




金融資本主義は本質的に自己破壊的である[finance capitalism is intrinsically self-destructive]〔・・・〕金融資本主義とは、上位1%に属する人がいかにしてタダ飯を手に入れるかということだ[finance capitalism is all about how to get a free lunch if you're a member of the one percent. ]

(マイケル・ハドソンMichael Hudson, Finance Capitalism's Self-Destructive Nature, July 18, 2022)

◾️「エリート帝国主義の白黒」 ジル・スタインとマイケル・ハドソン 2024年5月18日

The Black & White of Elite Imperialism with Jill Stein  by MICHAEL HUDSON May 18, 2024




JILL STEIN:… we’re now in this like vicious feedback loop right now, where the economic elites are basically giving the marching orders to the political elites. And in many cases, they are the political elites themselves, you know, the billionaires who enter into our political system, you know. And so inside of the political system, they are then generating the policies that further concentrate wealth and the advantages of the oligarchs, you know. So we’re in a situation right now of oligarchy and empire. They go hand in hand in the same way that Martin Luther King said, you know, that we have this triple evil of militarism, materialism, extreme materialism, and racism, basically.

And, you know, and the system is like an airplane going into a tailspin right now on its way down. And we got to pull out of that, out of that tailspin. And it really requires a systemic fix. And that’s why, you know, that’s why we’re in this race. That’s why we need to be on the ballot in New York. That’s why we need, you know, every one of us to do everything possible, you know, to jump into the mix here and to, you know, get the airplane into a pull-up, we need to pull up out of this tailspin while there’s still time.

マイケル・ハドソン: そうですね、基本的に本当の有権者は寄付者層、つまりあなたが言った億万長者です。なぜなら、彼らは候補者を支援するために資金を提供することができるからです。お金でテレビの時間を買い、投票用紙に署名を集める人を雇うのです。 オリガルヒのための民主主義とも言えますが、それは寡頭政治と呼ばれるものです。 選挙で選ばれたわけでもない億万長者たちが、誰を支持するかによって予備選の投票権を決めるだけでなく、CIA、NSA、FBI、ディープ・ステート(深層国家)のような秘密政府も存在します。

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, basically the real voters are the donor class, the billionaires that you’ve mentioned, because they can give money to back the candidates. And money is what buys television time, buys people to get the signatures on the ballot. And you could say it’s a democracy for the oligarchs, but that’s called oligarchy. And not only do these sort of unelected billionaires end up deciding who gets to be on the ticket in the primaries, depending on who they’re backed, but there’s also the blob, the secret government, the damage of the CIA, NSA, FBI, and the deep state.