




Haz Al-Din @InfraHaz  Jun 7, 2024

















西側諸国がそれをそのまま許すと思うか? もう一度考えてみなさい。



核抑止は通常戦争を終わらせるものではない。 核抑止力は、ますます核兵器の使用そのものを抑止するだけになっている。 


Haz Al-Din 

@InfraHaz 6:05 AM · Jun 7, 2024

Think 'Israel' will end in the same way as aparthied in South Africa? Think again.

The end of aparthied put an end to a POLICY, not a state. And to this day, in South Africa the ownership of finances and resources remains largely the same as under aparthied.

The West could afford to allow political apartheid to be dismantled, because it was able to maintain economic aparthied.

But the rulers of the West cannot afford for 'Israel' to be dismantled as a state.

The anti-aparthied struggle was able to be twisted from a struggle FOR LAND into a struggle only against discriminatory policy.

But there is no way to twist the Palestinian struggle away from the fundamental question of LAND OWNERSHIP. 

Victory for Palestine means the DESTRUCTION of 'Israel' as a state. 

Not a mere policy, but the toppling of the state itself, and the granting of the right of return to Palestinian refugees.

Remember, millions of them live in the countries neighboring 'Israel.' They want to go home and once again OWN the land their parents and grandparents did.

This is why the conflict now can only escalate, into the direction of WW3.

No, international bodies will not help oversee the 'dismantlement' of Zionism as aparthied was dismantled.

The US just sanctioned the ICC!

It will be bloody war, that will engulf the entire planet. The whole hegemony of the American Empire is at stake.

Israel is what suspends the middle east into a permanent state of disorder.

Remove that lynchpin, and it's over for US economic hegemony. The belt and road between Asia and Africa is opened, the US loses its permanent foothold, and a new regional power rises to gains leverage over it through control of the Suez canal.

The 100+ year colonial project by the collective West to control the Middle East comes to an end.

Think they will let that simply happen? Think again.

This is a conflict which can only end in one way. And not before there begins a new world war!

Do not assume it will be immediately or even inevitably nuclear.

Nuclear deterrence will not put an end to conventional war. It increasingly only deters the use of nuclear weapons themselves. 

Everything else will be on the table.



Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson 2023/11/12


マイケル・ハドソン :まあ、確かにイスラエルを支援していますが、これは利他的な行為だからイスラエルを支援しているわけではありません。


So I am wondering if you could provide your analysis of why you think the U.S. is investing so many resources in supporting Israel while it is clearly committing war crimes.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, certainly it is supporting Israel, but it’s not supporting Israel because this is an altruistic act.

To the United States, Israel is its landed aircraft carrier in the Near East. Israel is the takeoff point for America to control the Near East.〔・・・〕







So from the United States, it’s not Israel’s wagging the American tail, just the opposite. You mentioned that America is supporting Israel. I don’t think America is supporting Israel at all, nor do most Israelis, nor do most Democrats.

America is supporting Netanyahu. It’s supporting Likud, not Israel. The majority of Israelis, certainly the non-religious Israelis, the core population of Israel since its founding, is opposing Likud and its policies.

And so what really is happening is that to the United States, Netanyahu is the Israeli version of Zelensky in the Ukraine.

And the advantage of having such an unpleasant, opportunist, and corrupt person as Netanyahu, who is under indictment for his bribery and corruption, is precisely that all of the attention now of the whole world that is so appalled by the attacks going on in Gaza, they’re not blaming the United States.

They’re blaming Israel. They’re blaming Netanyahu and Israel for it, when it’s the United States that has been sending plane load after plane load of bombs, of guns. There are 22,000 machine guns, automatic guns, that are banned for sale in the United States that America is sending for the settlers to use on the West Bank.

So there’s a pretense of good cop, bad cop.〔・・・〕






だから、あなたはアメリカのイスラエル支援について話し続けています。まったくイスラエルを支持していません。大多数のイスラエル人を拒絶しています。イスラエル軍を支援しているのであって、イスラエルの社会や文化を支援しているわけではありません。 これは純粋な軍事政治であり、私はいつも軍関係者や国家安全保障関係者の間でこのように議論されているのを耳にしてきました。


Well, to U.S. diplomats, what you call the support of Israel is really the support of the U.S.’ ability to militarily control the rest of the Near East.

It’s all about oil. America is not giving all this money to Israel because it loves Israel, but because Israel is the military base from which the United States can attack Syria, Iraq, and Iran and Lebanon. So it’s a military base.

And of course, it can frame this in terms of pro-Israeli, pro-Jewish policy, but this is only for the public relations view of the State Department.

If American strategy is based on energy in the Near East, then Israel is only a means to this end. It’s not the end itself. And that’s why the United States needed to have an aggressive Israeli government.

You can look at Netanyahu as being, in a way, a U.S. puppet, very much like Zelensky. Their positions are identical in their reliance on the United States against the majority of their own people.

So you keep talking about America’s support of Israel. It’s not supporting Israel at all. It rejects the majority of Israelis. It supports the Israeli military, not the Israeli society or the culture, have nothing to do with Judaism at all. This is pure military politics, and that’s how I’ve always heard it discussed among the military and national security people.

