




《私は親イスラエルであり、いつもそうだった。I am, and have always been, pro-Israel. 》だって? どうしようもないね。まさにプーチン曰くの「パレスチナを救うにはイスラエルの背後にいる蜘蛛と戦うほかない」だよ

ブリンケン? 女郎蜘蛛だろ、もともと。

以下、ミアシャイマーの「イスラエルロビーと米国の政策」講演(March 24, 2017)より

◼️What Has Changed Since Publication of The Israel Lobby and What the New Administration Can Do Differently 、JOHN MEARSHEIMER ON MARCH 30, 2017

米国はイスラエルと、 現代史上類を見ない特別な関係にあり、それはほとんどロビー活動によるものである。

the United States has a special relationship with Israel that has no parallel in modern history and it is almost wholly due to the lobby.(…) 

援助は無条件に与えられる。言い換えれば、 イスラエルはヨルダン川西岸に入植地を建設するなど、 米国が反対することをしても援助を受けられるのだ。

the aid is given unconditionally.  In other words, Israel gets this aid even when it does things that the United States opposes, like building settlements in the West Bank.(…) 

米国がほとんどあらゆる場面でイスラエルの行動を擁護ゆる場面ですることに深くコミットしていることに気づかないのは目も耳も不自由な人だけだろう。 Only someone who is blind and deaf would not recognize that the United States is deeply committed to defending Israel’s behavior at almost every turn. (…) 


the key stain on Israel’s reputation is its brutal treatment of the Palestinians and the fact that it has become an apartheid state.  (…) 


It’s difficult to say where this conflict will lead in the decades ahead.  Many Israelis will surely be interested in expelling the Palestinians from Greater Israel if they have the opportunity, thereby eliminating the need for apartheid.  But that outcome is unlikely, because there are now more than six million Palestinians living within Greater Israel’s borders, and they would surely put up fierce resistance if Israel tried to expel them from their homes. Moreover, massive ethnic cleansing would be an enormous and everlasting stain on Israel’s reputation.  It’s more likely that Israel will simply remain an apartheid state and, with the help of the lobby, just hunker down and accept the fact that most of the world considers it a pariah state. (…) 


It will probably take another 20 or 30 years before we understand how this conflict will ultimately be resolved, or maybe not resolved.  Regardless of the outcome, I’m deeply sad to say that the decades ahead promise abundant trouble for Israel, and especially for the Palestinians.  The United States will not be spared either, simply because the lobby will be working overtime to protect Israel and preserve the special relationship, which is likely to harm America’s intellectual life, as well as its politics.