




Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions at a meeting with students and faculty of MGIMO University, Moscow, September 2, 2024


西側の対ロシア政策の本質は常に、わが国はあまりにも強力で独立性が高く、これを変えるためには何かをしなければならない、できれば引きずり下ろすことが必要だ、という想定に基づいている。 歴史は反復する。 今日、これら50カ国は、ゼレンスキー政権の本質や、いわゆるウクライナ軍の紋章や旗さえも考慮して、ロシアに対するナチスの旗の下に再び結集した。

In February 2024, President Putin said in his Address to the Federal Assembly that the cutting point has been turned against Russia, and that the West “envisions a Russia that is a dependent, declining, and dying space where they can do as they please.” This is why they have called to arms a coalition of about 50 countries in the hope of dismembering Russia. It is what Napoleon and Hitler tried to do. The latter called nearly all of Europe to arms. But it was not only Germans who committed atrocities and took part in genocide in the territory of the Soviet Union.

The essence of Western policy towards Russia has always been based on the assumption that our country is too strong and independent and that something must be done to change this, preferably by pulling it down. History repeats itself. Today, these 50 countries have again been rallied under Nazi banners against Russia, considering the essence of Zelensky’s regime or even the chevrons and flags of the so-called Ukrainian army.


◾️柄谷行人「革命と反復(Revolution and Repetition)」(2008年英語論文)より



I believe that there is a repetition of history, and that it is possible to treat it scientifically. What is repeated is, to be sure, not an event but the structure, or the repetitive structure. Surprisingly, when a structure is repeated, the event often appears to be repeated as well. However, it is only the repetitive structure that can be repeated.(…) 

Representation becomes actual repetition only when there is a structural similarity between the past and the present, that is to say, only when there is a repetitive structure inherent to the nation that transcends the consciousness of each individual.




in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Marx finds repetition in the emergence of the empire out of the republic realized by the French Revolution. 

In the Revolution of 1789, the King was executed and the Emperor emerged from the subsequent republic with the people's support. This is what Freud called the “return of the repressed.” Yet, the Emperor is the return of the murdered king, but is no longer the king himself. (…) 

Napoleon’s concept could be called a prototype of the European Union, but at this point in history, his scheme could be more properly seen as the precursor of Hitler’s Third Reich: the conquest of Europe.





反復は享楽の回帰に基づいている[la répétition est fondée sur un retour de la jouissance](Lacan, S17, 14 Janvier 1970)

享楽は現実界にある[la jouissance c'est du Réel](Lacan, S23, 10 Février 1976)

問題となっている現実界は、一般的にトラウマと呼ばれるものの価値を持っている[le Réel en question, a la valeur de ce qu'on appelle généralement un traumatisme.  ](Lacan, S23, 13 Avril 1976)

