




ジャック・ボー  2022310




Le 17 février, le président Joe Biden annonce que la Russie va attaquer l’Ukraine dans les prochains jours. Comment le sait-il ? Mystère… Mais depuis le 16, le pilonnage d’artillerie sur les populations du Donbass augmente de manière dramatique, comme le montrent les rapports journaliers des observateurs de l’OSCE. Naturellement, ni les médias, ni l’Union européenne, ni l’OTAN, ni aucun gouvernement occidental ne réagit et n’intervient. On dira plus tard, qu’il s’agit de désinformation russe. En fait, il semble que l’Union européenne et certains pays ont à dessein passé sous silence le massacre des populations du Donbass, sachant que cela provoquerait une intervention russe.




OSCE Reports Reveal Ukraine Started Shelling The Donbas Nine Days Before Russia's 'Special Military Operation'

KanekoaTheGreat  Jun 18 2022








American history is replete with examples of politicians, the corporate media, and the military-industrial complex using lies, false pretenses, and propaganda to sell war to a public that would otherwise be hesitant to send their sons and daughters off to fight on foreign soil.

President Lyndon B. Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin to justify American military intervention in Vietnam.

President George H.W. Bush used a fabricated story of Iraqi soldiers ripping babies out of incubators to start the Gulf War.

President George W. Bush lied about “weapons of mass destruction”.

From “Remember the Maine”, to the sinking of the Lusitania, to Syrian gas attacks, the last century is filled with example after example of the United States government lying to its citizens in order to justify new wars.

In all of these examples, the corporate press acted as dutiful stenographers of the military-industrial complex hypnotizing the American people with lies, deception, and propaganda.

If the old adage is true that the first causality of war is the truth then it should follow that the first battle between Russia and Ukraine was also won with lies.

ウクライナ東部の武力紛争は、2014年にオバマ政権と米国議会議員がウクライナに新政権を設置した後、「民間CIA 」企業ストラトフォーの代表が「史上最も露骨なクーデター」と呼んだことから始まったことを覚えておく必要がある。



It is important to remember that the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine started in 2014 after the Obama administration and U.S. Congress members installed a new government in Ukraine, in what the head of the “private CIA” firm Stratfor called “the most blatant coup in history.”

In response to the U.S.-backed coup, the Luhansk and Donetsk regions in the Donbas held a referendum on seceding from Ukraine, in which 96% of Luhansk and 89% of Donetsk voted for the creation of two new self-described independent republics in eastern Ukraine.

Moscow said the vote reflected the "will of the people," but the European Union called the elections "illegal and illegitimate", which quickly turned violent and descended into an all-out conflict between the Ukrainian military and Russian-backed separatist forces of Luhansk and Donetsk.




Between 2014 and 2022 the War in Donbas killed an estimated 14,000 people, forcing millions of people to flee the region, and turning the conflict zone into one of the world’s most mine-contaminated areas.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has had observers on-the-ground monitoring the situation in Donbas since the outbreak of open conflict began in 2014.

The OSCE has been the only international civilian observer mission allowed to collect information from both sides of the contact line, and its data, while incomplete, remains the best available.






The OSCE observer mission provides maps in daily reports documenting the location of ceasefire violations and explosions along the contact line between the Ukrainian military and the Donbas republics.

These maps clearly show that Ukraine began artillery strikes against the Donbas republics on February 16th, 2022.

In other words, Ukraine began shelling the independent republics of Donetsk and Luhansk nine days before Russia announced its ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine.

While the western corporate media remained completely silent, explosions documented by the OSCE increased from 76 on February 15th, to 316 on February 16th, to 654 on February 17th, and to 1,413 on February 18th.

When you look carefully at the daily maps of these explosions, it is clear that the vast majority of explosions occurred on the Russian separatist side of the ceasefire line.











Feb 14: 174 ceasefire violations, 41 explosions

Feb 15: 153 ceasefire violations, 76 explosions

Feb 16: 509 ceasefire violations, 316 explosions

Feb 17: 870 ceasefire violations, 654 explosions

Feb 18: 1,566 ceasefire violations, 1,413 explosions

Feb 19-20: 3,231 ceasefire violations, 2,026 explosions

Feb 21: 1,927 ceasefire violations, 1,481 explosions

Feb 21: Russia recognizes independence of Donetsk and Luhansk

Feb 22: 1,710 ceasefire violations, 1,420 explosions

Feb 24: Russia launches ‘special military operation’







Jacques Baud, a former NATO intelligence analyst wrote about the OSCE reports, “On 17 February, President Joe Biden announced that Russia would attack Ukraine in the next few days. How did he know this? It is a mystery. But since the 16th, the artillery shelling of the population of Donbas had increased dramatically, as the daily reports of the OSCE observers show.”

While the western media spent the last year reporting on Russia’s troop buildup at the Ukrainian border, they failed to inform the public about Ukraine amassing “half of it’s army or 125,000 troops” along the Donbas conflict zone during this same time period.

