




As Good As It Gets By Michael Hudson, January 3, 2025


NIMA ALKHORSHID: And you’ve mentioned what has happened in Ukraine, and the way Ukraine is just not letting the gas flowing to Slovakia and other countries. So, Michael, in your opinion, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Europe can no longer rely on other powers for its security. And with the rise of the AfD that you mentioned in Germany, do you think that this new attitude on the part of Europeans can help? Because at the end of the day, they don’t have any sort of alternative for their energy. It has to be Russia. Do they have any other alternative for energy?



MICHAEL HUDSON: What Macron has said is we cannot depend on any of our own politicians to make our policy. We can only depend on the United States for our policy. That’s what every action of him has said. He would like to get votes. Of course, the voters want their politicians to support policies for the United States. Those are not Macron’s policies. Macron’s policies are diametrically opposed to European self-sufficiency. Macron has talked about let’s send the French army. Let’s send troops to Ukraine to help fight Russia. The single-minded focus of Macron is to fight Russia and sacrifice the rest of Europe.

That’s why he’s so unpopular. That’s why the government has fallen. That’s why French finances are in a disaster. So I’m not sure. I would certainly not want to take Macron as if he’s representing European interests. He’s not. He’s basically a U.S. puppet. The second part of your question is, does Europe have another source of energy? Well, thanks to the Green Party, the environmental policy party, yes, it has two sources of energy. It has coal That’s the number one fuel of the future for the Greens. It’s vastly increasing Russia’s coal consumption, and it can cut down the forests. It can use wood.



And there’s a big market. The Germans are now buying local space heaters. You put wood stoves. They’re using wood stoves. If you walk down a countryside in Germany, you see whole wood piles of logs to be fed into the heaters. So, yes, Europe can burn down its forests and coal. It takes time to make an atomic energy plant. And Europe has decided it doesn’t want atomic energy. It wants solar energy. And so throughout the German countryside, and I’ve driven there, you have enormously loud windmills going that are not only driving people crazy, they’re driving the cattle crazy or whatever animals you may have on the countryside.

So they’re making an attempt at wind power, an attempt on solar power. But the United States says, no, you can’t have solar or wind power because who’s making the windmills? China. Who’s making the solar panels that generate solar power? China. So you really can’t do that. You’ve really got to starve in the dark. And that’s, again, the quandary for Europe. And I don’t see anyone except the right-wing parties opposing this.


The left is completely on board with the U.S. Cold War because the left-wing parties, as I think we’ve discussed before, have been staffed by politicians who have been dependent on very heavy subsidy and grants from non-governmental organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy to build up. So you really don’t have a domestic formulation of what would a rational European economic policy be to restore prosperity, and in fact, is there a way to restore the dismantling of heavy industry, steel industry, automobile industry, manufacturing industry, even fertilizers and chemicals that have already been dismantled? Or does Europe have to go the way that the Baltics have gone? You’re already having plunging population fertility rates throughout Europe, but you’re also beginning to have the same kind of immigration, not only of people, but also of industrial companies out of Europe to other places.

So I really don’t see in the short term any way that Europe can have an alternative to Russian energy as long as its political system is governed not by elected local national leaders, but by the EU bureaucracy, which is solidly NATO. And the whole European Constitution, the Eurozone, as we’ve discussed before, is basically dominated by NATO and by the United States indirectly. I don’t see much of a solution except poverty for Europe.


これは、ヨーロッパで私たちが目にしているオーウェルの1984年の世界です。そして、スターマーと労働党の下にあるイギリスでは明らかに最悪です。しかし、労働党に起こっていることは、ドイツ社会民主党に起こったことと同じです。ドイツ社会民主党は現在、世論調査で「ドイツのための選択肢」(AFD)に遅れをとり、今月の選挙でほぼ全滅するでしょう。そして、ヨーロッパの国々は次々とルーマニアと同じ道をたどるでしょう。人々が米国に投票せず、自国の利益のために投票したら、どうするつもりですか? 米国にとって、それはもはや友人ではないことを意味します。

Something’s got to give, obviously. When is it going to give? And how will it give if there’s not a bipartisan support across the political spectrum to understand what’s happening? And as long as the European mainstream press keeps saying that, well, any advocacy of not fighting Russia in Ukraine is basically serving Russian national interests and anything that serves Russian national interest is disinformation. It’s wrong-think. It’s not the kind of thinking that we’re going to support.

