

◾️Excerpt from remarks by Professor John Mearsheimer, in an interview with Judge Napolitano, November 6, 2024.

Source: Prof. John Mearsheimer : Israel Shooting Itself in the Foot.





"Trump promised that this time was going to be different than 2017-21, his first term.

When he says that people like Mike Pompeo and Tom Cotton are going to be in key decision-making positions, one can only wonder what he is talking about. They are pure establishment, and they're both basically neoconservatives. They're as hawkish as they come. They will work mightily to undermine Trump's radical agenda that he set out. So, I wouldn't bet a lot of money that, in the final analysis, Trump will end up changing American foreign policy in any meaningful way, certainly if he's going to appoint people like this."


[Doesn't he have a hundred-million-dollar debt to Mrs. Sheldon Adelson? You know what she wants.]




There's no question that, on Israel, and I think even on China, Trump was not going to be much different from Biden. In fact, Biden was not much different than Trump on both China and the Middle East. The key issue with Trump is the Ukraine-Russia issue—he wants to improve relations with Putin and the Russians more generally, and he's been bragging that he could put an end to the Ukraine war.

I've long believed that no matter who he puts in power, whether it's a restrainer or somebody like Mike Pompeo, it's not going to make much difference on Ukraine, in large part because I think the Ukraine issue is going to be settled on the ground, on the battlefield.

I don't think that Trump could reach any form of meaningful agreement with Russia that would end the war independent of what's happening on the battleground. The fact is that the Russians, and this is especially true of Putin, don't trust the West at all anymore. They don't trust Donald Trump any more than they trust Kamala Harris. They're going to drive a remarkably hard bargain, and it's going to be, in my opinion, almost impossible for Trump or any other person to agree to Russian terms.



The Dumb Luck of Dollar Hegemony by Michael Hudson, November 26, 2023

歴史家は、バイデンはおそらく現代史上最悪の大統領であり、オバマよりもひどいと言うだろう。 しかし実際はバイデンの問題ではない。というのも、バイデンは、彼の背後にいるディープステート全体のフロントマン、ネオコン・グループ全体のフロントマンに過ぎないからだ。そのまさにネオコンのメンタリティが、好戦的な金融資本主義の最後のあがきであり、米国全体の計画を自滅させるものだ。

I think historians will say, well, Biden has been probably the worst president in modern history, even worse than Obama. But it really isn’t Biden because Biden is just a front man for the whole deep state, for the whole neocon group behind him. And it’s really the neocon mentality, the sort of the last gasp of militant finance capitalism that is self-destructive of this whole American plan.

◾️プーチンインタビュー、フィガロ 2017/05/29

私はすでに3人のアメリカ大統領と接してきた。大統領は入れ替わるが、政治はいつも同じだ。なぜか? 官僚機構が強大だから。大統領が選ばれたとき、彼らは何かアイデアを持っているかもしれない。そして、ブリーフケースを持った人たちが、身だしなみよく、私と同じようなダークスーツを着てやってくる。赤いネクタイを除いてだが、彼らは黒か濃紺のものを好むようだから。この人たちは、物事がどのように行われるかを説明し始める。すると、たちまちすべてが変わってしまう。これは、どの政権でも起こることだ。

I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration. Vladimir Putin's interview with Le Figaro. recorded on May 29 2017