



◾️Excerpt from remarks by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, American economist and academic, in an interview with Mike Billington, May 15, 2024.

Source: Interview with Prof. Jefferey Sachs: Will the Death of U.S. Hegemony Lead to Peace―Or World War III?




"The U.S.—and by that I mean the military-industrial blob or complex, a small number of powerful people from the security establishment, the intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the military companies, and their supporters in Congress—wants to preserve American hegemony as they see it.〔・・・〕


Structurally, the U.S. security establishment is fighting for its hegemony and it could end up creating a world war."〔・・・〕


The U.S. really has starkly divided the world, because the U.S. has said, 'You’re with us or you’re against us.' It said that repeatedly. It said that with regard to the Iraq war in 2003 and onward, and it says it now with regard to Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia.

You’re either with us applying these sanctions or you’re against us.〔・・・〕





Europe, to my disappointment, which has the capacity to be an independent actor, has for the moment fallen almost entirely into the U.S. camp.

Countries that should know better, and a European Union that should know better, act almost as if it’s simply a complete dependency on the U.S.

And the European Union no longer distinguishes between the EU, which is an economic and political union, and NATO, which is a U.S. led military alliance.

It’s a shame, but true, that the capital of the EU and the capital of NATO are both in Brussels, in the same city, and effectively the same thing right now.




欧州連合には 27 か国あり、米国、​​それに非 EU 諸国、英国、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドなどを加えると、おそらく 40 か国ほどが「米国陣営」にいることになる。

​​危険で、悲しく、馬鹿げた振る舞いだ、「我々はナンバーワンだ。そして、もし我々が全てにとってナンバーワンになれないなら、40 か国ほどのグループの中でナンバーワンになって、世界を分断する」というのは。これは米国人にとって、世界にとっても、ひどい取引だ。それが今の状況だ。

So when the world divides—you have the U.S. and Europe and a few allies in Asia, important countries, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, effectively in that group.

And then you have most of the rest of the world, not per se against the U.S., but saying, 'Stop it, stop dividing the world, stop creating Cold War, stop your military expansionism, stop your regime change operations and all the rest. Just get along.'

That’s the vast majority of the world, I would say, 150 countries or so.

There are 27 in the European Union, plus the United States, plus the handful of non-EU countries, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and so forth, coming up to probably about 40 countries in the 'U.S. camp.'

It’s a dangerous, sad, ridiculous way to behave that 'we’re number one. And if we can’t be number one for everybody, we’ll be number one in our group,' among the 40 or so, 'and we’ll divide the world.'

It’s a lousy bargain for Americans. It’s a lousy bargain for the world. It’s pretty much where we are right now.

ここでジェフリー・サックスの言っている「米国とその愚かな同盟国」が、プーチンやラブロフ、ロシアのインテリたちがしばしば使う集団的西側[коллективного Запада]の定義だろうね、

ロシア人が「集団的西側」と呼ぶものは、一種の多元主義的帝国システムであり、ヨーロッパは単なる属国にすぎないということだ[Ce qu'ils (Les Russes) appellent « Occident collectif », au sein duquel les Européens ne sont que des vassaux, est un genre de système impérial pluraliste.」(エマニュエル・トッド『西洋の敗北』Emmanuel Todd, La Défaite de l'Occident, 2024)




NATO is a mere instrument of foreign policy for the US. It has no allies, it has only vassals. Once a country becomes a NATO member, it is hard to resist the pressure of the US ーーPutin in an interview by Oliver Stone, 2017