




Decades of Wars? Sergey Karaganov  May 13, 2024

私は長い間、世界が軍事衝突の波へと容赦なく向かい、人類文明を破壊しかねない熱核による第三次世界大戦へと発展する恐れがあることを見てきた。 この見通しは、私が50年以上にわたって世界の安全を守ってきた核抑止力の信頼性を回復する必要がある理由について一連の記事を発表した主な理由の一つである。

多くの構造的要因が、軍事衝突が質的にエスカレートする可能性が高いことを示している。 そうなれば、世界は破局の瀬戸際に立たされる。 さらに、人類全般、とりわけロシアに無数の不幸をもたらすだろう。 私の意図は、すでに神経質になっている人々や、新しい現実を受け入れる準備がまだできていない人々を怖がらせることではなく、特に私の以前の一連の比較的「ベジタリアン」な記事がヒステリーを引き起こしたことを考えれば、なおさらである。 しかし、ウナギを袋の中に隠すことはできない。私の最も賢明な同僚たちは、大きな戦争に突入する可能性について、ますます断固とした態度で書き始め、戦争を予防し、もし戦争が起こった場合に備えるためのレシピを提供し始めている。 

For long, I have been watching the world move inexorably towards a wave of military conflicts threatening to deteriorate into a thermonuclear World War III that can likely destroy human civilization. This prognosis was one of the main reasons why I published a series of articles about why it is necessary to restore the credibility of nuclear deterrence, which kept the world safe for more than fifty years.

Many structural factors indicate a high probability of qualitative escalation in military conflicts. This would bring the world to the brink of total catastrophe. Furthermore, it would bring innumerable misfortunes to humanity in general and to Russia in particular. My intention is not to scare those who are already nervous and not yet ready to accept the new reality, especially given the hysteria my previous series of relatively “vegetarian” articles caused. However, you cannot hide an eel in a sack, and the most sagacious colleagues of mine have begun to write more and more determinedly about the likelihood of sliding into a big war, offering recipes for preventing it and preparing for it if it happens. 



私もその議論に加わることにした。 もちろん、私はこの記事のタイトルにある問いに対して否定的な答えを望んでいる。 しかしそのためには、紛争がエスカレートする原因を理解し、平和を守るための政策をより積極的に進める必要がある。 国内、軍事、外交のあらゆる政策を大幅に調整し、新たな発展のパラダイムを自らに、そして世界に提示する必要があると確信している。

私は、今後の課題についての私のビジョンを提示しようと思う。 また、それらに対応するための能動的かつ積極的な方法についても述べる。 課題を列挙することで、何か新しい発見があるとは思っていないが、全体として、断固とした行動を必要とする憂慮すべき現実を描き出している。

On the other side, the American “deep state” has also started warning about the high probability of a World War III and speculating about how the United States can avoid defeat if forced to fight on two or three fronts at the same time—Europe, the Pacific, and the Middle East. 

I have decided to join the discussion. Of course, I would prefer a negative answer to the question posed in the title of this article. But to achieve this, we need to understand the causes of escalations in conflicts and advance a much more active policy of safeguarding peace. I am confident that we need to considerably adjust all policies—domestic, military, and foreign—and offer a new paradigm of development to ourselves and the world.

I will try to present my vision of the challenges ahead. I shall also describe active and proactive ways to respond to them. By listing the challenges, I do not expect to discover something new, but collectively, they draw a more than alarming reality that necessitates decisive action.



The first and main challenge is the depletion of the modern form of capitalism, based primarily on profit-making, for which it encourages rampant consumption of goods and services, many of which are increasingly unnecessary for normal human life. The torrent of meaningless information in the last two to three decades falls into the same category. Gadgets devour a colossal amount of energy and time that people could otherwise use for productive activities. Humanity has come into conflict with nature and begun to undermine it—the very basis of its own existence. Even in Russia, the growth of well-being still implies primarily increased consumption.



◾️NATO Focus: From Defensive to Offensive By Michael Hudson, July 12, 2024 


カラガノフの記事(「数十年にわたる戦争?」)で私がとても気に入っていることの 1 つは、彼が最初に挙げた課題が西側資本主義の衰退という課題だということです。彼はそれを消費主義の過剰と関連付けていますが、それはそれで結構です。そして、私は彼が間違っているとは思いません。



RADHIKA DESAI: …Now, one of the things I absolutely love about Karaganov’s article is that he begins, the first challenge he names is the challenge of the decay of Western capitalism. Now, he associates it with a surfeit of consumerism, which is fine. And I don’t think he’s wrong about that.

But I would, of course, go deeper and say that it is really the decay of monopoly capitalism, which has become neoliberal, financialized, et cetera. And that is his first major point, the first major challenge. And I absolutely agree because that lies at the heart of the sickness that assails the Western countries, the sickness that is creating the divide between the people and their governments, the sickness that is driving European, driving Western countries to be so aggressively militarist.

And again, Karaganov himself says, you know, which I again absolutely love, he says that the West is being so militarist because it is furious that it can no longer take it for granted that the surpluses of the rest of the world will naturally flow to it.



私たちは一緒に働き、考えなければならない。私は、世界多数派の主要国の専門家と、そして将来的には、冷静になった西側諸国の代表者と、公に、そして密室でそうするだろうと信じている。私は、アレクサンドル・ブロークの希望の言葉でこのエッセイを締めくくりたい。「手遅れになる前に、同志よ、古い剣を鞘に収めよう! 私たちは兄弟になるだろう!」もし私たちが次の20年間を生き延び、20世紀のような戦争の時代を再び避けることができれば、私たちの子供や孫たちは多彩で多文化で、より公平な世界に住むことになるだろう。

Many of the proposals outlined above will spark a wave of criticism, as did last year’s articles on nuclear deterrence. But they turned out to be extremely useful both for the domestic and international strategic communities. Americans quickly stopped talking about how Russia would never use nuclear weapons in response to the West’s aggression in Ukraine. Then they started talking about the danger of nuclear escalation in Ukraine. And then how they would lose a war against Russia and China. Europe, which has completely lost its class of strategic thinkers, is still whining, but they are not that dangerous.

We will have to work and think together. I believe that we will do so, both publicly and behind closed doors, with experts from the leading countries of the World Majority, and in the future, with representatives of the sobered-up Western world. I will end my essay with lines of hope from Alexander Blok: “Before it is too late, put an old sword in the scabbard, Comrades! We will become brothers!” If we survive the next two decades and avoid another age of wars like the twentieth century, our children and grandchildren will live in a multicolored, multicultural, and much fairer world.

(Decades of Wars? Sergey Karaganov  May 13, 2024)


ちなみにカラガノフ上の記事の同時期に「米国グローバリズムは病気だ、医者にかかれ」(American Globalism Is a Disease. Meet the Doctor.  Sergei Karaganov May 3, 2024)というインタビュー記事があり、この記事もとても面白い。いや、むしろ一番面白かったと言ったほうがいいかもしれない、いまその内容は掲げないが、裸のカラガノフが現れている箇所があって。