



ははあ、この「イスラエルとウクライナは同じアジェンダで動いている」というのは、クレムリンの英訳では、次の箇所だな、《この点で興味深い類似点が見受けられる。 ゼレンスキー大統領(同じくアメリカに完全にコントロールされている)も、同じような方向に向かっている。 An interesting parallel can be drawn in this regard. President Zelensky (who is likewise fully controlled by the United States) is drawn toward something along the same lines. 》ーー露原文Вижу интересную параллель. В.А.Зеленский (тоже как полностью контролируемый Соединенными Штатами) хочет примерно того же.

◾️Interview with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for Bridges to the East documentary, Moscow, August 31, 2024

質問 :これまでのところ、中東情勢は多かれ少なかれ均衡を保っています。 現在進行中の事態の進展とエスカレートが、近隣諸国を巻き込んだイランとイスラエルの全面戦争に雪だるま式に発展する可能性は?

セルゲイ・ラブロフ:このような展開を望んでいるのはイスラエルだけだという印象を持たざるを得ない。 かなり強硬な政策をとっているイスラエル政府は、ハマス、ヒズボラ、シリアやイラクの親イラン派、そしてご指摘のようにイラン自身との間で抱えているあらゆる問題を一挙に解決するために、この状況を利用したいという事実を隠していないようだ。

イランは、挑発に乗ったり、大規模な敵対行為に巻き込まれたりすることをまったく望んでいない。 イランは挑発に直面している。 ハマスの政治指導者イスマイル・ハニェが新大統領就任式の最中にテヘランで暗殺されたのは、間違いなく挑発行為だ。 イランは対応しないことを選択したが、領土保全と主権が侵害されたため、対応する権利を留保していることを明らかにした。 これはイラン政府のゲストに対する計画的な暗殺であった。 テヘランが対応する権利を留保していると述べたとき、アメリカはイランに、おそらく対応すべきではないと伝えようとした。 マクロン大統領をはじめとするEUの要人までもが、イランを促していると言い始めた......。 彼らはすべてをひっくり返した。 イスラエルはもはや冷静になって政治的暗殺をやめる必要はない。その代わりに、イランはこれを呑み込み、軽率な決断を迫られるかもしれないさらなる挑発行為に備えることが期待されている。

この点で興味深い類似点が見受けられる。 ゼレンスキー大統領(同じくアメリカに完全にコントロールされている)も、同じような方向に向かっている。 唯一の違いは、ウクライナを利用して大きな戦争を引き起こし、自分が身を引いてアメリカや他のNATO加盟国に自分のために戦ってもらおうと努力していることだ。 これは、中東や私たちの隣にある領土で大きな戦争を起こそうとしている試みをかなり彷彿とさせる。 現在、クルスク地方の一部は、NATOから供給された武器で武装したゼレンスキーのナチス政権によって支配されている。

Question: So far, the situation in the Middle East has remained more or less balanced. What is the likelihood of the ongoing developments and escalation snowballing into a full-on war between Iran and Israel that would involve neighbouring countries?

Sergey Lavrov: One can't help getting an impression that Israel is the only party willing the developments to take this turn. It appears that the Israeli government which is pursuing quite tough policies is not really hiding the fact that it wants to leverage this situation in order to solve once and for all every problem it has with Hamas, Hezbollah, pro-Iranian groups in Syria and Iraq, and Iran itself as you pointed out.

Iran is outright unwilling to fall for a provocation or to get embroiled into any kind of large-scale hostilities. Iran is facing provocations. The assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran during the inauguration ceremony of the new president is, without a doubt, a provocation. Iran chose not to respond, but made it clear that it reserves the right to do so because its territorial integrity and sovereignty had been violated. It was a premeditated assassination of an Iranian government guest. When Tehran stated it reserved the right to respond, the Americans tried to tell Iran that is probably shouldn't. Even President Macron and other EU figures started saying they were urging Iran... They've turned everything upside down. It's no longer Israel that needs to be calmed down and to stop committing political assassinations; instead, Iran is expected to swallow this and to gear up for more provocations that might push it to make rash decisions, while it is supposed to keep quiet about everything and just acquiesce to it.

An interesting parallel can be drawn in this regard. President Zelensky (who is likewise fully controlled by the United States) is drawn toward something along the same lines. The only difference is that he is striving to use Ukraine to spark a big war so that he can step aside and have the Americans and other NATO members fight for him. It's fairly reminiscent of the attempts to start a major war in the Middle East and the territories that lie next to us. Currently, a portion of the Kursk Region is controlled by Zelensky's Nazi regime armed with the weapons supplied by NATO.

これはマイケル・ハドソンが、《ネタニヤフはウクライナにおけるゼレンスキーのイスラエル版だ。Netanyahu is the Israeli version of Zelensky in the Ukraine.》とか、《イスラエルは近東におけるアメリカのウクライナだ。Israel is America’s Ukraine in the Near East. 》とかの表現でずっと言ってきたことそのままだな、たいして注目されていないが。

◾️マイケル・ハドソン「多極化:中国、ロシア、イスラエル、インド、そして困難な新世界の誕生」Multipolarity: China, Russia, Israel, India, and the difficult birth of a new world By Michael Hudson, October 20, 2023 


The Biden administration is not backing Israel. It’s backing the Netanyahu administration, while the majority of Israelis want to put him in jail through the Supreme Court.

America says it’s a friend of Ukraine, but it’s not a friend of Ukraine. It overthrew the Ukrainian government in a coup. It’s a friend of the Nazis in Ukraine.


Israel as a Landed Aircraft Carrier By Michael Hudson, November 13, 2023 




Netanyahu is the Israeli version of Zelensky in the Ukraine.

And the advantage of having such an unpleasant, opportunist, and corrupt person as Netanyahu, who is under indictment for his bribery and corruption, is precisely that all of the attention now of the whole world that is so appalled by the attacks going on in Gaza, they’re not blaming the United States.

They’re blaming Israel. They’re blaming Netanyahu and Israel for it, when it’s the United States that has been sending plane load after plane load of bombs, of guns. There are 22,000 machine guns, automatic guns, that are banned for sale in the United States that America is sending for the settlers to use on the West Bank.

◾️マイケル・ハドソン「クレジット経済プランナー 」

Credit the Economic Planner By Michael Hudson, January 18, 2024


Israel is America’s Ukraine in the Near East. It’s the United States that is pushing Israel to goad first Lebanon and then Iran into doing something that will justify a huge American attack, trying to do to Iran what Hillary Clinton did to Libya, utterly destroying it and destroying the population.


Gaza: The Strategic Imperative By Michael Hudson, April 14, 2024



For the United States, what they wanted was the oil reserves in the Middle East. And again and again, I heard the phrase, ‘you’re our landed aircraft carrier in Israel’. Uzi Arad, the future Mossad head, would be very uncomfortable at this because he wanted Israel to be run by the Israelis. But they realized that for Israel to get by with the money that it needed for its balance of payments, it had to be in a partnership with the United States.

So, what you’re seeing today isn’t simply the work of one man, of Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s the work of the team that President Biden has put together. It’s the team of Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor Blinken, and the whole deep state, the whole neocon group behind them, Victoria Nuland, and everyone. They’re all self-proclaimed Zionists. And they’ve gone over this plan for essentially America’s domination of the Near East for decade after decade.