




ジェイソン・ヒッケル@jasonhickel 2025 年 2 月 5 日


Jason Hickel@jasonhickel Feb 5, 2025

The US has supported the Israeli colonial project and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for as long as I have been alive. The only thing new about Trump’s position is that he wants to accelerate it and he’s saying it out loud. It shatters illusions and makes the US position clear.



American Imperialism in Plain Site By Michael Hudson, February 5, 2025

トランプにとって、ウィン・ウィンは損失である。 他の国も勝つということは、米国がつかむべきものをすべてつかんでいないということであり、トランプは利用可能なもの、つまり経済的剰余のすべてをつかみたいと思っている。


ここにもまた、米国を例外的な国にしている特徴のひとつがある。 そしてトランプは、米国の例外的な特徴を利用しようとしている。

米国は他のどの国もやらないことができる。 他国が米国の望むことをしなければ、傷つけると脅すことができる。 空爆することもできる。 NED(全米民主主義基金)や USAID(米国国際開発庁)を通じて、政権交代に関与することもできる。

他国を傷つけることもできる。 他の国々はそのような外交政策を持っていない。

To Trump, a win-win is a loss, because a win-win means some other country also wins, not only you, the United States. And if some other country also wins, that means the United States has not grabbed everything there is to grab, and Trump wants to grab everything that is available, the entire economic surplus.

Here, again, you have one of the features that makes the United States an exceptional country. And Trump is making use of that exceptional characteristic of the United States.

The United States can do what no other country does. It can it can threaten to hurt other countries if they don’t do what the United States wants. It can bomb them. It can engage in regime change, through the National Endowment for Democracy Democracy and USAID.

It can hurt other countries. Other countries don’t have a foreign policy anything like that.


トランプが気づいているのは、通常、他国の経済を征服し植民地化するのに軍事力は必要ないということだ。 金融戦争を利用し、貿易戦争を利用すればいい。

アメリカ軍を動員して国を侵略する必要はない。 ベトナムは、もうそれができないことを示した。

貿易と金融制裁を使えばいいだけだ。 それが彼のやろうとしていることだ。


それがアメリカの強みだ。 水爆を使うつもりはない。 世界貿易を破壊し、世界金融を破壊し、トランプとディープステートが望むような経済関係を強要することができる。


What Trump realizes is normally you don’t need military force to subjugate and colonize another economy. You can use financial warfare, and you can use trade warfare, and that’s “peaceful”.

You don’t need, to mobilize American troops to invade a country. Vietnam showed you can’t do that anymore.

You can simply use trade and financial sanctions. That’s what he’s trying to do.

That’s America’s strong point. It’s not that it’s going to use the hydrogen bomb. It can wreck world trade, wreck world finance, and try to force the kind of economic relationship that Trump and the deep state wants.

And Trump has made it clear that America has to be the winner in any kind of trade agreement that it makes with any other country.

要するにトランプになったって、ラブロフ曰くの《泥沼で魚を捕まえる [catch a fish in muddy waters]》は変わらない。そのパフォーマンスの派手さに目を眩まされてはならない。内実は何も新しくない。かつてからの「ならずもの国家」をいっそう邁進中ってだけだ。

◾️タッカー・カールソンによるセルゲイ・ラブロフインタビュー全編 」より

The full text of Sergey Lavrov's interview with Tucker Carlson 2024/12/06






Question: …The Obama administration has left many problems for the new Trump Administration. In the last month since the elections, various political events have taken place in the region. There are riots in Georgia, Belarus, Romania, and then, most notably, in Syria. Don't you think this is part of the U.S. effort to make the situation more difficult?

Sergey Lavrov: To be honest, there is nothing new in this. Historically, the United States has sought to create some kind of problems in foreign policy, and then see if they can "catch a fish in muddy waters": Iraqi aggression, Libyan "adventure" or, in fact, the destruction of the state, flight from Afghanistan. Now they are trying to return through the "back door", using the UN to organize any events that they can "attend", despite the fact that they left Afghanistan in a deplorable state, froze Afghan money and do not want to return it.

If you analyze American foreign policy, or rather, their adventures (most of them), then a pattern is visible. First they create problems, and then they look at how to use them. When the OSCE observed the elections in Russia, it was always extremely negative reports. It was the same in Belarus and Kazakhstan. This time, the OSCE observer mission in Georgia presented a positive report. When you like the election results and need approval of the procedures, then you recognize them. If you don't like the election results, you ignore them.

This is similar to how the United States and other Western countries recognized the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, stating that the right to self-determination is being exercised in this way. There was no referendum in Kosovo. There was a unilateral declaration of independence. By the way, after that, the Serbs appealed to the International Court of Justice. Usually its representatives are not very specific in their judgments, but here they decided that if a part of the territory declares independence, then it is not necessary to coordinate with the authorities.

A few years later, the Crimeans held their referendum. A large number of international observers were invited. They were not from international organizations, but parliamentarians from Europe, Asia, and the post-Soviet space. The Westerners said they could not accept this, because it was supposedly a violation of territorial integrity.
