




Megatron@Megatron_ron 2024年8月14日


ロシアのクルスク地域には現在、NATOの兵器、軍隊、兵站などが満載されている。  この地域で破壊されたり捕獲された数十台のNATO車両や防空システムなどからビデオ映像が得られる。  





Megatron@Megatron_ron Aug 14, 2024

A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World War III.  

The Kursk region of Russia is currently full of NATO weapons, troops, logistics, etc.  

Video footage comes out of dozens of NATO vehicles, air defense systems and so on, destroyed or captured in this region.  

Putin still refuses to declare war despite the fact that Russia has been invaded and its people killed.  

Airports across Russia have been constantly bombed for several weeks.  

Despite the fact that the Russian army is constantly advancing in the Donbass, on its territory it receives heavy and painful blows from NATO weapons, NATO communication, NATO logistics and NATO command.   

Over 35 countries are investing everything they have in these strikes against Russia.  

西側諸国は「外国傭兵」と呼びたがるが、NATO兵士はウクライナへの流入を続けている。  クルスクは彼らでいっぱいだ。


多くの人は今でも、ロシアがウクライナと何らかの小規模な軍事衝突をしているのではないかという幻想を抱いている。  だが世界は現在、1943 年よりもはるかに危険な道を歩んでいる。





NATO soldiers continue to pour into Ukraine, whom the West likes to call "foreign mercenaries".  Kursk is full of them.  

About 80 years later, German tanks are again rolling through the Kursk region, where the decisive battle took place.  

Many people are still under some illusion that Russia is in some kind of small military conflict with Ukraine.  The world is currently on a far more dangerous path than 1943.

The more Russia advances in Donbass, the more it will receive painful blows from NATO.

NATO is in the process of creating brigades in Eastern Europe, which will aim to confront Russia.  

It is not for nothing that they are in the process of creation and that they will remain so, watching how Russia progresses.  

They will be sent in the war and there is a high probability that they will invade Belarus.  




The main problem is that fulfilling the number of these brigades is very difficult, because the young population in Europe is not at all in the mood to die for the warmongers in Washington who are currently rubbing their hands while filling themselves with money.

However, Putin's plan that NATO is not ready to go all out and that Ukraine will end quickly as a special military operation turned out to be very, very wrong.

All of Russia's red lines are currently being crossed despite Putin trying not to escalate the situation.

ふた月ほど前、ペペ・エスコバルの「西側諸国はロシアを熱い戦争に駆り立てることに躍起になっている」The West Is Hell-Bent On Provoking Russia Into Hot War by Pepe Escobar(JUN 01, 2024)を掲げたが、もはや集団的西側は止まらないよ、世界大戦エスカレートの道へとまっしぐらだ。



◾️Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Can Diplomacy Bring Middle East Peace?

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom 2024/08/14



Jeffrey Sachs lays it bare: this is not a proxy war between Ukraine & Russia; it's a direct conflict between the US and Russia. The arming, funding, and strategic management of Ukraine’s military efforts are orchestrated by the U.S. Nothing happens on the Ukrainian front without American approval and guidance. This isn't just a conflict on the fringes of Europe—this is a full-scale war, waged by Washington against Moscow.