



J Sato

@j_sato    Jan 13, 2024







Jonathan Cook

@Jonathan_K_Cook  Jan 12, 2024

Former UK ambassador Craig Murray attended the International Court of Justice yesterday on South Africa's genocide case against Israel:

'It occurred to me that the people who really did not want to be in the Court at all were the judges, because it is, in fact, the judges and the Court itself on trial. The fact of genocide is incontrovertible and had been plainly set out. But several of the judges are desperate to find a way to please the USA and Israel and avoid countering the current zionist narrative, the adoption of which is necessary to keep your feet comfortably under the table of the elite.

'What counts more for them, personal comfort, the urgings of NATO, future wealthy sinecures? Are they prepared to ditch any real notion of international law for those things?

'That is the real question before the court.'

More from his day in court here: https://craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2024/01/your-man-in-the-hague-in-a-good-way/

ーーだな、とってもうまい言い方だね、裁判にかけられる裁判官たちと裁判所自体[the judges and the Court itself on trial]とは。



The vast majority of “journalists” simply churn out lies and misinformation handed down by the state without complaint, lest their careers and livelihood arrive at a sudden dead end.   (Fake News, Fake Putin Nuclear Threat, Kurt Nimmo Oct 24 2022)




Not so long ago, the dominant narrative was based on the interplay between at least four discourses: the political, the religious, the economic and the cultural, in which the political and the religious aspects were the most important. Today, they have all but disappeared. Politicians are fodder for stand-up comedians, religion calls up images of sexual abuse or suicide terrorism, and as for culture, everybody is now an artist. There is only one dominant discourse still standing, namely the economic. We live in a neoliberal society in which the whole world is one big market and everything has become a product. Furthermore, this is linked to a so-called meritocracy in which everyone is held responsible for his or her own success or failure – the myth of the self-made man. If you make it, you have yourself to thank; if you fail you have only yourself to blame. And the most important criterion is profit, money. Whatever you do must bring in the cash; that is the message. 

(ポール・バーハウ Paul Verhaeghe, Higher education in times of neoliberalism, November 2015)

※このラカン派ポール・バーハウのいう経済的言説はラカンの資本の言説[le discours capitaliste]の言い換え➡︎最悪の時代への突入


このまま右肩上がりを前提にし続ければ、意外に人類の滅亡は早いんじゃないでしょうか。 もはや、滅亡をどう先送りするかという地点にまで来てしまったのではないでしょうか。〔・・・〕


ここで、無主主義という観念を導入した方がいいと思います。今は民主主義が尖鋭化して全体主義になった状況を考えた方が世界を見易いですが、独裁者がいるかと問われれば、 いないでしょう。主人はマネーかもしれないんです。(古井由吉『新潮 45』2012 年 1 月号 片山杜秀との対談)


