




The Ethnic Cleansing of Native Americans By David Treuer Published on June 9, 2020


In his first annual message to the U.S. Congress, in 1829, U.S. President Andrew Jackson—a slave-owning real estate speculator already famous for burning down Creek settlements and hounding the survivors of the Creek War of 1813–14—called for the “voluntary” migration of Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi River. Six months later, in the spring of 1830, he signed the Indian Removal Act into law. This measure gave the president the authority to negotiate with Native American tribes for their fertile lands. The statute set off waves of litigation, mineral prospecting, and land speculation—not to mention waves of violence committed by nonnative settlers against Native Americans.

歴史家クラウディオ・サウントが新著『Unworthy Republic』で示しているように、米国の行政官や政治家は、合法的および超法規的な手段を組み合わせて、自発的な移住を徐々に強制的な追放へと変えていった。州および連邦の民兵は、ネイティブアメリカンを狩り、殺害し、しばしば頭皮を剥いだ。不法占拠者や日和見主義者は、部族が正式に移住する前も後も、ネイティブアメリカンの土地に侵入した。そして、政府は銀行やその他の貸し手に、ネイティブアメリカンに懲罰的な売却や没収を強制する権限を与え、何万人ものネイティブ・アメリカンを自らの土地でホームレスにした。数千人のチェロキー族、チカソー族、チョクトー族、クリーク族、デラウェア族、ヒューロン族、ポタワトミ族、ソーク族、セミノール族、セネカ族が、移住の過程で亡くなった。無数の移住と強制退去は現在、一般的に「涙の道」という単一の名前で呼ばれている。

As the historian Claudio Saunt shows in his new book, Unworthy Republic, U.S. administrators and politicians gradually turned the voluntary removal into compulsory expulsion using a mix of legal and extralegal measures. State and federal militias hunted, killed, and often scalped Native Americans. Squatters and opportunists moved onto Native American lands both before and after tribes officially relocated. And the government gave banks and other lenders the power to force Native Americans into punitive sales and forfeitures, rendering tens of thousands of Native Americans homeless in their own lands. Thousands of Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, Delawares, Hurons, Potawatomis, Sauks, Seminoles, and Senecas died in the process of removal. The myriad relocations and displacements are now commonly referred to by a single name: the Trail of Tears.




By the end of this decadelong process, the federal government had spent $75 million to eject Native Americans from the eastern United States. That is the equivalent of over $1 trillion today, or $12.5 million for each Native American removed. In 1836, 40 percent of every dollar the U.S. federal government spent went toward enforcing the Indian Removal Act. In 2019, by contrast, only 17 percent of the federal budget went to national security and defense.

But the economic returns on this massive project of ethnic cleansing and displacement were also considerable. In the 1830s—the decade of removal—the federal government made nearly $80 million selling Native American lands to private citizens, around $5 million more than it spent. And in the 1840s, those lands produced 160 million pounds of ginned cotton, 16 percent of the national crop. The real winners, then, were southern slaveholding landowners and their investors in New York.

Today, migration—both forced and voluntary—looms large once again. And the lessons from this nineteenth-century history have a renewed relevance. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has estimated that in 2018, there were 70.8 million displaced people worldwide. The UN has similarly noted that around 272 million—a full 3.5 percent of the world population—are migrants. Many of their lives and stories parallel those of the Native Americans who lived through the Trail of Tears.



しかし、ネイティブ アメリカンがヨーロッパ系アメリカ人の習慣をどれだけ取り入れても、入植者たちはネイティブ アメリカンとその生活様式に疑いの目を向け続けた。五大湖のマイアミ、オダワ、ポタワトミの各部族に伝道活動を行った宣教師アイザック・マッコイは、「インディアン問題」は距離の近さにあると考えていた。マッコイは、全体としてネイティブ アメリカンを救うのは困難だと結論付けた。「インディアンがきわめて高潔な人々であると世界に信じさせようとする著述家たちは、なんと大きな間違いを犯しているのだろう」と彼は不満を漏らした。これは、辺境のアメリカ社会の荒廃した一角に常にさらされていたネイティブ アメリカンにとってはなおさら真実だった。「彼らはますます道徳的に堕落し、ますます悲惨な状態に陥り、取るに足りない存在、あるいは無に帰した」と彼は書いている。

Ill Fares the Land

At the dawn of the nineteenth century, life for the roughly 100,000 Native Americans living east of the Mississippi was pretty good. It in no way resembled the savagery that European American settlers imagined. None of the scores of tribes in the eastern third of the country was made up of nomadic hunter-gatherers: they hadn’t been for hundreds of years. Nearly all lived in settled villages; they farmed and gathered edibles in the woods and shellfish along the coast. The Cherokees had developed a syllabary and published their own newspaper. They had also begun to create their own form of representational democracy. Other tribes, such as the Chickasaws and the Choctaws, had adopted Christianity, built schools, and even selectively embraced slave ownership.

