





 Sending Dollars Abroad … via the Military By Michael Hudson, June 12, 2023

ーーバイデン政権に、 脱ドル化のプロセスを止めるための、直接的な軍事介入以外の手段はありますか?

マイケル・ハドソン)いいえ、 今のアメリカには軍事介入しかありません。硬直しています。アメリカは長年、 核兵器に多大な投資をしてきたため、 徴兵制を復活させ、 武装した軍隊を他国に侵攻させることはできません。 ベトナム戦争の時のように、学生の抗議が起きるからです。2015年の米国支援のクーデター後にウクライナ人がやってきているような自殺行為の戦争を、 他の国にもやらせることができない限り、 米国が本当に軍事的に戦うことができるのは核兵器だけなのです。しかし、他の国をウクライナのようなことをやらせるのは難しそうだ。 台湾人がそんなことをやりそうにない。 日本人だけがやる可能性がある。

Dimitri Simes Jr. : Does the Biden administration really have any instruments at its disposal other than direct military intervention to try and stop the process of de-dollarization?

MH: No, that’s all that America has now. It’s muscle-bound because for years America has put all of its money into atomic war. So America can’t reintroduce a draft and have an army invading another country because you’d have student protests like you had in the Vietnam War. So all that America really has to fight with militarily is atom bombs. Unless it can get other countries to commit suicide, like the Ukrainians are doing after the American coup d’etat of 2015. But it looks like it’s going to have difficulty having other countries follow Ukraine. And I don’t see the Taiwanese doing this, only the Japanese might be willing to do this.


Why does the US support Israel? By  Michael Hudson 2023/11/12




So what we’re seeing, I’m going to try to summarize now, what we’re really seeing is having fought Russia to the last Ukrainian, and threatening to fight Iran to the last Israeli. The United States is trying to send arms to Taiwan to say, wouldn’t you like to fight to the last Taiwanese against China? And that’s really the U.S. strategy all over the world.

It’s trying to fuel other countries to fight wars for its own control. (…) 

Israel, and what is in the news over the whole attacks in Gaza, is only the opening stage, the trigger for this war, just as the shooting in Sarajevo started World War I in Serbia started everything.


The Dumb Luck of Dollar Hegemony by Michael Hudson, November 26, 2023

歴史家は、バイデンはおそらく現代史上最悪の大統領であり、オバマよりもひどいと言うだろう。 しかし実際はバイデンの問題ではない。というのも、バイデンは、彼の背後にいるディープステート全体のフロントマン、ネオコン・グループ全体のフロントマンに過ぎないからだ。そのまさにネオコンのメンタリティが、好戦的な金融資本主義の最後のあがきであり、米国全体の計画を自滅させるものだ。 ロシアや他の国々を切り刻み、分割し、征服する代わりに、彼らはロシアではなくアメリカを孤立させた。 ドル圏とともにヨーロッパを孤立させた。 そして、世界の他の国々全体を統合し、彼らには全く異なる方向にある共通の未来があることを悟らせたのだ。

I think historians will say, well, Biden has been probably the worst president in modern history, even worse than Obama. But it really isn’t Biden because Biden is just a front man for the whole deep state, for the whole neocon group behind him. And it’s really the neocon mentality, the sort of the last gasp of militant finance capitalism that is self-destructive of this whole American plan. And instead of cutting up, dividing and conquering Russia and other countries, they’ve isolated the United States, not Russia. They’ve isolated Europe along with the US dollar area. And they’ve integrated the whole rest of the world realizing they have a common future that lies in quite a different direction.


Universities as Tentacles of the Police State By Michael Hudson,  April 29, 2024

議会はイスラエルに莫大な補助金を与え、イスラエルはその一部を献金者に奉仕する政治家の選挙キャンペーンに再利用している。 これは、ウクライナが米国の「援助」を利用する際に、資金力のあるロビー団体を設立して顧客の政治家を支援するのと同じ方針である。

Congress gives enormous subsidies to Israel, which recycles some of this money back into the election campaigns of politicians willing to serve their donors. It is the same policy that Ukraine uses when it employs U.S. “aid” by setting up well-funded lobbying organizations to back client politicians.