So you want to be careful not to be taken in by the cover story.〔・・・〕

米国の計画には、インド、サウジアラビア、そしてトルコというワイルドカードがあります。トルコもこの石油とガスに関心を持っているからです。 もしイスラム諸国が、自分たちは本当に攻撃を受けている、キリスト教国である欧米によるイスラムへの攻撃は本当に死闘だと判断すれば、トルコはサウジアラビアや他のすべての国、シーア派、スンニ派、アラウィ派と一緒になって、私たちの共通点はイスラム教だと言うでしょう。





So you’re having the wild cards in the U.S. plan, India, Saudi Arabia, what will it do, and Turkey, because Turkey also has an interest in this oil and gas. And if the Islamic countries decide that they’re really under attack, and this attack by the Christian West against Islam is really a fight to the death, then Turkey will join with Saudi Arabia and with all of the other countries, the Shiites, and the Sunnis, and the Alawites will join together and say, what we have in common is the Islamic religion.

That is really going to be essentially the extension of America’s fight against China and Russia.

So what we’re seeing, I’m going to try to summarize now, what we’re really seeing is having fought Russia to the last Ukrainian, and threatening to fight Iran to the last Israeli. The United States is trying to send arms to Taiwan to say, wouldn’t you like to fight to the last Taiwanese against China? And that’s really the U.S. strategy all over the world.

It’s trying to fuel other countries to fight wars for its own control. That’s how Rome used the Norman armies to conquer southern Italy, England, and Yugoslavia.

Israel, and what is in the news over the whole attacks in Gaza, is only the opening stage, the trigger for this war, just as the shooting in Sarajevo started World War I in Serbia started everything.

ロシアとNATO の直接対決も間近だし、来年ぐらいには、台湾有事で米国の駒日本の「大活躍」もあるだろうし・・・、先は長いねえ、もう一度考えなくても。

◾️Michael Hudson on the US Economy – Surprisingly Resilient or Potemkin Village?


ーーバイデン政権に、 脱ドル化のプロセスを止めるための、直接的な軍事介入以外の手段はありますか?

Dimitri Simes Jr. : Does the Biden administration really have any instruments at its disposal other than direct military intervention to try and stop the process of de-dollarization?

マイケル・ハドソン)いいえ、 今のアメリカには軍事介入しかありません。硬直しています。アメリカは長年、 核兵器に多大な投資をしてきたため、 徴兵制を復活させ、 武装した軍隊を他国に侵攻させることはできません。 ベトナム戦争の時のように、学生の抗議が起きるからです。2015年の米国支援のクーデター後にウクライナ人がやってきているような自殺行為の戦争を、 他の国にもやらせることができない限り、 米国が本当に軍事的に戦うことができるのは核兵器だけなのです。しかし、他の国をウクライナのようなことをやらせるのは難しそうだ。 台湾人がそんなことをやりそうにない。 日本人だけがやる可能性がある。

Michael Hudson : No, that’s all that America has now. It’s muscle-bound because for years America has put all of its money into atomic war. So America can’t reintroduce a draft and have an army invading another country because you’d have student protests like you had in the Vietnam War. So all that America really has to fight with militarily is atom bombs. Unless it can get other countries to commit suicide, like the Ukrainians are doing after the American coup d’etat of 2015. But it looks like it’s going to have difficulty having other countries follow Ukraine. And I don’t see the Taiwanese doing this, only the Japanese might be willing to do this.

僅かでも想像力さえ働かせれば、こうとしか考えようはないね、ーー《想像力を欠くすべての人は現実へと逃避する[Tous ceux qui manquent d'imagination se réfugient dans la réalité]》(ゴダール, Adieu au Langage, 2014)


「長期にまたがるだろうか?」と私はサン = ルーにたずねた。「いや、ぼくは非常に短期の戦争だと思うんだ」と彼は私に答えた。しかしこんども、いつもと同様に、彼の論拠は、文書からえたものだった。 「モルトケの予言を考慮に入れながら、読みかえしてみたまえ」と彼は、あたかも私がすでにそれを読んでいたかのように、私にいった、「大編成部隊の行動に関する一九一三年十月二十八日の政令を。そうすれば、きみにわかるだろう、平時予備軍の補充が計画されてもいなければ、予測さえされていないことを。そういう編成は、戦争が長びくはずなら、欠かすことができないんだからね。」私には、問題の政令を、戦争が短期のものであろうという証拠として解釈されるべきではなくて、戦争が短期のものであるという見通し、戦争が今後どうなるかという見通しを、欠くものとして解釈されるべきであり、その政令を起草した当事者たちの側には、戦争が謬着状態に陥るとき、全面にわたり物資のおそるべき消耗をきたすであろうことや、作戦のさまざまな舞台の連帯が必要になってくるであろうことの、憶測というものがなかったのだ、という気がするのであった。(プルースト「見出された時」)


人は、まるで恋をしているときのように、目かくしをして、新聞を読んでいるのだ。事実を理解しようとはつとめない。愛人の言葉に耳を傾けるように、主筆の甘言に耳を傾けている。on lit les journaux comme on aime, un bandeau sur les yeux. On ne cherche pas à comprendre les faits. On écoute les douces paroles du rédacteur en chef, comme on écoute les paroles de sa maîtresse. (プルースト「見出された時」)