But no matter how many European American practices Native Americans adopted, settlers remained suspicious of them and their ways of life. Isaac McCoy―a preacher who evangelized among the Miami, Odawa, and Potawatomi tribes of the Great Lakes―believed that “the Indian problem” was one of proximity. McCoy concluded that, on the whole, Native Americans were hard to save. “How grossly mistaken are those writers who would have the world believe that the Indians are quite a virtuous people,” he complained. This was even truer for the Native Americans who were constantly exposed to the derelict fringe of American society on the frontier. “The great mass,” he wrote, “have become more and more corrupt in morals, have sunk deeper and deeper in wretchedness, and have dwindled down to insignificance or to nothing.”


McCoy imagined an “asylum” to the west. He shared this idea with Lewis Cass, governor of the Michigan Territory. And Cass brought the notion with him to Washington when he became Jackson’s secretary of war. Of course, the idea that there was an “Indian problem” was already widespread. Previous presidents and state governors had tried to solve it in myriad ways. George Washington, for instance, burned so many Native American villages in the Northeast that it earned him the Seneca name “Town Destroyer.” And Thomas Jefferson proposed luring Native Americans into debt and obligating them to sell their lands in lieu of payment. But never before had the country’s chief executive so explicitly endorsed segregationist removal policies on this scale.

Power brokers and land speculators on the eastern seaboard knew that the best weapon they had to gain access to tribal lands was the states themselves, which felt that they could pass whatever legislation they wanted and subject everyone within their borders, including Native Americans, to their own laws. In 1832, the Supreme Court ruled that the individual states had no authority in Native American affairs. But Jackson felt strongly that the federal government should stay out of tribal matters. The drama of states’ rights versus the federal government was staged at the expense of the Native American nations.

インディアン移住法は、土地の交換と公正な補償を規定していた。さらに、この法律は、その規定がネイティブ アメリカン グループとの既存の条約に違反する形で解釈されるべきではないと明確に述べていた。しかし、この法律は曖昧だった。補償はどのように機能するのか。補償は具体的には誰に、どのように支払われるのか。西部の土地はどのように選択されるのか。ネイティブ アメリカンの移住者はどのようにしてそこにたどり着くのか。結局、結果は公正でも既存の条約にも従うものでもなかった。州議会議員やさまざまな企業関係者は、この法律の曖昧さにすぐに飛びつき、ジャクソンの言葉を借りれば「自発的な退去を誘発するように計算された」、支離滅裂で混乱を招く一連の方法を考案した。サウントは、「この言葉は、この政策の根底にある悪意を完璧に捉えている」と指摘している。その一方で、連邦政府は、移送の日々の事務を処理する事務員を任命し、土地の譲渡交渉を行う委員を任命し、移送を現場で実現するために何千人もの兵士を動員した。ジャクソンは友人のジョージ・ギブソン将軍をこの作戦の監督に招いたほどだった。

一部のネイティブ アメリカン部族は自発的に去ったが、その多くは民間の請負業者によって輸送された。民間の請負業者は、医療ケアを拒否し、老人や病弱者を徒歩で行進させることで、人々の移動コストを可能な限り低く抑え、計り知れない苦しみと死をもたらした。他のネイティブ アメリカンは、立ち去るよう命令されても留まった。やがて、自発的な国外追放が義務化された。東部のネイティブ アメリカンの多くは、個人として迫害され、殺害された。たとえば、奴隷狩りに捕らえられた 19 歳のクリーク族の男性を考えてみよう。若者が逃亡奴隷ではなく、したがって価値がないとわかると、彼らは彼を射殺し、頭皮を剥いだ。さらに、集団で狩られた人もいた。セミノール族は、第二次セミノール戦争の過程で何千人もの犠牲者を出つつ何年ものあいだ米国政府と効果的に戦った。

The Indian Removal Act provided for an exchange of lands and fair compensation. What is more, the statute explicitly stated that its provisions should not be construed in a way that violated any existing treaties with Native American groups. But the act was vague. How would compensation work? Who exactly would be compensated, and how? How would land in the West be chosen? And how would the Native American migrants get there? In the end, the results were neither fair nor in accordance with existing treaties. State representatives and assorted business interests immediately seized on the law’s ambiguity, formulating a disjointed and confusing array of methods that were, in Jackson’s words, “calculated to induce . . . a voluntary departure.” Saunt notes that “the phrase perfectly captured the bad faith that underlay the policy.”

