



ジャック・ボーの最新インタビュー 2022年9月1日

Our latest interview with Jacques Baud

Originally published: The Postil Magazine on September 1, 2022 by The Postil Magazine 





TP: One of the sadder outcomes of this Ukraine-Russia conflict is how the West has shown the worst of itself. Where do you think we will go from here? More of the same, or will there be changes that will have to be made in regards to NATO, neutral countries which are no longer neutral, and the way the West seeks to “govern” the world?

JB: This crisis reveals several things. First, that NATO and the European Union are only instruments of U.S. foreign policy. These institutions no longer act in the interests of their members, but in the interests of the U.S. The sanctions adopted under American pressure are backfiring on Europe, which is the big loser in this whole crisis: it suffers its own sanctions and has to deal with the tensions resulting from its own decisions.

The decisions taken by Western governments reveal a generation of leaders who are young and inexperienced (such as Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin); ignorant, yet thinking they are smart (such as French President Emmanuel Macron); doctrinaire (such as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen); and fanatical (such as the leaders of the Baltic States). They all share some of the same weaknesses, not least of which is their inability to manage a complex crisis.




When the head is unable to understand the complexity of a crisis, we respond with guts and dogmatism. This is what we see happening in Europe. The Eastern European countries, especially the Baltic States and Poland, have shown themselves to be loyal servants of American policy. They have also shown immature, confrontational, and short-sighted governance. These are countries that have never integrated Western values, that continue to celebrate the forces of the Third Reich and discriminate against their own Russian-speaking population.

I am not even mentioning the European Union, which has been vehemently opposed to any diplomatic solution and has only added fuel to the fire.

The more you are involved in a conflict, the more you are involved in its outcome. If you win, all is well. But if the conflict is a failure, you will bear the burden. This is what has happened to the United States in recent conflicts and what is happening in Ukraine. The defeat of Ukraine is becoming the defeat of the West.




Eskalation der Energie-Krise: Die Profiteure der deutschen Außen- und Wirtschaftspolitik 11.09.2022







In Germany, they pointed to the desire of the United States to ruin Europe

Forecasts for the German economy are becoming more gloomy every day. But there are winners in this situation – the United States.

Only the United States is interested in aggravating the situation in Ukraine and expanding the theater of hostilities, says economics professor Christian Kreis.

According to him, a war involving NATO would help Washington solve problems with overproduction and debts.

Thus, the United States hopes that as a result of the conflict in Central Europe, most of the production facilities will be destroyed, Kreis said.

However, Washington's main goal is to prevent friendship between Russia and Germany. Kreis is convinced that the US is planning to ruin Germany.

The economist predicted deindustrialization, while noting that small and medium-sized businesses will suffer the most.



Jacques Baud 10 abril, 2022

Militar suizo, experto de la ONU, analiza con bisturí la guerra en Ucrania

ー なぜ、アメリカはこの紛争に関心を持つのか?

