






Excerpt from the lecture by Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, at the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp, July 27, 2024.




We are in a change, a change is coming, that has not been seen for five hundred years.

This has not been apparent to us because in the last 150 years there have been great changes in and around us, but in these changes the dominant world power has always been in the West.

Our starting point is that the changes we are seeing now are likely to follow this Western logic. By contrast, this is a new situation.





In the past, change was Western: the Habsburgs rose and then fell; Spain was up, and it became the centre of power; it fell, and the English rose; the First World War finished off the monarchies; the British were replaced by the Americans as world leaders; then the Russo–American Cold War was won by the Americans.

But all these developments remained within our Western logic.

This is not the case now, however, and this is what we must face up to; because the Western world is not challenged from within the Western world, and so the logic of change has been disrupted.

What I am talking about, and what we are facing, is actually a global system change.

This is a process that is coming from Asia.

簡潔かつ単純に言えば、今後数十年、あるいは数世紀にわたってーー以前の世界体制は 500 年間続いていたーー、世界の中心はアジアになるだろう。中国、インド、パキスタン、インドネシアなど、他にも挙げればきりがない。

これらの国々はすでに独自の形態、独自のプラットフォームを作り上げており、BRICS 体制の中にすでに存在している。これらの国々は上海協力機構の中で新しい世界経済を構築している。


To put it succinctly and primitively, for the next many decades – or perhaps centuries, because the previous world system was in place for five hundred years – the dominant centre of the world will be in Asia: China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and I could go on.

They have already created their forms, their platforms, there is this BRICS formation in which they are already present.There is the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, in which these countries are building the new world economy.

I think that this is an inevitable process, because Asia has the demographic advantage, it has the technological advantage in ever more areas, it has the capital advantage, and it is bringing its military power up to equilibrium with that of the West.



Vladimir Putin answered questions from Dmitry Kiselev.March 13, 2024 The Kremlin, Moscow


The point is that this so-called "golden billion" has been practically parasitising on other peoples for centuries, 500 years.(…) They've spent centuries filling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must realise that the vampire ball is ending.

Она заключается в том, что этот так называемый золотой миллиард на протяжении веков, 500 лет, практически паразитировал на других народах.(…) Они привыкли столетиями набивать брюхо человеческой плотью, а карманы - деньгами. Но они должны понять, что бал вампиров заканчивается

◾️ラブロフ:於国際フォーラム「プリマコフ読書会」 2023年11月27日、

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the Primakov Readings International Forum, Moscow, November 27 2023

私たちは西側諸国の新植民地主義的本能を目の当たりにしている。 500年以上にわたってそうしてきたように、他者を犠牲にして生き続けたいという願望である。 この時代が終わろうとしていることは誰の目にも明らかだ。 彼らはそれを自覚している。

We are witnessing neo-colonial instincts in the West. There is a desire to continue living at the expense of others, as they have been doing for over 500 years. It is clear to everyone that this epoch is coming to an end. They are aware of that.


◾️プーチン、於ヴァルダイ 20221027日

我々は歴史の分水嶺にいる。この先には第二次世界大戦の終結以来、恐らく最も危険で予見できない、とはいえ最も重要な10年間が待っている[We are at a historical crossroads. We are in for probably the most dangerous, unpredictable and at the same time most important decade since the end of World War II.]・・・

(Vladimir Putin, Valdai International Discussion Club meeting, October 27, 2022)


◾️プーチン発言 於ロシア外務省指導部との会談、2024年6月14日 ソース

西側諸国の身勝手さと傲慢さが、現在の極めて危険な状態を招いた。  われわれは許容できないほど引き返せない地点まで近づいてしまった。

The selfishness and arrogance of Western states have led to the current extremely dangerous state of affairs.  We have come unacceptably close to the point of no return.

эгоизм и высокомерие западных государств привели к нынешнему крайне опасному состоянию дел. Мы подошли недопустимо близко к точке невозврата.


Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western politicians.  They either do not understand the scale of the threat that they themselves create, or are simply obsessed with the belief in their own impunity and in their own exclusivity.  Both of these can result in tragedy.

Призывы нанести стратегическое поражение России, обладающей крупнейшими арсеналами ядерного оружия, демонстрируют запредельный авантюризм западных политиков. Они либо не понимают масштабы угрозы, которую сами порождают, либо попросту одержимы верой в собственную безнаказанность и в собственную исключительность. И то, и другое может обернуться трагедией.

ところで、オルバーンを再掲すれば《簡潔かつ単純に言えば、今後数十年、あるいは数世紀にわたってーー以前の世界体制は 500 年間続いていたーー、世界の中心はアジアになるだろう。中国、インド、パキスタン、インドネシアなど、他にも挙げればきりがない》だってよ・・・で、日本は何やってんだろ、はやいとこ脱欧入亜しないと「日が真っ先に沈む国」になっちまうぜ。



