


◾️John J. Mearsheimer: Netanyahu’s Grave Mistakes

interviewed by Judge Andrew Napolitano 2024/8/02  YouTube (01:38~)


Mearsheimer Most people around the world understand full well that basically the Israel lobby owns Congress and they can pretty much get anything they want.


US Complicit: Israel, Aid and the Congressman’s Circular Flow

By Michael Hudson, August 1, 2024 

イスラエルは選挙資金提供者を通じて米国議会を買収している。 しかし、そこには循環的な流れがある。 議会はイスラエルに援助を与える。 イスラエルは得た援助の一部を使って、議員たちに支払うロビー活動に還元する。 つまり、彼らがイスラエルに与えるものはすべて、その一部が彼らの懐に入るのだ。 これが、市民連合とそれに関連するもののせいで、私たちが持っている循環の流れです。 つまり、機能不全に陥ったシステム全体があるわけで、アメリカの有権者の多くは、私たちにできることは何もないと考えていると思います。 システムが腐敗しているのです。

Israel has bought the U.S. Congress through its campaign contributors. But there’s a circular flow. Congress will give aid to Israel. Israel will use some of the aid it gets to pay back into the lobbying effort to pay the congressmen. So everything, some portion of whatever they give Israel ends up in their own pockets. That’s the circular flow we have, thanks to Citizens United and related things. So you’re having a whole system that is so dysfunctional that I think a lot of American voters think there’s nothing we can do. The system is so corrupt.

◾️Jeffrey Sachs: US Subservient to Israelinterview with Judge Napolitano , July 31, 2024.






I cannot recall anything like it before. I found it such a shame that it was basically unwatchable.

The idea that Netanyahu was invited to speak is one thing; the fact that he got dozens of standing ovations is simply a sign of the collapse of American politics. It is an utter collapse of American politics. Congress is worse than useless; it is completely corrupted. It is not a deliberative body; it is a body on the pay.

The Israel Lobby has bought tens, hundreds of billions of dollars of Weaponry for Israel's mass murder through its campaign contributions as well as through the stupidity and naivety of many of the Congress members.We shouldn't underestimate how ignorant many of these so-called representatives are, but I think we saw it as clear as can be. This is the collapse of American politics before our eyes.




What Has Changed Since Publication of The Israel Lobby and What the New Administration Can Do Differently 、JOHN MEARSHEIMER ON MARCH 30, 2017

米国はイスラエルと、 現代史上類を見ない特別な関係にあり、それはほとんどロビー活動によるものである。(…) 援助は無条件に与えられる。言い換えれば、 イスラエルはヨルダン川西岸に入植地を建設するなど、 米国が反対することをしても援助を受けられるのだ。

the United States has a special relationship with Israel that has no parallel in modern history and it is almost wholly due to the lobby.(…)the aid is given unconditionally.  In other words, Israel gets this aid even when it does things that the United States opposes, like building settlements in the West Bank.(…)


Only someone who is blind and deaf would not recognize that the United States is deeply committed to defending Israel’s behavior at almost every turn. (…)


the key stain on Israel’s reputation is its brutal treatment of the Palestinians and the fact that it has become an apartheid state.  (…)


It’s difficult to say where this conflict will lead in the decades ahead.  Many Israelis will surely be interested in expelling the Palestinians from Greater Israel if they have the opportunity, thereby eliminating the need for apartheid.  But that outcome is unlikely, because there are now more than six million Palestinians living within Greater Israel’s borders, and they would surely put up fierce resistance if Israel tried to expel them from their homes. Moreover, massive ethnic cleansing would be an enormous and everlasting stain on Israel’s reputation.  It’s more likely that Israel will simply remain an apartheid state and, with the help of the lobby, just hunker down and accept the fact that most of the world considers it a pariah state. (…)


It will probably take another 20 or 30 years before we understand how this conflict will ultimately be resolved, or maybe not resolved.  Regardless of the outcome, I’m deeply sad to say that the decades ahead promise abundant trouble for Israel, and especially for the Palestinians.  The United States will not be spared either, simply because the lobby will be working overtime to protect Israel and preserve the special relationship, which is likely to harm America’s intellectual life, as well as its politics.

◼️アジア太平洋NATO:戦争の炎をあおる ジェフリー・サックス 2023年7月10日

An Asia-Pacific NATO: Fanning the Flames of War   Jeffrey Sachs July 10, 2023

軍産複合体とその企業ロビーは、私が教えている東海岸の大学を乗っ取っている。私はハーバード大学で20年以上教え、現在はコロンビア大学で教えている。大学における情報機関の影響力は、私の経験では前例がない。  これらはすべて、あまり世間に知られることなく、ほとんどサイレント・クーデターのように起こっている。  議論もなく、公の政治もなく、正直さもなく、文書も公開されていない。すべてが秘密であり、機密であり、少しミステリアスである。  私はたまたま世界中の国家元首や閣僚と関わる経済学者であるため、公式の「物語」や蔓延する嘘を突き通すのに役立つ多くのことを聞き、多くのことを目にしている。

The military industrial complex and its corporate lobby have taken over the East Coast universities where I teach. I taught at Harvard for more than 20 years, and now I teach at Columbia University. The influence of the intelligence agencies on the campuses is unprecedented, in my experience.  All of this has happened without much public notice, almost a silent coup.  There is no debate, no public politics, no honesty, no documents revealed. Everything is secret, confidential and a bit mysterious.  Since I happen to be an economist who engages with the heads of state and ministers around the world, I hear a lot of things and see a lot of things that help me to pierce through the official “narratives” and pervasive lies.

◾️アメリカの地政学的地位は崩壊しつつある、ジェフリー・サックス  2024年5月17日

America’s geopolitical position is crumbling By Jeffrey D. Sachs May 17, 2024


Likud’s tactical belief is that the US will always be there, thick or thin, because the Israel Lobby (Jewish and Christian Evangelical alike) and the US military-industrial complex will always be there. Likud’s bet has always worked in the past and they believe it will work in the future. Yes, Israel’s violent extremism will cost Biden the support of America’s young voters, but if so, that will just mean Trump’s election in November, so even better for Likud.


Universities as Tentacles of the Police State By Michael Hudson

議会はイスラエルに莫大な補助金を与え、イスラエルはその一部を献金者に奉仕する政治家の選挙キャンペーンに再利用している。 これは、ウクライナが米国の「援助」を利用する際に、資金力のあるロビー団体を設立して顧客の政治家を支援するのと同じ方針である。

Congress gives enormous subsidies to Israel, which recycles some of this money back into the election campaigns of politicians willing to serve their donors. It is the same policy that Ukraine uses when it employs U.S. “aid” by setting up well-funded lobbying organizations to back client politicians.