US Complicit: Israel, Aid and the Congressman’s Circular Flow By Michael Hudson, August 1, 2024

イスラエルは選挙資金提供者を通じて米国議会を買収している。 しかし、そこには循環的な流れがある。 議会はイスラエルに援助を与える。 イスラエルは得た援助の一部を使って、議員たちに支払うロビー活動に還元する。 つまり、彼らがイスラエルに与えるものはすべて、その一部が彼らの懐に入るのだ。 これが、市民連合とそれに関連するもののせいで、私たちが持っている循環の流れです。 つまり、機能不全に陥ったシステム全体があるわけで、アメリカの有権者の多くは、私たちにできることは何もないと考えていると思います。 システムが腐敗しているのです。

Israel has bought the U.S. Congress through its campaign contributors. But there’s a circular flow. Congress will give aid to Israel. Israel will use some of the aid it gets to pay back into the lobbying effort to pay the congressmen. So everything, some portion of whatever they give Israel ends up in their own pockets. That’s the circular flow we have, thanks to Citizens United and related things. So you’re having a whole system that is so dysfunctional that I think a lot of American voters think there’s nothing we can do. The system is so corrupt.


Barbarism or Civilization By Michael Hudson, July 26, 2024

NATO 西側諸国は、過去 70 年間、南半球や多くのアジア諸国にドル建て債務を負わせることで金融支配を行ってきた。ドル建て債務は、これらの国々を金融新植民地主義、国際債務奴隷状態に陥れている。それに加えて、米国と欧州は、他国が独自の道を歩み自らの利益を追求するのを阻止し、一極支配を維持するために持つ究極の力は、他国を爆撃し、テロを動員することである。

The NATO West does financial control by having loaded down the global South and even many Asian countries with dollarized debt for the last 70 years. That dollarized debt holds them in a financial neocolonialism, an international debt peonage. Besides that, the ultimate power that the United States and Europe have to maintain their unipolar control to prevent other countries from going their own way and pursuing their own interests is to bomb them and mobilize terrorism.





Ever since the war in Ukraine by the United States to break Germany and Europe away from their trade and investment relations with Russia and China began in 2022, the United States has mobilized its European and other English-speaking dependencies to impose economic sanctions that has devastated economies obeying these policies.

The backlash resulting from German de-industrialization and America’s elbowing aside France as an arms supplier (e.g., for submarine sales to AUKUS and in trying to replace France in its former African possessions) is driving other countries away. America and Europe have isolated themselves from the Global Majority, replacing its prosperous trade and investment with Russia and China with economic dependency on the United States for oil and other higher-priced imports.

What’s so amazing is how self-destructive of its own global empire U.S. diplomacy has been. The focus of U.S. diplomacy on locking in its control over Europe, Australia, Japan and South Korea by obliging them to join its anti-Russian and anti-Chinese sanctions has obliged these designated U.S. enemies to replacing trade dependency on the West with their own mutual self-dependency.



The U.S. policy of bullying countries by imposing trade sanctions has cut its own economic throat, so to speak. It’s almost humorous to see it dismantle the free-trade imperialism and dollar dependency that earlier generations of U.S. diplomacy tried so hard to impose on the rest of the world.

The meetings this year by the BRICS+ countries under Russian leadership this year and China next year are all about how to plan a trajectory for becoming independent from reliance on the West. That is what U.S. diplomacy itself has driven them to do.


