





◾️Iran's Supreme Leader: 'Israel Won't Last Long' OCTOBER 4, 2024



The Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said Israel "won't last long" as he reaffirmed the Palestinian "right" to stand up against Israel in his first sermon in five years.

Khamenei backed the Palestinian and Lebanese movements against Israel while addressing thousands of supporters at a mosque in Tehran. 




「彼らの政策は、政権をこの地域から西側諸国にエネルギーを輸出し、西側諸国からこの地域に商品や技術を輸入するための入り口にすることであり、それは本質的に権力を奪取した政権の存在と、地域全体の政権への依存を保証するものだ」と同師は付け加えた。 「この現実は、誰であれ、どのグループであれ、政権に対するあらゆる打撃は、地域全体、さらには全人類への貢献であることを私たちに明らかにしています。確かに、このシオニストとアメリカの夢は、偽りの、実現不可能な幻想である」と彼は語った。

Khamenei’s appearance today was announced earlier this week by Iranian state media – in a nod to heightened regional tensions in the Middle East after the Israeli killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and the October 1st Iranian ballistic missile attack on Israel.

"The reliance of the U.S. and its allies on maintaining the security of the usurping regime serves as a cover for their deadly policy of turning the regime into a tool to control all the resources of this region and use them in major global conflicts," Khamenei said. 

"Their policy is to make the regime a gateway for exporting energy from the region to the Western world and importing goods and technology from the West to the region, which essentially guarantees the existence of the usurping regime and the dependency of the entire region on it," he added. 

"This reality makes it clear to us that every blow to the regime, from anyone or any group, is a service to the entire region, and even to all of humanity. Certainly, this Zionist and American dream is a false and impossible fantasy," he said.




To the United States, Israel is its landed aircraft carrier in the Near East. Israel is the takeoff point for America to control the Near East.

(マイケル・ハドソン「なぜ米国はイスラエルを支持するのか?」 Michael Hudson, Why does the US support Israel? 2023/11/12)


BIDEN/VIDEO: If we look at the Middle East, I think it’s about time we stop, those of us who support, as most of us do, Israel in this body, for apologizing for our support for Israel.

There is no apology to be made. None. It is the best $3 billion investment we make.

Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region; the United States would have to go out and invent an Israel.

I am with my colleagues who are on the floor of the Foreign Relations Committee, and we worry at length about NATO; and we worry about the eastern flank of NATO, Greece and Turkey, and how important it is. They pale by comparison…

They pale by comparison in terms of the benefit that accrues to the United States of America.