





ロシアの対西側政策はどうあるべきか 2025年1月21日

Sergey Karaganov: Breaking Europe's Back: What Should Russia's Policy Towards the West Be

Сергей Караганов : Сломать хребет Европе: ĸаĸой должна быть политиĸа России в отношении Запада. 21.01.2025




Trump's election temporarily put the development of our policy towards the West, including its ongoing war in Ukraine, on pause. We did not react too strongly (which is right) to the Biden's rearguard provocations, but our soldiers continued offensive operations and grinding Western mercenary troops in Ukraine.

Now from all sides they are talking about the possibility of a compromise, about its contours. And in our country, at least in the media, they began to briskly discuss such options.

Now, together with our colleagues, we are preparing a large-scale study and situational analysis devoted to the development of recommendations regarding Russia's policy towards the West. I will not predict the results of the discussion, but I will simply share some preliminary considerations. They may be useful during the preparation of the report and are designed to create the basis for a broader discussion.


The Trump administration now has no serious reasons to negotiate with us on the terms that we have set. The war is economically beneficial to the United States, since it allows it to rob allies with redoubled energy, update the military-industrial complex, and impose its economic interests through systemic sanctions on dozens of countries around the world. And, of course, continue to inflict damage on Russia in the hope of exhausting it, and in the best case scenario for the United States, to bring down or take out of the game as the military-strategic core of the rising and freeing World Majority, a powerful strategic pillar of the main competitor – China. Although this war with the main domestic political point of view for Trump is unnecessary and even a little harmful, the balance of interests is more likely to be for its continuation.


現在のヨーロッパのエリート、ユーロ統合主義者にとって、戦争は緊喫に必要なものである。伝統的な地政学的ライバルを弱体化させ、過去 3 世紀の敗北に対する復讐を果たすという希望のためだけでなく、ロシアフォビアのためでもある。これらのエリートと彼らのヨーロッパ官僚機構は、ほぼすべての方向で失敗している。ヨーロッパのプロジェクトは限界に達している。

ロシアを悪魔として、そして今や本当の敵として利用することは、10 年以上続いており、ヨーロッパのエリートが彼らのプロジェクトを正当化し、権力を維持するための主な手段である。さらに、「戦略的寄生」、つまり戦争に対する恐怖の欠如は、米国よりもヨーロッパではるかに強力になっている。ヨーロッパ人は、それが自分たちにとって何を意味するかについて考えたくないだけでなく、それについて考える方法をもはや知らない。ソ連時代以来、ドゴール、ミッテラン、ブラント、シュレーダーなどと働いた経験から、私たちは西側諸国における対立と政治の軍事化の主な扇動者はアメリカ人であると考えることに慣れてきた。これは完全に真実ではないし、現在もまったく真実ではない。米国を冷戦に引きずり込んだのは、それが利益になると思ったチャーチルだった。1970年代のミサイル危機を引き起こしたのは、アメリカ人ではなく、ヨーロッパの戦略家たち(当時はまだ存在していた)だった。現在、ヨーロッパのエリートたちはキエフ軍事政権の主なスポンサーである。彼らは、2つの世界大戦を引き起こしたのは彼らの先人たちだったことを忘れ、ヨーロッパと世界を第三次世界大戦へと向かわせている。ウクライナ人を大砲の餌から虐殺へと送り込み、彼らはさらなる新たな虐殺対象を準備している。バルカン半島のいくつかの国、ルーマニア、ポーランドの東欧人だ。彼らは移動基地の展開を開始しており、そこではランツクネヒトの予備部隊が訓練を受けている。彼らは「最後のウクライナ人」だけでなく、近いうちに「最後の東欧人」まで戦争を継続しようとしている。

For the current European elites, the Euro-integrators, the war is urgently needed.Not only because of the hope to undermine the traditional geopolitical rival, to take revenge for the defeats of the last three centuries, but also because of Russophobia. These elites and their European bureaucracy are failing in almost all directions. The European project is bursting at the seams.

The use of Russia as a bogeyman, and now as a real enemy, which has been going on for more than a decade, is the main tool for legitimizing their project and preserving power by the European elites. In addition, "strategic parasitism"-–the absence of fear of war-–has grown much stronger in Europe than in the United States. Not only do the Europeans not want to think about what it can mean for them, but they no longer know how to think about it. Since Soviet times and based on the experience of working with de Gaulle, Mitterrand, Brandt, Schröder and the like, we have become accustomed to considering the Americans as the main instigators of confrontation and militarization of politics in the West. This is not entirely true, and now it is not at all true. It was Churchill, when it seemed to him profitable, who dragged the United States into the Cold War. It was European strategists (they still existed then), and not the Americans, who initiated the missile crisis of the 1970s. Now the European elites are the main sponsors of the Kiev junta. They, forgetting that it was their predecessors who unleashed two world wars, are pushing Europe and the world towards a third. Sending Ukrainian cannon fodder to slaughter, they are preparing a new one—Eastern Europeans from a number of Balkan states, Romania and Poland. They have begun to deploy mobile bases, where contingents of potential landsknechts are trained. They will try to continue the war not only to the "last Ukrainian", but soon to the "last Eastern European".

