



Alzhacker @Alzhacker 氏が本日付(May 3 2023)で、アジャ・ラデンの『嘘についての真理』の抄訳を掲げている。すぐれて示唆的なのでーーとくに2020年代に入ってのワクチン信者、ウクライナ信者等々の跳梁跋扈に関してーー、ここに掲げる。

◼️Aja Raden『The Truth About Lies』より












We look around us and wonder constantly people can cling so tenaciously to their belief in obviously exposed lies. The answer isn't complicated: it's because the lie was so vast, or so meaningful to them, or they simply believed in it so totally that they can't be wrong —not about that. The potential cognitive dissonance is simply too destructive to their larger worldview. So they continue to believe the lie. They insist, both to others and to themselves, that the lie is true, because it can't be a lie without threatening other load-bearing beliefs that they rely on, including their belief in their own ability to tell real from make-believe.(…) 

Evolution is simply an adaptive arms race, and it goes on and on forever: you develop sight, I develop camouflage, you develop ears, I develop mimicry. You develop a theory of mind, I use it to deceive you. The capacity to lie is ultimately as important to survival as the ability to ward off predators or exploit prey's weaknesses. And just as teeth led to scales, theory of mind begets lying.

The cognitive and behavioral flaws that result in deceit are not flaws at all. No more are the cognitive biases that allow us to be deceived. Both are intrinsic mechanisms of thought and hard-won adaptive advantages in that very arms race. Lying, in various ways, and possessing the ability to believe those lies are necessary.

Theory of mind leads us to assume we're all experiencing the same reality, made up of objectively true facts that we all experience the same way. And that's an advantage in itself; we need a sense of shared reality to function, even if it's only a tacit agreement. The problem with this very necessary (and successful) belief in shared objective reality is that it can be subverted just by breaking the agreement, by flagrantly lying about what is objectively true. This allows for a better adapted individual to exploit that agreed-upon reality, first by being aware of it (honesty bias), then by being aware everyone else is aware and agrees on it (theory of mind), and then finally by making the cognitive leap that one can subvert the whole system by lying. Because of the communally dependent nature of distinctions between what is true and what is false in human society, an outrageous lie, if presented as though true, will be accepted as such.

That's how the Big Lie works. That's why it is the oldest and simplest of cons and why there's no clever or nuanced deception necessary to sell a Big Lie-all that's really required is a mark with a functioning theory of mind and a completely normal belief in shared reality and objective facts: in the truth.

In this way, truth and lies are inextricably bound up together.

(Aja Raden, The Truth About Lies, 2021)



The cognitive and behavioral flaws that result in deceit are not flaws at all. No more are the cognitive biases that allow us to be deceived. Both are intrinsic mechanisms of thought and hard-won adaptive advantages in that very arms race. Lying, in various ways, and possessing the ability to believe those lies are necessary.(Aja Raden, The Truth About Lies, 2021)



Le mensonge est essentiel à l'humanité. Il y joue peut-être un aussi grand rôle que la recherche du plaisir, et d'ailleurs, est commandé par cette recherche. On ment pour protéger son plaisir ou son honneur si la divulgation du plaisir est contraire à l'honneur. On ment toute sa vie, même surtout, peut-être seulement, à ceux qui nous aiment. Ceux-là seuls, en effet, nous font craindre pour notre plaisir et désirer leur estime. (プルースト「逃げさる女」)


人がうそをついていることに気づかなくなるのは、他人にうそばかりついているからだけでなく、また自分自身にもうそをついているからである[ce n'est pas qu'à force de mentir aux autres, mais aussi de se mentir à soi-même, qu'on cesse de s'apercevoir qu'on ment] (プルースト「ソドムとゴモラ」1922年)

最もよく見られる嘘は、自分自身を欺く嘘であり、他人を欺くのは比較的に例外の場合である[Die gewöhnlichste Lüge ist die, mit der man sich selbst belügt; das Belügen andrer ist relativ der Ausnahmefall. ](ニーチェ『反キリスト』第55番、1888年)


上の引用にはないが彼女は別にこうも記している、ーー《認知的不協和の瞬間に経験する心理的・神経的ストレスは非常に大きく、既存の心的パラダイムを守るためなら何でも信じてしまう[The psychological and neurological stress experienced during moments of cognitive dissonance are so great, you'll believe anything to protect your preexisting mental paradigm]》。

この現象がこの一年、親米新NATO派、あるいは侵略戦争絶対悪派に起こってひどく不可解な症状が席巻したのではないか、例えば[参照]、《率直に言って、現在のウクライナ紛争におけるネオナチの役割を軽視していることは不可解でしかない[frankly, the downplaying of the role of neo-Nazis in the current Ukrainian conflict is just baffling]》(ダニエル・コバリク Daniel Kovalik『ロシアをスケープゴート化する陰謀(The Plot to Scapegoat Russia)』2017年)









