




The majority of Israelis believe their military is “using too little firepower in Gaza” – most of the rest think the current level is “appropriate”. 

It’s hard to overstate just how unanimously & deeply Israeli society is genocidal in its beliefs towards the Palestinians.



◼️What Israelis Think of the War With Hamas BY ANNA GORDON

NOVEMBER 10, 2023

Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren't sure whether it was using too much or too little firepower.

ガザでの武力行使に関しても、世論調査結果はタカ派的だった。イスラエル系ユダヤ人の57.5%が、イスラエル国防軍(IDF)がガザで使用している火力が少なすぎると信じていると答え、36.6%がIDFは適切な量を使用していると答えた一方、IDF が火力を使用しすぎていると思うと答えたのはわずか 1.8% で、4.2% は火力が多すぎるのか少なすぎるのかわからないと述べた。


Seyed Mohammad Marandi

@s_m_marandi Dec 3, 2023

I have always been highly skeptical of the US regime and its Western allies. But I didn't think they could be this openly ruthless. The ongoing #GazaGenocide could not take place without the full support of Western leaders. 

There is no doubt that the US is the Great Satan.

私は常に、アメリカの政権とその西側同盟国に対して懐疑的であった。しかし、ここまで公然と冷酷になるとは思わなかった。現在進行中のガザジェノサイド は、欧米の指導者たちの全面的な支援なしには起こりえない。


Seyed Mohammad Marandi

@s_m_marandi Dec 3, 2023

Murderous Zionists bombing Gazan civilians with European and American full support.

The US, EU, UK, and Canadian regimes are carrying out the #gazaholocost alongside the Israeli regime.



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