



◾️スコット・リッター「72分」  2024年9月19日


SCOTT RITTER: 72 Minutes  September 19, 2024

Last weekend, the world came very close to nuclear war.

Special to Consortium News





そして、もし生き延びたら? ニキータ・フルシチョフの言葉を借りれば、「生き残った者は死者を羨むだろう」。

…Few realize how close they came to actualizing the scenario so horrifyingly spelled out in Annie Jacobsen’s alarming must-read book, Nuclear War: A Scenario.(…) 

72 minutes.

And everything you thought you lived your life for would be dead.

And if you survived?

To quote Nikita Khrushchev, “The survivors would envy the dead.”




















Ukraine Was Ready to Launch

Had Biden yielded to Starmer’s pressure (the British, together with Ukraine and several NATO nations, believed that Putin was bluffing), and signed off on the permission, Ukraine was prepared to launch strikes on Russia that night.

(British soldiers deployed in Ukraine would be needed to operate the Storm Shadows and they are already there, according to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who has refused to send similar weapons to Ukraine.)

Russia would likely have responded with conventional attacks on Kiev using new weapons, such as the Avangard hypersonic warhead, which would each deliver a blow equivalent to 26-28 tons of explosives.

Russia would also most likely have struck NATO targets in Poland and Romania where Ukrainian fighters are based. And, lastly, Russia would have struck British military targets, possibly including those on the British Isles.

This would prompt a NATO retaliation under Article 5, using a large number of NATO long-range strike weapons targeting Russian command and control, airfields, and ammunition storage facilities.

The Russian response would most likely involve the launching of more Avangard conventional warheads against NATO targets, including Ramstein airbase and NATO headquarters, as well as airbases from which strikes against Russia were launched.

At this juncture the United States, using nuclear employment plans derived from a nuclear posture which emphasizes the pre-emptive use of low yield nuclear weapons to “escalate to deescalate”— i.e., force Russia to back down through a demonstration of capability — would authorize the use of one or more low-yield nuclear warheads against Russian targets on Russian soil.

But Russian doctrine has no capacity for engaging in a limited nuclear war. Instead, Russia would respond with a general nuclear retaliation targeting all of Europe and the United States.

Whatever U.S. strategic forces that survived this onslaught would be fired at Russia.

And then we all die.

72 minutes.

And the world ends.

We were one stroke of the pen away from this outcome on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024.

This isn’t a drill.

This isn’t an academic exercise.

This is the real world.

This is life or death.

This is your future held hostage by a madman in Kiev, backed by lunatics in Europe.



Jeffrey Sachs: The Looming War With Iran, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis

With Tucker Carlson 切り抜き動画

ロシアが戦場で負けていたら、核戦争へのエスカレーションが起こるだろう。 そして、評論家は皆言う、そんなことは心配ない、ハッタリだ、と。 私はそのような人々の無知に深く憤慨している。

一般的に、人々が無知であっても、私はそれを恨んだりはしない。 しかし、私の孫を危険にさらすような無知には憤りを感じる。 核戦争の心配はいらない、それはハッタリだ、と言って孫を危険にさらす連中だ。 なぜなら、そんなことを言う人は現実を何も理解していないからだ。〔・・・〕


Because if Russia were losing on the battlefield, we would be seeing escalation to nuclear war. And everyone in punditry that says, oh, don't worry about that, that's a bluff. I profoundly resent the ignorance of those people.

Generally, when people are ignorant, I don't resent it. I try to help, but I resent the ignorance when it endangers my grandchildren, that's it. And they endanger my grandchildren by saying, don't worry about nuclear war, that's a bluff. And that, I don't wanna hear from anybody because anyone that says that understands nothing about the reality of-…

We are the closest ever to nuclear Armageddon today during the entire period since 1947 according to this Doomsday Clock.

◾️John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024 YouTube 2024/09/16

ジェフリー・サックス:では、なぜ私がウクライナを嫌うのか? NATOがロシアとウクライナの国境にいる理由がまったく見当たらないからです。先ほど言ったように、私はゴルバチョフの顧問とエリツィンの顧問をやっていましたが、彼らは平和と協力を望んでいました。しかし、彼らが何を望んでいたとしても、彼らは米軍が国境に駐留することを望んでいませんでした。我々がこれまで通り押し進めれば、最終的には戦争になってしまいます。ジョンは誰よりもそのことをうまく説明してくれました。





So, why I don't like Ukraine? Because I don’t see any reason in the world for NATO to be on Russia’s border with Ukraine. As I said, I was Gorbachev’s adviser and Yeltsin’s adviser, and they wanted peace and cooperation. But no matter what they wanted, they did not want the U.S. military on their border. If we continued to push, as we did, we would eventually get to war. John explained that better than anyone.

We're now at war, and even this morning there is further escalation. Blinken has said, 'Well, if the Iranians give these missiles, then we will give missiles to hit deep into Russia.' This is a recipe for disaster.

Then, last week, Bill Burns, the CIA director, said an absurdity he knows isn’t true—but CIA directors never tell the truth; if they do, they lose their job. He said, 'Don't worry about nuclear war, don't worry about saber rattling.' My advice to you is: worry a lot about nuclear war.

So, be prudent. You don't have to put the U.S. military on Russia's border. And my advice to Russia and to Mexico (I’m going to Mexico tomorrow, and I’ll give them a piece of advice): 'Don’t let China or Russia build a military base on the Rio Grande.' Not a good idea for Mexico, not a good idea for Ukraine, not a good idea for Russia, not a good idea for China, and not a good idea for the United States. We need to stay a little bit away from each other so that we don't have a nuclear war.

By the way, I recommend another good book, Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War: A Scenario. It takes two hours to read. The world ends in two hours in the book, and it’s a very persuasive guide that one nuke can ruin your whole day, as they say.
