

私は間違っていた[I was wrong]ーースコット・リッター(Scott Ritter)、2022/06/9


昨日、スコット・リッター(Scott Ritter)は、この3ヶ月を振り返るかなり長い記事を投稿している。






ロシア軍について論評している多くの元「特殊部隊」タイプの有象無象[the multitudes of former “special forces” types …who were opining about the Russian military]は、…大規模な地上戦や機動戦について何も知らない[knew nothing about large-scale ground combat or maneuver warfare,]。〔・・・〕

それなのに、自分たちが何も知らない話題について、自分の意見を述べている[yet, here they were, providing their two-cents worth of insight on a topic they knew nothing about.]

NSA(米国家安全保障局)の "情報 "は、アメリカの情報コミュニティが発表した他のいわゆる "情報 "と同じカテゴリーに属する-ゴミのようなものだと考える他ない[One can only assume that the NSA “intelligence” fell into the same category as the other so-called “intelligence” released by the US intelligence community―garbage.]




By the end of the first week of Russia’s “special military operation”, it was clear my overly optimistic opinions regarding the pace of the Russian invasion of Ukraine were destined for the trash bin. It didn’t matter that I had predicated my predictions on Russia coming at Ukraine using the totality of the lethality contained in the forces it had assembled, employed in a manner conforming to established Russian doctrine, only to discover that Russia had undertaken a completely different approach toward the conflict, seeking to minimize casualties among Ukrainian civilians and military alike, as well as avoid unnecessary damage to civilian infrastructure.



While Russia transitioned into Phase Two of its “special military operation”, Ukraine’s allies did some transitioning of their own, increasing by an order of magnitude the scope and quality of the military assistance being provided to the Ukrainian armed forces. While the Russian army surrounded and pounded into submission the last desperate, fanatical defenders of Mariupol, Ukraine began to dispatch hundreds of its troops to military bases in Poland, Germany, France, and elsewhere, where they were trained on the operations and maintenance of new types of military equipment, including modern long-range howitzers, such as the American-made M777A2 and the French self-propelled “Ceasar”, both 155mm systems capable of delivery ordnance with extreme accuracy up to distances of 40 kilometers.


At first, I wasn’t too concerned about this influx of new equipment, categorizing it as “too little, too late” when it came to altering the situation on the ground in Ukraine. Then two things changed that caused me to alter my assessment.



The notion of time―i.e., the “too late” part of my analytical starting point―was changing. I believed that Phase Two would unroll more quickly than it ended up. I based my assessment on my understanding of Russian military doctrine and assumed that Russia would use its overwhelming firepower to blast holes in the Ukrainian defenses which would then be exploited by a mass of armor. Indeed, tow of the military formations that had been redeployed from the vicinity of Kiev to the Izium front (i.e., northern Donbas) were the 1st Guards tank Army and the 20th Combined Arms Army, both Cold War-era organizations that had been disbanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union, only to be resurrected in 2016 when Russia realized it needed units capable of waging large-scale ground combat operations to stand up to NATO’s incessant eastward march. These units were task organized to conduct the kind of deep penetrating attacks on an enemy position, and I fully anticipated that they would do so now.

I was wrong.


First, I was late to the game in recognizing just how significant the Ukrainian defensive positions in eastern Ukraine were. The Ukrainian military had eight years to dig themselves in along the Donbas front line, and they took full advantage of that time to construct hardened defensive belts in significant depth. Second, Russia wasn’t in the business of sacrificing men and material needlessly. There was, from the perspective of the Russian high command, no reason to artificially impose time-based objectives. Instead, the Russians got down to the dirty business of destroying Ukrainian defensive positions piecemeal, using massed artillery fires which were followed up by close-in assault using tank-supported infantry backed by close air support. The Russian goal was to maximize the Ukrainian casualty rate while keeping Russian losses to a minimum.