This is Orwellian 1984 world that we’re seeing in Europe. And I don’t see… it is obviously worse of all in England under Starmer and the Labour Party. But what’s happening to the Labour Party is the same thing that’s happened to the German Social Democratic Party that’s now fallen behind the Alternative for Deutschland in the polls and is going to be pretty much wiped out in this month’s election. And you’re going to have one European country after another going the way of Romania. What are you going to do when people do not vote for the United States, but vote for their own national welfare? To the United States that means you’re not a friend anymore.

ニマ・アルクホルシード:おっしゃるとおり、ドイツ経済の状況は今非常に厳しいです。AFD は対応できると思いますか?現在のドイツ経済の弱さを考えると、AFD はドイツにおける米国の政策に対抗すると思いますか、それとも米国とうまくやっていき、政治的な動きをして、トランプ政権にドイツがロシアとドイツの国境を再び接続することを受け入れるよう説得すると思いますか?

NIMA ALKHORSHID: As you mentioned, the situation of the economy of Germany is so dire right now. Do you think AFD is capable? Considering the economy of Germany right now and how weak it is, do you think that they’re going to stand against the US policies in Germany, or they’re going to get along with them, and they’re trying to do some political moves and maybe convincing the Trump administration to accept that Germany reconnects the line between Russia and Germany?

マイケル・ハドソン:短期的には再接続のチャンスはないと思います。ヨーロッパ、ドイツには、特にソ連時代の東ドイツ人が受けたトラウマのせいで、恐怖と反ロシア感情の遺産があり、それは確かに年配の人たちに影響を与えていますが、それを経験する必要がなかった若い世代には影響していません。しかし、米国がウクライナに資金提供し、後援してきたのと同じロシアを憎む感情がまだ残っています。ロシアに対する憎悪は、過去 150 年間イギリスで続いてきたのと同じで、あたかもロシアが西洋文明の敵であるかのようです。

米国は NATO 諸国、大西洋諸国を文明そのものとして描写しようとしています。そして、その代替案は実際には新しい文明ではなく、ボレルが言ったように無政府状態、ジャングルのようなものです。そこにはそのような感覚があり、ドイツや他のヨーロッパの人々が民族主義政党に投票したとしても、どの政党も議会で絶対多数を獲得することはないと思います。ラトビアで何が起こったか考えてみてください。ラトビアの人口の 3 分の 1 を占める最大の政党はハーモニーセンター党です。この政党は基本的に過去 30 年間ロシア語を話す人々の政党です。

MICHAEL HUDSON: I don’t think in the short term there’s any chance of reconnecting. There’s such a legacy of fear and anti-Russian feeling in Europe, in Germany, especially because of the trauma that the East Germans had under the Soviet Union that certainly affects the older people, although not the younger generation that didn’t have to go through that. But there’s still the same feeling that the United States has been financing and sponsoring in the Ukraine of hating Russia. The same thing that you have in England for the last 150 years, this hatred of Russia, as if it’s the enemy of Western civilization.

The United States is trying to depict the NATO countries, the Atlantic countries as civilization itself. And the alternative is not really a new civilization, it’s as if it’s anarchy, it’s the jungle, as Borrell has said. There’s that feeling there, and I don’t see even if the German and other European populations vote in nationalist parties, no party is going to get an absolute majority in Congress. Look at what’s happened in Latvia, one third of the Latvian population, the largest party of all, is the Harmony Center Party. That is the party basically of the Russian speakers for the last 30 years.



Despite the fact that they’re the largest party in Latvia, they’ve had no representation among the leadership of Latvia. That’s because they’ve been isolated by the right-wing neoliberal parties. So I think that the Latvian model of the largest party can be cut out of power and will put in the pro-US, anti-Russian parties. This is going to be the model that the European nations are going to take.

