


以下、国際経済学者ジェフリー・サックスの論から四つ列挙するが、国際政治学者ミアシャイマーと同様、とても安定的な見解だね。米国にはまだマトモな学者がいるのが救いだ。最近、サックスはミアシャイマーにインタビューしているようだが。➡︎Jeffrey Sachs – Interview with John Mearsheimer November 9, 2023 


Ukraine is the latest neocon disaster By Jeffrey Sachs June 28, 2022


The neocon outlook is based on an overriding false premise: that the US military, financial, technological, and economic superiority enables it to dictate terms in all regions of the world. It is a position of both remarkable hubris and remarkable disdain of evidence. Since the 1950s, the US has been stymied or defeated in nearly every regional conflict in which it has participated. Yet in the “battle for Ukraine,” the neocons were ready to provoke a military confrontation with Russia by expanding NATO over Russia’s vehement objections because they fervently believe that Russia will be defeated by US financial sanctions and NATO weaponry.

◼️ジェフリー・サックスイラクからウクライナまで、超党派の戦争支援が米国の債務危機を助長している 2023年5月24日

Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis MAY 24, 2023





JEFFREY SACHS: These are not only wars of choice, the ones that I mentioned. They are wars of lies, because we’ve never been told the truth about what these fights are about, why we’re doing it. Of course, Iraq famously was on completely phony pretenses, but that’s not the only one. All of them have been based on lies.

When it comes to Ukraine, we knew — our diplomats knew and warned that the continued pressure by the military-industrial complex to expand NATO to Ukraine would provoke war. But they never told the American people that. They never explained it. And 'til this day they haven't explained what this war is really about.

You think about Libya. Again, lies. No explanation. Violation of the U.N. Security Council. You think about Syria. Not only was the whole Syrian effort a lie of the United States, it’s never even been explained to the American people that this was an operation that President Obama ordered the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government. It failed, but it was extremely costly and destructive.

So, these have been wars of choice and wars of lies. They are pushed by the military-industrial complex. They are pushed by neoconservatives in both parties. Now we have new drumbeats of war, not only — as if Ukraine was not devastating and threatening enough with nuclear annihilation, now we’re talking war with China. Unimaginable. It could end the world. And yet this is normal discourse in what passes for grown-up discussion in Washington, which is not grown-up at all, in my opinion.

◼️アジア太平洋NATO:戦争の炎をあおる ジェフリー・サックス 2023年7月10日

An Asia-Pacific NATO: Fanning the Flames of War   Jeffrey Sachs July 10, 2023



The world has gone mad but especially the Anglo-Saxon world, I'm afraid.(…) 

There's something profoundly disheartening about the politics of our countries right now. The deep madness, I'm afraid, is British Imperial thinking that has been taken over by the United States. My country, the U.S., is unrecognizable now compared even to 20 or 30 years ago. I'm not sure, to tell you the truth, who runs the country. I do not believe it is the president of the United States right now. We are run by generals, by our security establishment. The public is privy to nothing. The lies that are told about foreign policy are daily and pervasive by a mainstream media that I can barely listen to or read anymore. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and the main television outlets are 100 per cent repeating government propaganda by the day, and it's almost impossible to break through.・・・〕

軍産複合体とその企業ロビーは、私が教えている東海岸の大学を乗っ取っている。私はハーバード大学で20年以上教え、現在はコロンビア大学で教えている。大学における情報機関の影響力は、私の経験では前例がない。  これらはすべて、あまり世間に知られることなく、ほとんどサイレント・クーデターのように起こっている。  議論もなく、公の政治もなく、正直さもなく、文書も公開されていない。すべてが秘密であり、機密であり、少しミステリアスである。  私はたまたま世界中の国家元首や閣僚と関わる経済学者であるため、公式の「物語」や蔓延する嘘を突き通すのに役立つ多くのことを聞き、多くのことを目にしている。

The military industrial complex and its corporate lobby have taken over the East Coast universities where I teach. I taught at Harvard for more than 20 years, and now I teach at Columbia University. The influence of the intelligence agencies on the campuses is unprecedented, in my experience.  All of this has happened without much public notice, almost a silent coup.  There is no debate, no public politics, no honesty, no documents revealed. Everything is secret, confidential and a bit mysterious.  Since I happen to be an economist who engages with the heads of state and ministers around the world, I hear a lot of things and see a lot of things that help me to pierce through the official “narratives” and pervasive lies. 

◼️ジェフリー・サックス - 殺戮を平和に変えるイスラエルのチャンス、2023年11月2日

Jeffrey Sachs – Israel’s Chance to Turn Carnage into Peace, November 2, 2023 


Israel is running out of time to save itself — not from Hamas, which lacks the means to defeat Israel militarily, but from itself. Israel's war crimes in Gaza, verging on the crime of genocide according to the Center for Constitutional Rights, threaten to destroy Israel's civil, political, economic and cultural relations with the rest of the world.  There are growing calls in Israel for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign immediately.  A new Israeli government should seize the opportunity to turn carnage into lasting peace through diplomacy.〔・・・〕

もしイスラエルが「今は戦争の時だ」というネタニヤフ首相の毒を飲み込めば、イスラエルは世界から孤立し、壊滅的な代償を払うことになるだろう。  イスラエルが達成可能な目標は、外交による恒久的な平和と安全保障である。  米国をはじめとするイスラエルの友人たちは、イスラエルが戦争よりも外交を選択するのを助けなければならない。  友人たちは、友人たちに人道に対する罪を犯させたり、ましてやそのための資金や武器を提供したりはしない。

If Israel swallows Netanyahu's poison that “this is a time for war,” Israel will isolate itself from the rest of the world and pay a devastating price.  Israel's attainable objective is lasting peace and security through diplomacy.  Israel's friends, starting with the US, must help it choose diplomacy over war.  Friends do not let friends commit crimes against humanity, much less provide them with the finances and arms to do so.

軍産複合体[Military industrial complex]とはもっと大きく言えば、官産複合体[Bureaucratic Industrial Complex]であり、ディープステイトの内実はマネーにつきうごかされたこの官僚支配にほかならない。➡︎ほぼすべての学者を含むほとんどの市民が気づいていない事
