






[What are the consequences for a member not complying with a unanimous resolution of the Security Council?]

"Well, it will further damage America's reputation in the world. Our legitimacy will be harmed somewhat."

[Because we are calling it non-binding, or because the Israelis are thumbing their noses at it?]

"Well, those two things go together—there's no question about that.

The rest of the world looks on and thinks we are total hypocrites, and it's hard to disagree with them in a case like this.

We should have just vetoed the resolution and said that we don't accept it.

But to accept the resolution, which is binding—that's how the rules actually work—and then to say it's non-binding makes no sense to me."

[Following this, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered that his leadership team—which was planning to leave Israel for the US—not go. They haven't come. Now, he has apparently changed his mind and asked that the invitation for them be re-offered by the Biden Administration. Professor Mearsheimer, is this just a game? Because if Joe Biden wanted a ceasefire, it would just take a phone call. It wouldn't require the US ambassador twisting words and denying the obvious on the floor of the Security Council.]

"Well, as you and I have discussed before, we could easily shut this war down if we wanted.

But the fact is, Joe Biden does not want to shut the war down—if that means he has to put pressure on the Israelis.

He's unwilling to put serious pressure on the Israelis.

This incident—with the binding-nonbinding resolution—highlights that the Israelis can pretty much do whatever they want.

We'll bark a lot about it, but the fact is, in the end, we're unwilling to put any serious pressure on Israel.

This is damaging America's position in the world—and it's also damaging Joe Biden's chances of getting re-elected in November."

Excerpt from remarks by Professor John Mearsheimer, American political scientist and international relations scholar, in an interview with Judge Napolitano, March 27, 2024.

Source: YouTube Prof. John J. Mearsheimer: Biden's Blank Check




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