





このドミトリー・トゥレーニン(Dmitry Trenin)は、ロシアで大議論を引き起こしているらしい核抑止論争の火付け役・セルゲイ・カラガノフ(Sergey Karaganov)ーー外交防衛政策評議会(the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy)会長ーーを支持する人物で、世界経済国際関係研究所主任研究員、ロシア国際問題評議会(RIAC)委員だそうだ。


ドミトリー・トゥレーニン 2024年6月10日

Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3 , RT 10 Jun, 2024




Non-nuclear weapons certainly influence nuclear deterrence policy. This is a fact.

The US has built up a huge arsenal of non-nuclear methods to achieve its goals. Not only has it not dismantled its military alliances, it has expanded them and created new networks. In the current environment, Washington is demanding more and more real commitments from those allies - in the name of preserving the US-led global system. Fifty states take part in meetings to organise military aid to Kiev under the ‘Ramstein’ format. The result is the idea that it is possible to defeat a nuclear power, but on condition that it does not require resorting to nuclear weapons.


The only thing left to do is to convince a nuclear power not to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances and to allow itself to be defeated - in the name of saving the whole of humanity, and so on. This is an extremely dangerous illusion that can and must be dispelled by an active nuclear deterrence strategy, including the lowering of the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, which is currently too high. 


The key condition for use should not be a ‘threat to the existence of the state’ but a ‘threat to the vital interests of the country’!

Вместо "угрозы самому существованию государства" в качестве одного из условий применения ядерного оружия стоило бы записать "угрозу жизненно важным интересам страны"!

※ロシア語原文は、2024年6月2日に発表されている、▶︎インターファックス通信 Interfax, 2 июня 2024

なお核ドクトリン変更論争の大元らしいセルゲイ・カラガノフには、「核兵器を使用することで、ロシアは人類を世界規模の大惨事から救うことができる」などと名付けられた論文もある、▶︎Sergey Karaganov: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe, 14 Jun, 2023





ジョン・J・ミアシャイマー 2023年6月24日

The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed








The absence of a viable peace agreement will have a variety of terrible consequences. Relations between Russia and the West, for example, are likely to remain profoundly hostile and dangerous for the foreseeable future. Each side will continue demonizing the other while working hard to maximize the amount of pain and trouble it causes its rival. This situation will certainly prevail if the fighting continues; but even if the war turns into a frozen conflict, the level of hostility between the two sides is unlikely to change much.

Moscow will seek to exploit existing fissures between European countries, while also working to weaken the trans-Atlantic relationship as well as key European institutions like the EU and NATO. Given the damage the war has done to Europe’s economy and continues to do, given the growing disenchantment in Europe with the prospect of a never-ending war in Ukraine, and given the differences between Europe and the United States regarding trade with China, Russian leaders should find fertile ground for causing trouble in the West.

This meddling will naturally reinforce Russophobia in Europe and the United States, making a bad situation worse.

The West, for its part, will maintain sanctions on Moscow and keep economic intercourse between the two sides to a minimum, all for the purpose of harming Russia’s economy. Moreover, it will surely work with Ukraine to help generate insurgencies in the territories Russia took from Ukraine. At the same time, the United States and its allies will continue pursuing a hard-nosed containment policy toward Russia, which many believe will be enhanced by Finland and Sweden joining NATO and the deployment of significant NATO forces in eastern Europe.

Of course, the West will remain committed to bringing Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, even if that is unlikely to happen. Finally, U.S. and European elites are sure to retain their enthusiasm for fostering regime change in Moscow and putting Putin on trial for Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

Not only will relations between Russia and the West remain poisonous moving forward, but they will also be dangerous, as there will be the ever-present possibility of nuclear escalation or a great-power war between Russia and the United States.