While the Russians were able to maintain a slow, steady, rate of advance all along the Donbas front, inflicting significant losses on the Ukrainian military, the slow pace served to buy time for the Ukrainian military to absorb the new military aid being provided by the US and its NATO and European allies. When it became clear that not only were Ukrainian forces being trained for periods lasting several weeks on advanced artillery systems, but that these systems were making it to the frontline in eastern Ukraine, where their fires were resulting in the death of Russian soldiers and destruction of Russian equipment, alarms started sounding in my head. I gave voice to these concerns on May 14, during a conversation with former CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Talk Show host Garland Nixon.





“I had been operating on the assumption,” I said, “that Russia would be able to interdict the vast majority of this equipment, but Russia has shown itself unable or unwilling to do this and―as a result―the Ukrainians are having meaningful impact on the battlefield.”

I continued: :This is a transformative moment in the war because what it means is that demilitarization is not taking place. For all the forces Russia is destroying in the east, Ukraine is rebuilding significant capability (in the west).

"I believe Russia is going to win in the east, they are grinding them down as we speak, they are slaughtering them; the amount of death and destruction that is being dealt to the Ukrainians is unimaginable, but I believe the Ukrainians are willing to take these losses in order to buy time to reconstitute a military that will challenge Russia.

"The military aid the west is providing to Ukraine is changing the dynamic and if Russia doesn’t find a way to address this meaningfully…the conflict will never end."


「なりうるはない 」と私は答えた。「ゲームチェンジャーである 。だからといって、ウクライナがゲームに勝てるわけではない。しかし、ロシアは限られた兵力で、この限られた兵力で達成するための目的を明確に示して、特別軍事作戦を開始した」。


I followed up the discussion with Mssrs. McGovern and Nixon with a written interview I gave to Sputnik, a Russian online journal. “On 21 May,” Sputnik asked, “Biden signed a $40 billion military aid package to Ukraine. Could the provision of new weapons become a game-changer for Kiev?”

“It's not could,” I responded, “it is a game changer. That doesn't mean that Ukraine wins the game. But Russia started the special military operation with a limited number of troops and with clearly stated objectives that were designed to be achieved with this limited number of troops.

"Today, Russia still has the same number of troops and the same objectives. But instead of going up against the Ukrainian military as it existed at the start of the conflict, it's now going up against a Ukrainian military that is supported by a weapons package that by itself nearly matches the defense budget for Russia in all of one year."


I went on to state that “The United States and NATO are also providing real time intelligence support to the Ukrainians. That's a game changer. And NATO's countries have now provided Ukraine with strategic depth going back through Poland and Germany, where bases are being used to train Ukrainian forces on the new weapons that are being provided.”

そう、私は間違っていた[I was wrong.]ーーこのように言いうる「誠実さ」を人はみな持って欲しいものである。日本の軍事評論家や国際政治学者たちにはいまだ微塵もこの態度がないように見受けられるが。




Russia deserves great credit for its many, impressive battlefield accomplishments. There is no doubt that Russia is winning the fight and will prevail in the accomplishment of its Phase Two objective of liberating the Donbas.

There is likewise no doubt that Ukraine is, and will continue to be, suffering significant battlefield losses which, if not replaced, will prove untenable.


Here’s the rub—thanks to the support provided by the US and NATO, Ukraine is, as of this moment, successfully reconstituting many of the losses it is suffering on the frontlines. Its not just the 20 battalions—20 battalions!—worth of artillery that NATO has trained and equipped, but also several brigade’s worth of armor and mechanized infantry. This means that when Russia is finished with liberating the Donbas, there will still be plenty of fighting left to do—fighting that would not have been necessitated except for the US-NATO provision of equipment and training to the Ukrainian military.


This is the literal definition of “game changer”. It doesn’t mean Russia will lose its fight against Ukraine—far from it. It does mean that the nature of the military operation has become far more complex than when the “special military operation” began back on February 24.


I’m all for a healthy debate on issues as complex as the one that exists in Ukraine today. People should listen to as many different perspectives as possible. I encourage everyone to read the writings and analysis provided by Larry Johnson and Andrei Martyanov. But I would likewise point out that, when discussing matters that pertain to artillery and combat intelligence, you might also want to pay heed to an old artilleryman with real-world experience in building intelligence collection plans designed to acquire hostile targets for destruction during wartime and respect the fact that when I conclude that something is more than likely a “game changer”, it probably is.