




すらいと.Slight.@slightsight   2022年06月20日(月)




◼️マリウポリ 人間の盾ロシアウクライナ戦争




◼️ "Many of them haven't seen bread for two months": Donbass defenders help civilians in Krasny Liman, as many people have endured constant shelling by the Ukrainian Army

◼️“Why are you killing people in Donetsk?”: A Donbass resident sends an emotional plea to the US and Ukraine.

Every day our houses are burning and people are dying”

A villager from Donetsk told a local journalist that she did not understand the purpose of the Ukrainian army which bombards the villages every day.

“Where houses are burning and people are dying, there are no soldiers or positions. And it flies here 24 hours a day,” says Natalia

A huge problem that complicates the already difficult life of the inhabitants of Donetsk is the lack of water. Even if water is brought somewhere, people are simply unable to get there due to shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
