




Andrey "Murz' Morozov,曰く、「ああ、スロビキンにひどく期待してたんだが!」

Legendary Russian/LPR volunteer Andrey "Murz' Morozov, who has huge merits for supply and equipping the LPR units, published a text on livejournal.com revealing huge issues in the Russian army (well-known to Khokhols)

The text was soon suspended, apparently for 'slandering' the Russian command and leadership, and a lot of loyalist sluts called on to 'execute' the author or to 'put him in jail'.

However, his post, as everything on the internet, was saved by other people, and was is said there is basically true.

I am not planning to auto-translate/edit it right now, since it's too big, but here's the link, so you can do it yourself - https://vk.com/@iistrelkov-andrei-morozov-murz-v-pogone-za-pozitivchikom (complete text, Russian)

And here's the summary (written by Murz himself):

« Summary? A hell of a fuck is waiting for us ahead in the winter. There will be no significant chances to hold the current frontline, and the enemy is well aware of this, concentrating his forces where it is convenient and profitable for him. There is no progress on any of the points, the provision of which determines the success of the defense, only regression, moreover, systematically encouraged.

And especially the fuckup will become obvious when the snow falls and the entire movement, including all our artillery, will be in full view of the enemy UAVs.

And everyone is silent about it again, and then, when the cities and regions will be surrendered again, everyone will be like, “Oh, how did this become possible!?!? Oh, we were so hoping for Surovikin! He is so severe and brutal! Why did he fail?!?! And Surovikin himself will be at a loss, because even if you are at least three times the most fucking motivated the most important field marshal, you are powerless to do anything if you have an army of wankers in your subordination, in which the gaps in stupidity start somewhere at the level of lieutenant colonels and go down, not up.

I'll repeat it again to better understand, damn it.

This level of military incompetence simply does not exist.

There is a huge, massive betrayal, systematic preparation for a completely hellish massacre during the next Ukrainian offensive.

The command of the Russian army leaves it no chance for success.

And the faggots from among the "experts" and military correspondents who cover up and glorify all this, suck the "positive aspects" out of this, bear their share of responsibility for all the future fuckups.

I'm fucking shocked. I'm in the dark, bitch, shock. And I'm not whining or complaining now. When Khokhols break through the front, I will get my machine gun from under the castle, put on my armor and go and try to kill someone before I die. And they will kill me, and I, damn it, will not see all the further shame, in connection with which we can say that I will be fine. Almost awesome. And you all will live in this fucked up place. And you will all be asking each other when Russia will be "decolonized", - "But how did it happen? And how did it come?!?"

And that's how, damn it. Exactly like this. You closed your eyes, you closed them, you wanted something positive - get it, damn it. You jerked off at "Saint 1913"? Well, get it, and then 1916 and 1917. IT HAS BEEN TALKED ABOUT 100 TIMES.

If this winter we manage to hold something somewhere, and the probability of this still remains, then this will be possible only contrary to the command of the RF Armed Forces. Crowds of volunteers are now working day and night to maximize the chances of this holding the ground. Winning the war as a whole "in spite of" is a very non-standard task, much more difficult than constantly obtaining regular delays in Berlin defeated at the terrible cost of a lot of blood of the men at the front. Who fucking knows how to solve it, I haven't figured it out yet. »