In the meantime, the federal government assigned clerks to deal with the day-to-day logistics of the removal, appointed commissioners to negotiate land cessions, and mobilized thousands of soldiers to make the deportations a reality on the ground. Jackson even invited his friend General George Gibson to oversee the operation.

Some Native American tribes did leave voluntarily; many of them, however, were transported by private contractors who kept the cost of moving people as low as possible by denying them any medical care and by forcing the old and infirm to march on foot, resulting in untold suffering and death. Other Native Americans stayed despite orders to leave. In time, voluntary deportation became compulsory. Many Native Americans in the East were persecuted and killed as individuals. Consider, for instance, a nineteen-year-old Creek man who was captured by slave hunters. When they realized that the youth wasn’t an escaped slave, and thus had no value, they shot him and scalped him. Still others were hunted as groups. The Seminoles effectively fought off the U.S. government for years, suffering thousands of casualties in the course of the Second Seminole War.

セミノール族は結局、中央フロリダの先祖伝来の土地に留まった。しかし、彼らは例外であり、一般的ではない。1830 年までに、およそ 2 万人のネイティブ アメリカンが米国大陸の東 3 分の 1 に留まった。その多くは入植者に取り込まれ、山岳地帯の農業に不向きな土地で暮らすことを余儀なくされ、移住した親族とは引き離され、文化や政治体制は崩壊していた。去った人たちがより良い暮らしをすることはめったになかった。現在のオクラホマ州にあるネイティブ アメリカンの入植地として確保された土地には灌漑用の水がなく、地形は岩だらけで、土壌は痩せていた。さらに、境界線は不明瞭で、重なり合うことが多かった。入植前にこの地域を訪れたネイティブ アメリカンの多くは、そこが農業にはまったく適していないことに気づいた。しかし、政府はそれを「素晴らしい土地」と呼び続けた。一方、アラバマ、ジョージア、ケンタッキー、ミシシッピ、ノースカロライナ、サウスカロライナの地主たちは、プランテーション制度を急速に拡大し、ひいては動産奴隷制をネイティブアメリカンの土地にまで拡大した。サウントは、北部の金融業者と南部の奴隷所有者、そして両者をインディアン追放のプロセスに結びつける素晴らしい仕事をしている。サウントは、1830年代を通じて「アラバマの奴隷人口は2倍以上の25万3000人に増えた。10年の終わりまでに、奴隷のほぼ4人に1人が、ほんの数年前までクリーク族の所有だった土地で働いていた」と指摘している。これは主に、ノースアメリカン信託銀行会社の社長ジョセフ・ビアーズなどの北部の銀行家によって資金提供され、奴隷たちが植え、摘み、加工した綿花から巨額の利益を搾り取っていた。

The Seminoles ultimately remained in their ancestral lands in central Florida. But they were the exception rather than the rule. By 1830, roughly 20,000 Native Americans remained in the eastern third of the continental United States. Many of them were engulfed by settlers and forced to live on mountainous and agriculturally unproductive land, separated from their kinfolk who had migrated, with their cultural and political systems in a shambles. Those who left were rarely better off. The land set aside for Native American settlement in what is now Oklahoma lacked water for irrigation; the terrain was rocky, and the soil thin. What is more, the boundaries were unclear and often overlapped. Many Native American people who ventured to the territory in advance of settlement noted that it was completely unsuitable for agriculture. The government, however, persisted in referring to it as “fine country.”

Meanwhile, landowners in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North and South Carolina quickly expanded the plantation system―and, by extension, chattel slavery―onto Native American lands. Saunt does an incredible job of linking northern financiers to southern slave owners and both to the process of Indian removal. Over the course of the 1830s, Saunt notes, “the enslaved population in Alabama more than doubled to 253,000. By the end of the decade, nearly one out of four slaves worked on land that only a few years earlier had belonged to the Creeks.” This was largely financed by northern bankers―such as Joseph Beers, the president of the North American Trust and Banking Company―who skimmed handsome profits off the cotton planted, picked, and processed by the enslaved.


