


いやあボクは、「 私は氏の見解をほぼ全面的に受け入れている者だが」としたように「ほぼ」であってね、藤巻氏は投資家であってそこまで求める必要はないかもしれないけど、日本という国の「人口動態」に触れている記事やツイートには行き当たったことはないね。




日本経済の主な問題はデフレではなく、人口動態である[The main problem in the Japanese economy is not deflation, it's demographics (白川方明 Masaaki Shirakawa, at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, 2014.05.13










Demographic Lessons from Japan for Europe 

Daniel Gros 10 November 2017 PDF

Demography is not destiny, at least not entirely. Over centuries, policy can affect fertility decisions and migration can transform a country, as the experience of the United States shows. Over shorter time horizons, however, demographic trends must be taken as a given, and they still can have a profound impact on growth. Yet demographic factors are often neglected in economic analysis, leading to significant distortions in assessments of countries' performance. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Japan.

With real output – the key measure of economic performance – having risen by only about 15% since 2000, or less than 1% per year, Japan easily seems the least dynamic of the world's major economies. But given Japan's demographics – the country's working-age population has been shrinking by almost 1% per annum since the start of this century – this result is remarkable.

In fact, Japan's growth rate per working-age person was close to 2%much higher than in the US or in Europe. Although the US economy has grown by more than 35% since 2000, its working-age population has also grown markedly, leaving the annual growth rate per working-age person at only about 1%.

That indicator – growth rate per working-age person – is not widely used by economists, who instead focus on GDP per capita. By that measure, Japan is doing about as well as Europe and a little worse than the US (see Figure 1). But, while per capita indicators are useful for assessing a country's consumption potential, they do not provide an adequate picture of growth potential, because they include the elderly and the young, who do not contribute to production. Even in Japan, with its long life expectancy, those over the age of 70 do not contribute much to output. Figure 2 thus shows that Japan is clearly ahead if one looks at (real) GDP per working age person.

So, given its rapidly declining potential, Japan has been extraordinarily successful. A key reason is that it has put a growing proportion of its working-age population to work: unemployment is today at a record low of less than 3%, and almost 80% of those who are able and want to work have a job, compared to about 70% for Europe and the US.

