢力均衡が重要になります。リアリストにとっては、国家が民主主義国か独裁主義国か共産主義国かは重要ではありません[the balance of power matters greatly and realists believe that whether a state is a democracy or an autocracy or a fascist state or a communist state it doesn't matter]。国際社会に国家を超える権威的組織がない以上、各国は力を追い求め最も強い国になるしかないのです。これがリアリズムの基本的な考え方です。

ここで指摘しておきたいのが、西側諸国、特にアメリカと西ヨーロッパでは、リアリズムの考え方は非常に嫌われるということです。民主主義国の振る舞いは権威主義国と同じだというのがリアリズムの主張だからです。西側の「リベラルな」人たちは、"民主主義国は高貴な振る舞いをするが権威主義国はそうじゃない " と思いたがります。西側諸国の大半の人はこう考えるのです、"この世には良い国と悪い国がある"、"良い国とは民主主義国だ"と。リアリストにとっては良い国も悪い国もありません。国際社会の構造的理由により、全ての国が同じように行動するしかないのです。その構造的理由というのは特に国家を超える権威的組織が存在しないことです。

◾️ミアシャイマー『大いなる妄想』JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER, The Great Delusion, 2018

国際政治を学ぶほとんどの人は、リアリズムを競争や対立と結び付けている。もちろん、これがリアリズムが自由主義社会で非常に不評な理由の 1 つである。リアリストは戦争を勢力均衡を維持または有利な方向へ転換するために使用できる正当な国家運営の手段と見なしているため、リアリズムは嫌われている。さらに、リアルポリティックスの支持者は、国家間の協力の可能性を軽視している。なぜなら、自国を保護する上位の権威のない世界で活動する以上、自国の安全保障は自国でまかなわなければならないと考えるからである。 生存の可能性を最大限にするためには、国家は権力をめぐって競争するしかなく、それは冷酷で血なまぐさいビジネスとなりうる。 リアリズムは未来に希望を抱かせるものではない。 とはいえ、リアリストは一般的にリベラルよりも戦争を好まない。リベラルは、戦争が国家運営の正当な手段であるという議論を否定する一方で、国際平和を促進するために武力を行使する傾向が強い。

Most students of international politics associate realism with rivalry and conflict. This, of course, is one reason realism is so unpopular in liberal societies. It is also disliked because realists consider war a legitimate tool of statecraft that can be employed to either maintain the balance of power or shift it in an advantageous way. Advocates of realpolitik downplay the prospects for cooperation among states, moreover, because they think countries have to provide for their own security, given that they operate in a world with no higher authority to protect them. To maximize their survival prospects, those states have little choice but to compete for power, which can be a ruthless and bloody business. Realism does not inspire a hopeful outlook for the future. Nevertheless, realists are generally less warlike than liberals, who have a strong inclination to use force to promote international peace, even while they dismiss the argument that war is a legitimate instrument of statecraft.











John [Mearsheimer] said it exactly right, and he predicted it better than anyone in the world. In 2001, he said when China becomes large, we’re going to have conflict because that’s John’s theory. And it’s right as a description of American foreign policy: we are for power, they are big, therefore they’re an enemy. They're an enemy of our aspiration to global hegemony.

(John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024 2024/09/16)


最後に、トマス・ホッブス Thomas Hobbesーー《人間は人間にとって狼[Homo homini Lupus. ]》(『市民論 (De cive)』)で名高いが、実際はローマの喜劇作家プラウトゥスの『ろば物語』に出てくる言葉ーーの政治的リアリズムの原点にあるだろう文を掲げておこう。

わたしは第一に、全人類の一般的性向として、次から次へと力を求め、死によってのみ消滅する、やむことなく、また休止することのない欲望をあげる[in the first place, I put for a general inclination of all mankind a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. ](ホッブス『リヴァイアサン』第1部第11章)

人びとは、すべての人を威圧しておく共通の力をもたずに生活しているあいだは、かれは戦争と呼ばれる状態にあるのであり、そして、かかる戦争は、万人の万人に対する戦争なのである[during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man. ](ホッブス『リヴァイアサン』第1部第13章)



なお核戦争に関してジェフリー・サックスが言及しているアニー・ジェイコブセン(Annie Jacobsen)の動画が出回っているのでここに貼り付けておこう。