(ここまで紹介してきたサウントの)『Unworthy Republic』は権力の研究である。この本は、金銭、レトリック、政治的野心、白人至上主義の理想主義が一体となった様子を詳細に描写している。サウントは読者に、米国における人種階級制度の代償を示している。アメリカ東部の3分の1をネイティブアメリカンの追放によって不道徳かつ違法に民族浄化したことは、それ自体が歴史的な犯罪であるだけでなく、奴隷制とそれに伴う人種階層を強化および拡大することで、別の同様の犯罪を助長した。奴隷制とそれに伴う人種階層は、1860年代に南北戦争が終結したときにようやく部分的に覆された。

しかし、関与した社会的および政治的勢力の大きさにもかかわらず、ネイティブアメリカンの追放は決して必要でも必然でもなかった。それはただ起こったのではなく、何千もの小さな決定といくつかの大きな決定がそれを実現したのである。このプロセスの中心にあったのは、米国初のポピュリスト大統領、ジャクソンだった。 「オールド・ヒッコリー」の愛称で知られる彼は、インディアン戦争の軍司令官として初めて名を馳せたが、彼の私財は不動産投機で得たものだった。彼は、政治的な部外者としての立場と地主としての個人的な経験に基づいて、連邦政府の統制を制限し、「庶民」を声高に支持するという世界観を築いた。

A Cautionary Tale

Unworthy Republic is a study in power. It describes, in detail, the coming together of money, rhetoric, political ambition, and white-supremacist idealism. Saunt shows his readers the cost of a racial caste system in the United States. The immoral and illegal ethnic cleansing of the eastern third of the country via Native American removal was not merely a historical crime in its own right; it also abetted another such crime, by solidifying and extending slavery and its attendant racial hierarchy, which would only be partially overturned in the 1860s, with the end of the American Civil War.

Despite the magnitude of the social and political forces involved, however, Native American removal was in no way necessary or inevitable. It didn’t just happen: a thousand small decisions and a few big ones made it so. At the heart of this process was the nation’s first populist president, Jackson. “Old Hickory,” as he was known, first made his name as a military commander in the Indian Wars, but his private fortune came from real estate speculation. He premised his worldview―one of limited federal control and vocal support for “the common man”―on his status as a political outsider and his personal experience as a landowner.


ドナルド・トランプ米大統領はジャクソンを公然と称賛している。テネシー州にあるジャクソンの邸宅で聴衆を前に、トランプはジャクソンが「傲慢なエリート層に立ち向かい、それに抵抗した」と述べ、「聞き覚えがありますか? なぜ彼らはトランプとジャクソン、ジャクソンとトランプについて語り続けるのか不思議です」と問うた。2017年、トランプはジャクソンの肖像画を選び、大統領執務室の机のすぐ後ろに掛けた。さらに重要なのは、トランプが、ネイティブアメリカンの追放を促した民族国家主義的な外国人嫌悪に共鳴していることだ。例えば、昨年、彼はツイッターに一連の投稿を投稿し、メキシコや中央アメリカの「悪い奴ら」は「我々が追放部隊を編成するにつれ、我が国から追放されるだろう」と警告した。


The parallels with the present are eerie. Contemporary Americans, much like their counterparts in the 1830s, have a president who is a real estate developer of dubious character―a man for whom the rhetoric of success hides a disregard for the most vulnerable and for whom corporate profit is more important than the public good.

U.S. President Donald Trump openly admires Jackson. Before an audience at Jackson’s estate in Tennessee, Trump noted that Jackson “confronted and defied an arrogant elite” and asked, “Does that sound familiar to you? I wonder why they keep talking about Trump and Jackson, Jackson and Trump.” In 2017, he selected a portrait of Jackson to hang just behind his desk in the Oval Office. More important, Trump echoes the ethnonationalist xenophobia that drove Native American removal. Last year, for instance, he wrote a series of posts on Twitter warning that the “bad ‘hombres’” from Mexico and Central America “will be removed from our Country . . . as we build up our removal forces.”

Saunt’s book thus serves as a cautionary tale in the modern age of mass migration. The complicated process of Indian removal reminds readers that consent and willful action are shaped by economics, policy, and the culture of rule. Ultimately, the story of the Trail of Tears is not a happy one. But it would be false to assume that the government won. It did not. Native people persisted despite the odds. They rebuilt their tribes and their lives, their farms and their schools, their families and their traditions. That, after all, is the American way.