Yes, the nationalist Alternative for Deutschland may be the largest power, may even get more than the Christian Democratic Party, but the alliance between the Christian Democrats, the social Democrats, the Greens and other parties, we can keep out all of these pro-Russian nationalist parties. And we can do it until the European population just empties out. This can go on for a very long time. The willingness of Germans to sacrifice their own interests for some abstract ideal seems to be part of their national character.



As Good As It Gets By Michael Hudson, January 3, 2025


NIMA ALKHORSHID: Michael, do you see Donald Trump capable of changing the policies toward Russia, or we’re going to have the same sort of policy that we’ve seen in the Biden administration?



MICHAEL HUDSON: Nobody is capable of changing the policies of Russia. The President Putin’s speeches, and those of the Foreign Secretary Lavrov have been very clear. They’ve stated exactly what they’re going to do. Trump has talked about, can’t we just have peace and stop? Let’s just freeze the conflict and have a truce. Well, Russia negotiators, I’m not sure that Putin is even going to meet with Trump under those conditions, say, well, you know, we tried that years ago in the agreements that we made. And when we stopped fighting, NATO immediately began to rebuild all of its armaments in Western Ukraine to make a new attack on it.

We’re not going to go down that road again. And anyway, we’re going very, very rapidly. Look at how fast the Russian army now is going westward. You’re having the leaders of Luhansk and Donetsk come out and saying, we’re the ones doing the fighting here. We want to end this whole fight this year. It would be nice to end it before spring comes, because certainly Ukraine is going through a hellish winter, cold winter, without much oil and gas, without electricity, without heating. And this is the point at which Russia can say, oh, we’ve told you exactly what we want. And the solution is not simply a peace in Ukraine.


軍は戦い続けました。彼らはあなたを無視しただけです。指導部を一掃せずに、どうやってCIA、国家安全保障局、国務省、軍をコントロールするつもりですか?トランプさん、あなたは選挙に出馬するときにそうすると約束しました。あなたはディープステートからすべての敵を追い出したいと考えていました。軍隊、国務省、FBI、国家安全保障機関から敵を排除してから話をしませんか? 実際に権力を統合できれば、あなた方がこの問題と取引できる能力があることに気づくでしょう。 しかし今のところは、あなたのリーダーが誰であれ、そのリーダーに話を聞こう。

 それはディープステートです。 今あなた方よりも強力に見える権力を持つ誰かと話をする。 しかし、私たちがあなたと話しているのは、原則的には良いことですが、過去3年間着実に発表してきた政策を変えるつもりはありません。 あなたが実行できないと思う約束をしたからといって、それを変えるつもりはありません。 あなたはバイデン大統領にとても似ています。 アメリカの大統領はディープステートのお飾り、フロントマンになっています。 そして、大統領職によってディープステートのコントロールを取り戻すまで、アメリカがどの国とも何に関しても取引できるとは思えません。

It’s going back to the peace that should have been signed way back in 1921. When we talk about peace, we’re talking about rolling back NATO to its original borders. We’re talking about what you promised. So, Mr. Trump, when you’re saying you’re proposing an agreement for us, first of all, how are you ever going to get your agreement through Congress? Congress is pushed by politicians that have made their whole career on fighting Russia. How can you control Congress? Secondly, even if Congress supported you, how are you going to have the army obey you? You tried to have the army stop fighting in Afghanistan.

They kept fighting. They just ignored you. How are you going to control the CIA and the National Security Agency and the State Department and the military without cleaning out the leadership? You promised to do that, Mr. Trump, when you’re running. You wanted to get all of your enemies out of the deep state. Why don’t we talk after you get your enemies out of the military, the State Department and the FBI and the National Security Agencies? When you actually can consolidate your power, then we’ll realize you have an ability to make a deal with this. But until now, let us talk to your leader, whoever your leader is.

It’s the deep state. Get somebody in authority that right now looks stronger than yours for us to talk to. But all we’re talking to you is something that would be nice in principle, but we’re not going to change our policy that we’ve announced steadily for the last three years. We’re not going to change that just on a promise that you make that we don’t think you can carry out. You’re very much like President Biden. Presidents in America have become figureheads, frontmen for the deep state. And until you regain control of the deep state by the presidency, I don’t see how America can make any deal with any country over anything.