





※フル動画「日本の中立外交を要求する國民大会」【第一部 講演】各代表者 オザワ•ヤニナ(ドネツク人民共和国)リャザノワ・イリーナ(ルガンスク人民共和国)2022/5/8 nicovideo


ウクライナ軍総司令官 ヴァレリー・ザルジニーへのインタビュー

An interview with General Valery Zaluzhny, head of Ukraine’s armed forces   

The Economist 2022/12/15



大規模な侵略が始まったときに私たちがしたことは、2014年の時点ですでに持っていた知識だけでなく、それ以降に得た技術や経験を実行することでした。そして、私たちが得た最も重要な経験であり、ほとんど宗教のように実践してきたことは、ロシア人や他の敵は殺さなければならない、ただ殺さなければならない、そして最も重要なことは、それを行うことを恐れてはならない、ということです。そして、 これが私たちがやっていることです。


Valery Zaluzhny: For us, for the military, the war began in 2014. For me personally in July 2014. And I had no idea what war really was in 2014.

I had read a lot of books, I had graduated from all the academies with a gold medal, I understood everything theoretically, but I did not understand what war really meant. But in eight years of war, until 2022, both I and people like me understood it all perfectly well.

All we did when the large-scale aggression started was to implement not only our knowledge, which we already had in 2014, but also the skills and the experience we have gained since then. And the most important experience we had and the one which we have practiced almost like a religion is that Russians and any other enemies must be killed, just killed, and most importantly, we should not be afraid to do it. And this is what we are doing.

all that happened on February 24th was an increase in scale.





One must begin this discussion by accepting the fact that there was already a war happening in Ukraine for the eight years preceding the Russian military incursion in February 2022. And, this war by the government in Kiev against the Russian-speaking peoples of the Donbass – a war which claimed the lives of around 14,000 people, many of them children, and displaced around 1.5 million more even before Russia’s military operation – has been arguably genocidal. That is, the government in Kiev, and especially its neo-Nazi battalions, carried out attacks against these peoples with the intention of destroying, at least in part, the ethnic Russians precisely because of their ethnicity.

While the US government and media are trying hard to obscure these facts, they are undeniable, and were indeed reported by the mainstream Western press before it became inconvenient to do so. …

(ダニエル・コバリク Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia's intervention in Ukraine is legal under international law, 23 Apr, 2022

率直に言って、現在のウクライナ紛争におけるネオナチの役割を軽視していることは不可解でしかない[frankly, the downplaying of the role of neo-Nazis in the current Ukrainian conflict is just baffling](ダニエル・コバリクDaniel Kovalik『ロシアをスケープゴート化する陰謀(The Plot to Scapegoat Russia)』2017年)




The underlying causes of the crisis are Ukraine’s own internal divisions, not primarily Putin’s actions. The primary factor escalating the crisis since May has been Kiev’s “anti-terrorist” military campaign against its own citizens, now mainly in the Donbass cities of Luhansk and Donetsk. (スティーヴン・コーエン『ロシアと戦争?』Stephen F. Cohen, War with Russia? 2018)


NATO同盟は2014年にウクライナ軍の訓練を開始し、その後8年間で毎年平均1万人の訓練された部隊を生み出した。 The alliance began training the Ukrainian military in 2014, averaging 10,000 trained troops annually over the next eight years.


The tragic truth is that if the West had not pursued NATO expansion into Ukraine, it is unlikely there would be a war in Ukraine today and Crimea would still be part of Ukraine. In essence, Washington played the central role in leading Ukraine down the path to destruction. History will judge the United States and its allies harshly for their remarkably foolish policy on Ukraine. (ジョン・ミアシャイマー, ウクライナ戦争の原因と帰結John J. Mearsheimer, The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine War,   June 23, 2022



ロシアを弱体化させるという信念のもと、われわれのメディアはウクライナ社会の漸進的な消滅を推進している。逆説のようだが、これはわれわれの指導者のウクライナに対する見方と一致している。彼らは2014年から2022年にかけてのドンバスにおけるロシア語を話すウクライナ市民の虐殺に反応せず、今日のウクライナの損失にも言及しない。実際、我々のメディアや当局にとって、ウクライナ人は一種の「劣等人種 Untermenschen」であり、その人生は政治家の目標を満たすためだけにあるのだ。