NATOとブリュッセルの反ロシアプロパガンダは、既にヒトラーを凌ぐものとなっている。 ロシアとの個人的な人間関係さえも、組織的に断ち切られている。正常な関係を主張する人々は毒され職を追われている。実際、全体主義的自由主義イデオロギーが押し付けられている。彼らは民主主義の主張さえ忘れているが、それでもまだそれを叫んでいる。最新の例は、ブリュッセル支持の候補者が勝利しなかったルーマニアの大統領選挙の結果の無効化である。

ヨーロッパのエリートたちは、自国民や自国が戦争に巻き込まれることを覚悟している。 いつ戦争が勃発するか、おおよその時期さえ決まっているのだ。

この狂気を止めるにはどうすればよいか? 少なくともヨーロッパでは、第三次世界大戦への傾斜を止めうるか? 戦争を終わらせうるか?

NATO and Brussels anti-Russia propaganda is already surpassing Hitler's. Even personal human ties with Russia are being systematically severed. Those who advocate normal relations are being poisoned and kicked out of their jobs. In fact, a totalitarian liberal ideology is being imposed. They even forget about the pretensions to democracy, although they are still squealing about it. The latest example is the annulment of the results of the presidential election in Romania, which was not won by a pro-Brussels candidate.

The European elites are not only clearly preparing their populations and countries for war. Even approximate dates are being named when they may be ready to unleash it.

How to stop the madness? Stop the slide towards a third world war, at least in Europe? Achieve an end to the war?

妥協や停戦の話は、現在の対立の線に沿って凍結することを中心に展開する。 そうなれば、ウクライナ人の残党を再武装させ、他国からの部隊を加えて、新たな敵対行為を開始することが可能になる。 我々は再び戦わなければならなくなる。 同時に、より不利な政治的立場から。 すでに完全に鎮圧されているのであれば、そのような妥協案を勝利として提示することは可能であり必要だ。 しかし、これは勝利ではなく、率直に言って西側の勝利となる。 これは世界中でそう受け止められるだろう。 そして多くの点で、我々もそうなのだ。

Talk of compromises, truces revolves around freezing along the line of the current confrontation. This will make it possible to rearm the remnants of Ukrainians and, supplementing them with contingents from other countries, to start a new round of hostilities. We will have to fight again. At the same time, from less favorable political positions. It will be possible and necessary, if it is already completely suppressed, to present such a compromise as a victory. But this will be a non-victory, but, frankly speaking, a victory for the West. This is how it will be perceived all over the world. And in many ways, we too.

このようなシナリオを避けるためのすべての手段を挙げるつもりはない。 最も重要なものだけを挙げる。 

第一に、最終的に自分自身、世界、そして敵対者に明白なことを伝える必要がある。 ヨーロッパは、二度の世界大戦、大量虐殺、反人間的イデオロギー、植民地主義、人種差別、ナチズムなど、人類のあらゆる主要な不幸の源なのだ。 ヨーロッパを「咲き誇る花園」と喩えたある有名なヨーロッパ政府高官の比喩は、何億もの人々が殺され、奪われ、奴隷化された腐葉土の上に咲き誇る、雑草の生い茂る野原と言った方が、はるかに現実的に聞こえる。 そしてその周りには、抑圧され、奪われた文明と民族の廃墟の庭が広がっている。 ヨーロッパに対する核兵器使用の脅威をより説得力のあるものにし、正当化するために、ヨーロッパはそれにふさわしい呼び方をすべきである。

I will not list all the tools to avoid such a scenario. I will name only the most important ones. First, you need to finally tell yourself, the world and your opponents the obvious. Europe is the source of all the major misfortunes of humanity, two world wars, genocides, anti-human ideologies, colonialism, racism, Nazism and so on. The metaphor of a well-known European official about Europe as a "blooming garden" sounds much more realistic if you call it a field overgrown with fat weeds, blossoming on humus from hundreds of millions of killed, robbed, enslaved. And around rises a garden of the ruins of suppressed and robbed civilizations and peoples. Europe should be called the way it deserves to make the threat of the use of nuclear weapons against it more convincing and justified.


Secondly, to point out another obvious truth – any war between Russia and NATO/EU will inevitably acquire a nuclear character or escalate to the nuclear level if the West continues to fight against us in Ukraine. This instruction is necessary, among other things, to limit the unfolding arms race. It is pointless to procure huge arsenals of conventional weapons if the armies equipped with them, and the countries that sent these armies, will inevitably be swept away by a nuclear tornado.