US Complicit: Israel, Aid and the Congressman’s Circular Flow By Michael Hudson, August 1, 2024

マイケル・ハドソン:さて、あなたはイスラエルと言ったが、実際は米国内のイスラエルだ。 ネタニヤフ首相が議会を訪れ、民主党幹部やトランプ大統領とワシントンで会談した直後に、このようなこと(暗殺)が起こったのです。 これはネオコンの政策だと思います。 彼らは手を取り合ってきた。 私はこの人たちを50年以上知っている。

私は、ネタニヤフ首相の顧問であるウジ・アラッドとハドソン研究所で何年も一緒に働いた。 一緒に世界中を回り、議論した。 私は彼らの思想やイデオロギーを知っている。 それはアパルトヘイトだけでなく、イスラエルがパレスチナ人を殺さなければ、イスラエル人が自分たちにしていることへの報復としてパレスチナ人がイスラエル人を殺すという感覚だ。 一度パレスチナ人を傷つけると、アメリカがイランに対して考えていることと同じようなことを考えるようになる。

私たちがイランにしてきたことを見れば、彼らは私たちを憎んでいるに違いない。 したがってイランは私たちをどうにかしようとしている。 だから私たちはイランを攻撃しようとする。

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, you say Israel, but it’s actually Israel in the United States. And all this has happened right after Netanyahu came to Congress and met in Washington with the Democratic Party leaders and then with Trump. So I think it’s really the policy of the neocons. They’ve worked hand in hand. And I’ve known these people for over 50 years.

I worked with Netanyahu’s advisor, Uzi Arad, for a number of years at the Hudson Institute. We made trips around the world together, arguing. And I know what their ideas and ideology are. And it really is not only apartheid, but the feeling that if Israel doesn’t kill the Palestinians, the Palestinians will kill the Israelis in retaliation for what the Israelis are doing to them. And so once you hurt the Palestinians, that makes you think very much like what America thinks with Iran.

Well, we look at what we’ve done to Iran. They must hate us. Therefore, they’re going to do something about us. Therefore, we’re going to attack them.


So I think that the neocons in Washington believe that war is going to be inevitable. America is fighting for control of the Near East because the Near East controls the oil. And American foreign policy has been based on control of food supplies from American farms and control of the oil trade, because if you can control the oil trade, you can turn off people’s electricity, their heating, and their power. And power use for workers is the root of productivity.



And the way that the military thinks—and again, I’ve worked with them for years—is the timing, that, are we in a better position now than we will be next year or not. And I think the American military realizes that Russia and China and the other Eurasian countries are getting together. The American ability to fight militarily is going down. And to the military, that means if we don’t have war now and wait till next year in the future, we’ll be less and less and less able to win.

Well, the reality is they’re going to lose wherever they go, unless there’s atomic war and the chessboard is thrown over. And I think their feeling is the Americans are doing everything they can, from Ukraine to Israel to Iran, to try to stir up a retaliation so that they can then say, ah, we’re under attack, we’re purely defending ourselves, and once you tell your population and your voters this is a war for defense, as the Nazis know, you can always get a—as Goebbels said, you can always get a population on your side if you say it’s for defense.


So I’m very worried that the neocons are going to say there will never be a better or at least a less worse time to go to war in the Near East than right now. That seems to be what is leading the trigger, and even the military has said every way that they’ve gamed out the military sequence there, America loses. They’re not going to lose as bad now as they will in the future. And this is very dangerous, given the whole mindset that they have, and the mindset that they have to control the Near East, or else the rest of the world will not be neoliberalized.


J SATO氏はマイケル・ハドソンをよく読み込んでいる方である。私がハドソンを読み始めたのも彼の紹介による。

世界の終わりは内的カタストロフィの投影である[Der Weltuntergang ist die Projektion dieser innerlichen Katastrophe](フロイト『症例シュレーバー』第3章、1911年)

フロイトの投影メカニズム[le mécanisme de la projection]の定式は次のものである…内部で拒絶されたものは、外部に現れる[ce qui a été rejeté de l'intérieur réapparaît par l'extérieur](ラカン, S3, 11 Avril 1956)