




◾️スコット・リッター、 於スプートニク・インタビュー 2024年8月31日



ロシア外相セルゲイ・ラブロフは、ロシアとNATOの紛争はヨーロッパに限定されると信じ込むアメリカに警告した。ラブロフは、NATOがロシアを攻撃しているとロシアが解釈できるような活動をウクライナに促すことで、紛争はヨーロッパだけにとどまらず、ロシアがアメリカを攻撃することになるだろうと述べた。 実際、ラブロフが示唆したように、ロシアは現在の状況を考慮して、核態勢と核ドクトリンを再考している。


なぜか? 米国とNATOは現在のウクライナの状況について正直に語ろうとしないからだ。 ウクライナはこの戦争に負けた。 この戦争に勝つことはできない。 ウクライナがウクライナに有利になるような行動を取っても、その目的は達成されない。 ロシアを挑発し、この紛争を拡大させ、そのツケを払うのはウクライナだけでなく、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、そして世界中の国々なのだ。

願わくば、ウクライナのアンドリー・イェルマーク国防相がアメリカに迎えられたとき、ロシア奥深くを攻撃するための長距離兵器の使用に関する勧告が却下されることを期待したい。 米国がこのエスカレーションを容認すれば、結果はひとつ、全面核戦争しかない。

Scott Ritter Sputnik interview Aug 31, 2024

If Ukraine were to strike Russia using American-provided long-range weaponry, the war could end very soon, but not the way Zelensky and maybe his American partners would think. Such an attack might be interpreted by Russia as a direct attack by the United States, by NATO, on Russian territory, an attack that could be seen as a precursor to a larger military incursion, which would be designed to achieve the stated objectives of the United States regarding the Ukrainian conflict, the strategic defeat of Russia.

Russia has made it clear that as a nuclear power, it not only will not, but cannot be defeated strategically - because if such a possibility manifested itself, Russia would be required to use its nuclear arsenal to ensure that outcome would never, never occur. This means general nuclear war.

Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia has cautioned the United States into believing that a conflict between Russia and NATO would be limited to Europe. Lavrov said that by encouraging Ukraine to engage in activities that can be interpreted, rightfully so, by Russia as NATO attacking Russia, the conflict that will emerge will not be limited to just Europe, that Russia will strike the United States. Indeed, as Lavrov suggested, Russia is rethinking its nuclear posture and nuclear doctrine as we speak, to take into account the current circumstances.

This is a very dangerous escalation, one that could rapidly create the conditions conducive for not limited nuclear conflict, but a general nuclear war, a global-ending global disaster, the destruction of the United States, the destruction of Russia, the destruction of Europe, the destruction of the world. 

Why? Because the US and NATO will not be honest about the state of affairs in Ukraine today. Ukraine has lost this war. This war cannot be won. And any actions by Ukraine designed to tip the scales in favor of Ukraine will not achieve that end. All it will do is provoke Russia into enlarging this conflict so that it's not just Ukraine that pays the price, but Europe, the United States, and the rest of the world.

Hopefully, the Ukrainian Defense Minister Andrei Yermak will be received by the US, and have their recommendations regarding using long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russia rejected. Because there's only one outcome if the US greenlights this escalation, and that is total nuclear war.