


Sky News reporter @markaustintvによるムハンマド・マランディへのインタビュー動画が繰り返しリツイートされ出回っているが、今度はマランディ自身の再投稿である。


私はマランディのツイートを何度も掲げてきたがーー例えば、➡︎なまぬるい日本のキミたちへのおすすめ:セイド・モハマド・マランディSeyed Mohammad Marandi」ーー、彼は実に「熱い」んだよ。



これもしばしば利用させてもらっているが、Sony Thang氏による抜粋文字起こしを掲げておこう。

Sony Thang@nxt888 Oct 2, 2024

Excerpt from remarks by Professor Mohammad Marandi, Iranian-American academic and political analyst, in an interview with Sky News, October 2, 2024.


[イランはイスラエルへの攻撃で何を達成したのか? ミサイルはほとんど通過しなかった。 事実上、失敗に終わった。 多くの人がイランへの屈辱だと言っている。]


この紛争の歴史は昨年までさかのぼるものではない。 民族至上主義、民族浄化の76年間であり、これはあなたが支持する人種差別政権だ。




[What has Iran achieved by this attack on Israel? Very few of the missiles got through. It, in effect, failed. Many people are calling it a humiliation for Iran.]

"I think that's a lot of wishful thinking on behalf of you and your colleagues at Sky News.

It was a massive blow to the Israeli regime.

And the history of this conflict doesn't go back to last year. It is 76 years of ethno-supremacism, ethnic cleansing, and this is a racist regime that you support.

What the problem is, is that you cannot recognise that the difference between you and us is that you support racism and racial hierarchy, and we reject it.

And the Israeli regime, if they dare strike back at Iran, we will hit them much harder next time. We will beat them into submission."

[まあ、反撃してくるでしょう? 弾道ミサイルを180発も撃ち込まれて我慢できる主権国家はない。 だから反撃するだろう。 激しく反撃するだろう。 核施設や石油生産施設を攻撃する可能性もある。 イランに深刻な損害を与えるだろう]




だから、このイスラエルなるちっぽけな政権は国家ではない。 植民地なのだ。






彼らは逃げ切ったふりをすることができるが、我々は昨夜、彼らを激しく攻撃した。 我々は彼らの基地を攻撃した。

常に虐殺とジェノサイドを行い、ガザでホロコーストを行っているイスラエル政権とは異なり、我々は彼らの軍事目標を攻撃した。 あなたたちとは違う」。

[Well, they will strike back, won't they? No sovereign country can put up with having 180 ballistic missiles fired at them. So they will hit back. They will hit hard. And they could well hit your nuclear facilities, your oil production installations. They could cause Iran serious damage.]

"Listen, instead of the rhetoric, be real, because you're misleading your own people.

Iran has countless underground missile sites with hundreds of thousands of missiles across the country.

They were made after the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with a potential war with the United States.

So this puny regime, it is not a state. It is a colony.

It is a racist, ethno-supremacist colony, which the people call themselves the 'chosen people'.

Unlike you, we do not believe in chosen people.

And the Palestinian people on that land who have been displaced and pushed into Gaza and who have been slaughtered regularly over 76 years, we will not stand for that.

All people in the whole of Palestine must be equal.

The Israeli regime, if they strike Iran, we will hit them much harder next time.

And they can pretend that they got away, but we hit them very hard last night. We have hit their bases.

And unlike the Israeli regime, which constantly carries out slaughter and genocide and is carrying out a holocaust in Gaza, we struck their military targets, because, unlike you, we actually care about human rights. Not you."

[イスラエルとイランの間で全面戦争が起きようとしている。 イランが負ける戦争になるかもしれません。 もしイランが戦争に負けた場合、現在のイラン政権は敗北に耐えられると思いますか? というのも、もしあなたの言うことが正しく、イランがさらに激しく反撃してくるようであれば、そこがすべての結末になる可能性があるからです」。]



これは氷山の一角だ。 イランが戦争に負けることはない。 イスラエル政権が負ける。









[Professor, let me just say that we're on the verge of an all-out war, or certainly a war between Israel and Iran. It could be a war that Iran loses. If Iran does lose that war, do you think that the current Iranian regime could survive a defeat? Because that is what, if what you say is right, and Iran is going to hit back even harder, that could be where this all ends up.]

"Iran will not hit back harder.

Iran will hit back much harder.

The head of the Iranian forces says Iran will destroy targets and destroy all of the Israeli regime's infrastructure.

This was the tip of the iceberg. Iran will lose no war. The Israeli regime will.

It is time for you and others to end your racism and to end your support for the superior race, and to accept that all people in Palestine have equal rights and the Palestinian people have a right of return.

Jews, Christians and Muslims are equal.

Unlike what you say, they are equal, and we will accept nothing less than that.

The regime must go, and all people must be treated equally.

There's no doubt that Israel will lose, but the only variable here is the United States.

If the United States gets involved, have no doubt, the U.S. will be swept out of Iraq by the Iraqi resistance, and all its assets in the Persian Gulf will be destroyed.

All the regimes that the U.S. bases will be destroyed.

And the oil and gas markets will cause a situation where the global economy will collapse and millions of people will be on the move.

So be careful about making stupid mistakes, and the West should stop with its arrogance and get real for once."