Ukraine began to reposition its forces along the Donbas as early as March 24, 2021, when Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree for the recapture of the Crimea, and began to deploy his forces to the south of the country.

It is unlikely Zelensky would make such an aggressive decree without first receiving the approval of the United States and NATO.

In April 2021, the Ukrainian government publicly announced that they would seek nuclear weapons if they were not issued membership in NATO.

This further signified that Ukraine intended to cross Vladimir Putin’s line in the sand by either joining NATO or placing nuclear weapons on Russia’s doorstep.




「今年の春、NATOの合同軍は過去30年間で最大規模の演習「ディフェンダー・ヨーロッパ2021」を開始した 」と述べた。



In that same month, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu accused the U.S. and NATO of moving troops to Russia’s borders.

“In Poland and the Baltic states, US forces are being reinforced … the intensity of aerial reconnaissance has been doubled compared to last year, and the intensity of naval reconnaissance has increased by one-and-a-half times,” he said.

The minister accused the US and its allies of carrying out active military activities “with a clear anti-Russian orientation”.

“In the spring of this year, the joint armed forces of NATO began the largest exercise in the last 30 years, Defender Europe 2021,” he said.

While both sides accuse the other side of being the aggressor, the OSCE maps clearly show that the Ukrainian side backed by the United States and NATO forces began shelling the Russian side on February 16th, 2022.

This shelling is corroborated by on-the-ground video journalism from an independent reporter named Patrick Lancaster who has been interviewing civilians in the eastern Ukrainian warzone for the last eight years.


Our latest interview with Jacques Baud

September 1, 2022 



Zelensky was elected in April 2019 on the program of reaching an agreement with Russia. But nobody let him carry out his program. The Germans and the French deliberately prevented him from implementing the Minsk agreements. The transcript of the telephone conversation of 20 February 2022 between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin shows that France deliberately kept Ukraine away from the solution. Moreover, in Ukraine, far right and neo-Nazi political forces have publicly threatened him with death. Dmitry Yarosh, commander of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army, declared in May 2019 that Zelensky would be hanged if he carried out his program. In other words, Zelensky is trapped between his idea of reaching an agreement with Russia and the demands of the West. Moreover, the West realizes that its strategy of war through sanctions has failed. As the economic and social problems increase, the West will find it harder to back down without losing face. A way out for Britain, the U.S., the EU, or France would be to remove Zelensky. That is why, with the deteriorating situation in Ukraine, I think Zelensky starts to realize that his life is threatened.

At the end of the day, Zelensky is a poor guy, because his best enemies are those on whom he depends: the Western world.


ウクライナ、そしてと革命と戦争で死んだ者たちを裏切るなら、ゼレンスキーはクレシュチャティクの木にぶら下がることになる。(ドミトリー・ヤロシ Dmytro YaroshMay 27, 2019



ダニエル・コバリク Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia's intervention in Ukraine is legal under international law, 23 Apr, 2022



One must begin this discussion by accepting the fact that there was already a war happening in Ukraine for the eight years preceding the Russian military incursion in February 2022. And, this war by the government in Kiev against the Russian-speaking peoples of the Donbass – a war which claimed the lives of around 14,000 people, many of them children, and displaced around 1.5 million more even before Russia’s military operation – has been arguably genocidal. That is, the government in Kiev, and especially its neo-Nazi battalions, carried out attacks against these peoples with the intention of destroying, at least in part, the ethnic Russians precisely because of their ethnicity.

While the US government and media are trying hard to obscure these facts, they are undeniable, and were indeed reported by the mainstream Western press before it became inconvenient to do so. …

ウクライナ戦争の原因と帰結 ジョン・J・ミアシャイマー2022/06/23

The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine War

John J. Mearsheimer  June 23, 2022

歴史は、ウクライナに対する極めて愚かな政策について、米国とその同盟国を厳しく裁くことになるだろう。[History will judge the United States and its allies harshly for their remarkably foolish policy on Ukraine.



Nous témoignons de la compassion pour le peuple ukrainien et les deux millions de réfugiés. C’est bien. Mais si nous avions eu un minimum de compassion pour le même nombre de réfugiés des populations ukrainiennes du Donbass massacrées par leur propre gouvernement et qui se sont accumulés en Russie durant huit ans, rien de cela ne serait probablement passé.

Que le terme de « génocide » s’applique aux exactions subies par les populations du Donbass est une question ouverte. On réserve généralement ce terme à des cas de plus grande ampleur (Holocauste, etc.), néanmoins, la définition qu’en donne la Convention sur le génocide, est probablement suffisamment large pour s’y appliquer. Les juristes apprécieront.   ジャック・ボー「ウクライナの軍事情勢」LA SITUATION MILITAIRE EN UKRAINE (JACQUES BAUD,  le 16 mars 2022)