





Credit the Economic Planner By MICHAEL HUDSON, January 18, 2024


To the United States, Israel is America’s Ukraine in the Near East. It’s the United States that is pushing Israel to goad first Lebanon and then Iran into doing something that will justify a huge American attack, trying to do to Iran what Hillary Clinton did to Libya, utterly destroying it and destroying the population. In the process, grabbing its gold supply, we don’t know what’s happened to that, installing ISIS as its foreign legion in as much of Libya as possible and grabbing the Libyan oil supply. 


In the New York Times, in the Wall Street Journal and on TV, whenever they talk about Hamas or Hezbollah, they don’t say Hamas and Hezbollah. They say “Iran-backed Hamas”, 

“Iran-backed Hezbollah”. They don’t talk about the Yemeni army, the Houthis. They say the

“Iranian-backed Houthis”. There is a huge public relations push to convince the American population that Iran is the big enemy and President Biden says again and again that Iran is the enemy. The army, Petraeus, and the neocons have said from the very beginning, Iraq and Syria are merely the dress rehearsal for where we really want to go, Iran. 


Their hatred of Iran stems from the fact that they overthrew the Iranian government of Mosaddegh back in the 1950s, along with British help as usual. And they’re sure that, well, we’ve hurt you so much that we’re sure you must hate us. And since we know you hate us because of what we’ve done to you, we’ve got to attack you because we’ve made you an enemy by overthrowing your government when we grabbed your oil and put in the Shah that ran a murderous torture regime for a few decades in Iran. Well, that basically is the American policy that is goading it into a war that probably will be more disastrous for the United States than the war in Ukraine was. 




Predictions 2024 By MICHAEL HUDSON, January 4, 2024 

今のイスラエルでの戦いは、実に20年前から続いているプロセスだ。 米国はイスラエルを支援している。 イスラエルは米国にとって、ウクライナと同じような存在だと見ることができる。 米国はロシアに対して最後のウクライナ人まで戦わせるつもりだ。 イスラム諸国に対しては、最後のイスラエル兵まで戦わせようとしている。 2001年の9月11日以来、米国はイラク、シリア、そして何よりもイランとリビアの征服を望んできた。 アメリカの報道機関では、今日ガザやイスラエルで起きていることに関するすべての議論において、ヒズボラやハマスについて語るときはいつも、イランに支援されたハマス、イランに支援されたヒズボラという修飾語をつけている。 イラク人がイラクから石油を盗んでいるアメリカ人を追い出すために戦おうとしているとすれば、それはイランに支援されたイラクだ。

The fight in Israel right now is really a process that’s been going on for 20 years. The United States is backing Israel. And you can look at Israel as being to the United States what Ukraine is. The United States is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian against Russia. It’s willing to fight to the last Israeli against the Muslim states. The United States ever since 9-11 in 2001 has wanted to conquer Iraq, Syria, and most of all, Iran, as well as Libya. In the United States press, all of the discussions of what’s happening in Gaza and Israel today, whenever they talk about Hezbollah or Hamas, the newspapers all put in the qualifying adjective, Iranian-backed Hamas, Iranian-backed Hezbollah. And if Iraqis are trying to fight to drive out the Americans that are stealing the oil from Iraq, it’s the Iranian-backed Iraqis.

今イスラエルで起きているこの戦闘は、表面的にはイスラエル国家を非ユダヤ系住民から浄化するための戦いのように見えるが、実際には近東全体とその石油生産を征服しようとするアメリカの試みの一部である。 アメリカにとって近東は重要である。というのも、この100年間、アメリカが世界経済を支配してきたのは、英国石油やフランスの石油会社とともに石油を支配してきたからである。 アメリカは石油をエネルギーの支配に利用し、エネルギーとその価格を支配することで、産業の生産性とGDPを支配してきた。 GDP、労働生産性、産業はすべてエネルギーの関数である。

つまり、米国がやっていることは、ネタニヤフ首相を煽り、レバノンのヒズボラを刺激して報復させようとすることで、米国はレバノンを攻撃し、イランを刺激しようとしているのだ。 最近もシリアでイランの指導者を暗殺し、イランを刺激して何かをさせようとしている。

This whole fighting that you’re seeing in Israel now, that on the surface seems to be a fight to purify the Israeli state from the non-Jewish population, is part of the American attempt to really conquer the whole Near East and its oil production. To America, the Near East is important because American domination of the world economy for the last hundred years has rested upon its control of oil, along with British Petroleum and the French oil companies. The United States has used oil as controlling energy, and by controlling energy and its pricing, controlling industrial productivity and GDP. GDP, labor productivity, industry, is all a function of energy.

So what the United States is doing is goading Netanyahu to try to provoke the Lebanon Hezbollah into retaliating, so the United States can attack Lebanon, and trying to provoke Iran. It recently assassinated an Iranian leader in Syria, trying to provoke Iran into doing something.

通常であれば、レバノンやイランが今イスラエルが攻撃しているような形で攻撃されれば、反撃するだろう。 それが自然な傾向だ。 殴られたら殴り返す。 しかし、これは米国がレバノンにやらせたいことであり、イランにやらせたいことであることは明白である。1カ月前に一歩引いて、「待てよ、我々は報復するつもりはない」と言った。米国がウクライナ人を煽ってロシアの攻撃を誘発させ、ロシアの血を流させようとしていたように、米国は攻撃を誘発させ、最終的に持てるものすべてをかけてイランを攻撃しようとしているのだ。


Well, under normal circumstances, when Lebanon or Iran is attacked in the way that the Israelis are attacking now, you’d fight back. That’s the natural tendency. If you’re punched, you’re going to punch back. But this is so obvious that this is what the United States wants Lebanon to do, and wants Iran to do, that they’ve stepped back a month ago, and said, wait a minute, we’re not going to retaliate, just like the United States was trying to goad the Ukrainians to provoke a Russian attack, so that we could begin to bleed Russia, the United States is trying to provoke an attack so that it can finally attack Iran with everything it has.

Well, what has happened for the last month is Iran and Hezbollah and other Muslim groups have talked with each other to try to coordinate what we’re doing, and saying, look, we’re all under attack. We’re not going to let the United States pick us off one by one. Let’s not let the United States divide and conquer us, and first conquer Lebanon, and then conquer Syria, and then reconquer Iraq and drive out the opposition and the liberation fight in Iraq, and then conquer Iran. We’ve got to have a united front, and that’s why Russian ships and Chinese ships have moved into the area, and it’s realized that this fight that seems on the surface to be one between Netanyahu and the Palestinians, is really just a catalyst, a fuse, a trigger for the Near Eastern war that the United States has been planning.