Thirdly, it is necessary to advance for several more months, grinding the enemy. But the sooner the better it is necessary to announce that our patience, our readiness to sacrifice our men for the sake of victory over this bastard will soon run out and we will announce the price—for every killed Russian soldier, a thousand Europeans will die if they do not stop indulging their rulers who are waging war against Russia. We need to tell the Europeans directly: your elites will make the next portion of cannon fodder out of you, and in the event of the transition of the war to the nuclear level, we will not be able to protect the civilian population of Europe, as we are trying to do in Ukraine. We will warn about strikes, as promised by Vladimir Putin, but nuclear weapons are even less selective than conventional weapons. Of course, at the same time, the European elites must be confronted with the fact: they, their places of residence, will become the first targets for nuclear retaliation strikes. It will not be possible to sit it out.

And the Americans just need to be told that if they continue to throw wood into the furnace of the Ukrainian conflict, we will cross the nuclear Rubicon in a few steps, hit their allies, and if there is a non-nuclear response, as threatened, a nuclear strike will follow on their bases in Europe and around the world. If they decide to respond with a nuclear weapon, they will receive a nuclear strike on their territory.


Fourth, we need to continue our military build-up, which is necessary in a super-turbulent and crisis world. But at the same time, it is necessary not only to change the nuclear doctrine, which, thank God, has already begun, but also to resume, if the Americans and their henchmen do not want to come to an agreement, a decisive movement up the ladder of nuclear escalation to increase the effectiveness of our nuclear deterrence-retaliation forces. The Hazelnut is an excellent weapon, praise to its customers and creators, but it is not a replacement for nuclear weapons, but simply another effective step on the ladder of escalation.






Fifth, it is necessary to convey to the United States through various channels that we do not want to humiliate them and are ready to help ensure their dignified way out of the Ukrainian catastrophe, where the Americans have been dragged by liberal globalists and Europeans.

But the main thing is to understand that we cannot and do not have the right to show indecision before the country, our people and humanity. Not only the fate of Russia is at stake, but also the fate of human civilization in its current form.

If and when the Americans retreat, Ukraine will be defeated quite quickly. Its east and south will go to Russia. In the center and west of today's Ukraine, a demilitarized, with a no-fly zone over it, a neutral state should be formed, where everyone who does not want to live in Russia and obey our laws can gather. A truce will be concluded.

Well, after the truce, it will be necessary to work towards a joint solution to the problems facing humanity with friends from the world majority. And even with the Americans, if they still come to their senses. At the same time, it is urgently necessary to move Europe away from solving world problems for a while. It is once again becoming the main threat to itself and to the world.

Peace on the subcontinent can be established only when Europe's back is once again broken, as it happened as a result of our victories over Napoleon and Hitler, when the generation of the current elites changes. And even then not in a narrow European context–-it is a thing of the past—but in the Eurasian context. 


◾️All Of Our Wealth Has Been Coming From You by MICHAEL HUDSON

NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID interview July 12 2024


マイケル・ハドソン:それは実に興味深いことです。 カラガノフは最近、戦略の全容を明らかにしたことで話題になりました。 カラガノフが為したのは、今日私たちが目にしているNATOとユーラシア大陸との文明間の闘争を長期的な視点で捉えることです。

そして、彼はそれを1000年前の十字軍にまで遡った。 12世紀から13世紀にかけて始まった十字軍は、基本的にローマがキリスト教を支配し、逆転させようとする試みだった。〔・・・〕


NIMA ALKHORSHID:  this SCO summit…with the concept of greater Eurasian partnerships…it seems the ideology of this plan was elaborated by Russian historian Sergei Karaganov in 2018, as you mentioned to me.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, that's really very interesting. Karaganov has just sort of been in the news recently spelling out a whole strategy. And what Karaganov has done is put this civilizational struggle that we're seeing today between NATO and Eurasia in the long term perspective.

And he's quite rightly traced it all the way back to the 1000 years to the Crusades. And the Crusades, starting in the 12th and the 13th century, were basically an attempt by Rome to take over and reverse Christianity.  (…) 

Karaganov has pointed [out that this] is not only an economic break, not only de-dollarization away from the dollar, it's really not only a conflict of religion, it's a whole conflict of what civilization and the rules of civilization and a decent world order are all about. 



Well, Karaganov, more than anyone else, has said what I think President Putin and Lavrov are too polite to say explicitly. Karaganov has said, look, Russia has had many red lines. Every set of red lines, America and NATO have just gone right by. And they really think, oh, Russia is not going to respond. It's afraid of us.