In the belief that they are weakening Russia, our media are promoting the gradual disappearance of Ukrainian society. It seems like a paradox, but this is consistent with the way our leaders view Ukraine. They did not react to the massacres of Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians in the Donbass between 2014 and 2022, nor do they mention Ukraine’s losses today. In fact, for our media and authorities, Ukrainians are a kind of “Untermenschen” whose life is only meant to satisfy the goals of our politicians.(ジャック=ボー「ハリコフと動員」2022年10月1日 Kharkov and Mobilization October 1, 2022 Jacques Baud


Nous témoignons de la compassion pour le peuple ukrainien et les deux millions de réfugiés. C’est bien. Mais si nous avions eu un minimum de compassion pour le même nombre de réfugiés des populations ukrainiennes du Donbass massacrées par leur propre gouvernement et qui se sont accumulés en Russie durant huit ans, rien de cela ne serait probablement passé.


Que le terme de « génocide » s’applique aux exactions subies par les populations du Donbass est une question ouverte. On réserve généralement ce terme à des cas de plus grande ampleur (Holocauste, etc.), néanmoins, la définition qu’en donne la Convention sur le génocide, est probablement suffisamment large pour s’y appliquer. Les juristes apprécieront.   ジャック・ボー「ウクライナの軍事情勢」LA SITUATION MILITAIRE EN UKRAINE (JACQUES BAUD,  le 16 mars 2022)






スコット・リッターは、次に何が起ころうとも、米国とその同盟国は、2014 年のユーロマイダンのクーデターに始まる「この紛争の全体に 100% 責任がある」ことを強調することが重要であると力説した。 ミンスク協定は、「NATOがウクライナ軍を訓練して、ドンバスの状況を軍事力で解決できるようにするための時間を稼ぐために設計された恥」の証拠とリッターは言った。


Whatever happens next, Scott Ritter stressed that it was important to emphasize that the US and its allies are “100 percent responsible for the totality of this conflict,” beginning with the 2014 Euromaidan coup, to their unwillingness or inability to compel Kiev to implement the Minsk Agreements, which he said proved “a shame designed to buy time so that NATO could train the Ukrainian military [to make it] capable of resolving the Donbass situation by military force.”

“This is the West’s fault. The West trained the Ukrainian military. The West never backed away from NATO expansion. The West rejected Russia's diplomatic outreach in December of last year, and then the West has turned what could have been a limited military engagement into a full-scale strategic conflict between the collective West, inclusive of NATO, and Russia on Ukrainian soil. The West provided the weapons, the West provided the intelligence, the West provided the training, the West provided the communication, the West provided the logistics. This is a war between NATO, other European allies, using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia. They're 100 percent responsible for everything that has happened and will happen in Ukraine,” Ritter concluded.

(Russia’s Infrastructure Strikes Show Crimean Bridge Was ‘Red Line’ and Kiev Crossed It: Observers  Ilya Tsukanov 2022/10/10)


いまだ「どうも思っていない」日本の政治中枢や主流メディア・国際政治学者連中をこのまま放り続けておくのかい? きみらはいまだ連中と同じ穴のムジナなのかい?




ゼレンスキーはユダヤ人だからネオナチはあり得ないとか、バカげている[Zelensky is a Jew and that's their motivation for saying: «Well, how can they be Neo-Nazis?» - That's nonsense! ]オリバー・ストーンOliver Stone! プーチンについて 2022/03/12



 米陸軍退役大佐ダグラス・マクレガーDOUGLAS MACGREGOR




"We Trained Nazis" - Former US Marine Corp Intelligence Officer, 

Scott Ritter  2022/03/12



"Ukraine has become a defacto Nazi state" 

- Scott Ritter & Richard Medhurst 2022/05/19


この子どもたちは2度殺されているも同然です。最初に殺すのはウクライナの爆弾、2度目に殺すのはこの子供たちの死を隠す欧米のマスコミだ。一体何が、欧州をここまで堕落させたのでしょうか? 欧州は自由で民主主義の大陸、万人の生存権を擁護する大陸と称しながら、その生存権にはドンバスの民衆は入っていない。

―エリゼオ・ベルトラージ Eliseo Bertolasi 2022/8/14