




Scott Ritter : US to Attack Russia, in an interview with Judge Napolitano for Judging Freedom, September 11, 2024.


ロシアの仕事は少し難しくなるだろうか? そうだ。

プーチンとその政府にとって政治的に恥ずべきことだろうか? そうだ。









I just want to remind everyone that Russia is playing a big-picture strategic game.

Nothing that happens in terms of the unleashing of these new weapons against targets will change the outcome on the battlefield. That’s the reality.

Will it make Russia’s job a little bit more difficult? Yes.

Will it be politically embarrassing for Putin and his government? Yes.

But right now, Putin is focused on Kazan.

That's the city in Tatarstan which will host the BRICS Summit near the end of October.

This is where the strategic defeat of the United States, Great Britain, Europe, and NATO takes place.

The expansion of BRICS could include the possibility of Turkey. We know Azerbaijan wants to become a member. Malaysia, Venezuela, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates are already joining.

We are looking at the world redefining itself in a way that signals the defeat of the rules-based international order. And that, of course, is what the Biden Administration has been saying defines America's role in the world. The preeminent task of the Biden Administration is to defend and preserve the rules-based international order.

It's ready to get down and be defeated in October if this summit goes forward. One way to help the summit not go forward is for Russia to overreact to the provocations that are taking place.

This could mean doing something that fundamentally changes the geopolitical reality in terms of the world's impression of Russia.

Right now, Russia is seen as a responsible nation by the bulk of the world.

But if Russia overreacts, takes the fight to NATO, as it would be justified to do so, and expands the conflict, many people around the world, including China and India, may take a step back and say, 'Whoa, wait a minute.'

Russia doesn't need that.

They've worked too long and too hard to make Kazan a success, and it's going to be a success. Vladimir Putin is going to make sure it's a success.

I think that's another reason why Blinken is in Kiev because I think he has been advised by people that should know that Putin probably won't overreact to this escalation.

And so, for political purposes, let's get it done so that we can say during an election period, 'We did everything we could to help Ukraine defend itself.'"







the answer by Russian President Vladimir Putin to a question about the prospect of using Western long-range weapons to strike Russia, September 12, 2024.

Source: t.me Kremlin_Russian

Официальный канал информационного портала Kremlin_Russian По вопросам сотрудничества —

Sep 13, 2024




これは、ウクライナが持っていない衛星データを使用することでのみ可能です ― これは欧州連合またはアメリカ、すなわちNATOの衛星からのデータだけです。これが第一点です。

第二点、そして非常に重要でおそらく決定的なのは、これらのミサイルシステムに対する飛行任務は、実際にはNATO諸国の軍人によってのみ実行され得るということです。ウクライナ軍人にはそれができません。したがって、ウクライナ政権にこれらの兵器でロシアを攻撃することを許可するかどうかの問題ではありません。問題は、NATO諸国が軍事紛争に直接関与するかどうかを決定することです。 この決定が下されれば、それはすなわちNATO諸国、米国、そして欧州諸国がウクライナ戦争に直接参加していることを意味します。これは彼らの直接的な関与です。そしてこれは当然、この紛争の本質、その性質を大きく変えることになります。


"There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about allowing or prohibiting the Kiev regime to strike at Russian territory. It is already striking with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles and other means.

But when it comes to using high–precision long-range Western-made weapons, it's a completely different story. The fact is that, as I have already said, and any experts will confirm this (both here and in the West), the Ukrainian army is not able to strike with modern high-precision long-range systems of Western production. It can't do that. This is possible only with the use of satellite data, which Ukraine does not have — this is data only from satellites of either the European Union or the United States, in general, from NATO satellites. This is the first one.

The second, and very important, perhaps key, is that flight missions to these missile systems can, in fact, only be carried out by military personnel of NATO countries. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this. And therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not to allow it. It's about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not.

If this decision is made, it will mean nothing more than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, and European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct involvement. And this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict. This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created to us."


ーーこれは一年ほど前のFuture of Life Instituteによるシュミレーションのようだ➡︎YouTube:How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you personally? 

他方、 BRICS首脳会議が成功したら、G7はもはや負け犬の集りにすぎなくなり、事実上お終いだろうからな。


Vladimir Putin answered questions from Dmitry Kiselev.March 13, 2024 The Kremlin, Moscow


The point is that this so-called "golden billion" has been practically parasitising on other peoples for centuries, 500 years.(…) They've spent centuries filling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must realise that the vampire ball is ending.

Она заключается в том, что этот так называемый золотой миллиард на протяжении веков, 500 лет, практически паразитировал на других народах.(…) Они привыкли столетиями набивать брюхо человеческой плотью, а карманы - деньгами. Но они должны понять, что бал вампиров заканчивается

◾️ラブロフ:於国際フォーラム「プリマコフ読書会」 2023年11月27日、

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the Primakov Readings International Forum, Moscow, November 27 2023

私たちは西側諸国の新植民地主義的本能を目の当たりにしている。 500年以上にわたってそうしてきたように、他者を犠牲にして生き続けたいという願望である。 この時代が終わろうとしていることは誰の目にも明らかだ。 彼らはそれを自覚している。

We are witnessing neo-colonial instincts in the West. There is a desire to continue living at the expense of others, as they have been doing for over 500 years. It is clear to everyone that this epoch is coming to an end. They are aware of that.




