最近は、音楽を聴いていてハッとするフレーズに行き当たるとーーたとえば今日はクララ・ハスキルのスカルラッティK132(1950)、0;24~に痺れたのだがーー、「夜咲きすみれ Nachtviolen」のあの箇所(1:38~)がゆらめく閃光のように頭をかすめる。
Born in Argentina to Slovenian parents, she did not start to study singing until she was 22, and even then did not plan to make a career as a singer. "I am where I am as the result of many years of effort, but never with the idea of singing on this stage or with that conductor. I never did anything to make a career, it just happened."( Bernarda Fink)
◆Clara Haskil performs Scarlatti (1950)
◆Clara Haskil plays Scarlatti Sonata in C major L 457(1953,LIVE)