



Yuliana Dlugaj 第二弾(参照:第一弾)。どういう人かまだはっきりわからないのだが、実に気に入ったね。

Yuliana Dlugaj @DlugajJuly 2025年2月19日





Yuliana Dlugaj @DlugajJuly Feb 19, 2025

If Trump were actually honest, he’d stop shipping weapons and burning cash like a drunken sailor, just as his base demands and as he himself promised. He’d pin this mess squarely on Biden, let the chips fall where they may, and watch the problem resolve itself.

But let’s be real—he isn’t honest. Just like he isn’t dismantling the deep state.

The only thing he’s dismantling is the Democrat attack machine—the part that nearly wrecked his life. The rest? It’s getting a sleek new remodel. More efficient, more refined, and just as insidious.

The empire isn’t dismantling; it’s optimizing. They’ve finally had their eureka moment: You can’t run a global hegemony without a functioning industrial base. Who knew? Now, they’re scrambling to fix that because, surprise, you can’t wage a real war against us or China when you outsource all your factories to the lowest bidder.

では、計画は何か? 再工業化だが、戦争機械のためだけのだ。国内に戻ってくる工場は、手ごろな価格の住宅や命を救う薬を作ることはないだろう。いや、彼らは第2ラウンドに備えるためにMICが必要とするものなら何でも大量生産するだろう。




So what’s the plan? Reindustrialize—but only for the war machine. The factories coming back home won’t be making affordable housing or life-saving meds. No, they’ll be churning out whatever the MIC needs to prep for Round Two.

Fast forward a decade or two, and they’ll be knocking on our and China’s doors again—only this time, with an upgraded arsenal and a fine-tuned empire.

In the meantime, expect them to keep playing their little hybrid warfare games. With China, they’ll likely manufacture a Taiwan “crisis,” slap on some righteous sanctions, and try to strangle Beijing’s rise while frantically rebuilding their own industrial and military muscles.

Don’t fall for the Trump illusion. He’s not some peace-loving outsider. He’s not an isolationist. His cabinet alone should tell you that. He’s just another empire neocon in a red hat. And anyone naive enough to buy into the siren song will be paying for it—with their children’s lives—when the war machine comes calling.


Yuliana Dlugaj @DlugajJuly 2025 年 2 月 21 日



Yuliana Dlugaj @DlugajJuly Feb 21, 2025

No, this is all just a show. They haven’t given up on the agenda, nor have they become doves.  

They can’t fight us and China at the same time, so they’re trying to sucker us into another bad deal, weaken us, and then try again once they’ve sorted themselves out.

私はYuliana Dlugaj が言っていることが完全に正しいとは言わない。だが少し前掲げたアンジェロ・ジュリアーノが言っているように、最低限、別のカルトにならないことが肝腎だ。

アンジェロ・ジュリアーノAngelo Giuliano @angeloinchina Feb 17, 2025

ああ、もちろん、トランプはガザ虐殺終結の立役者だと自慢している。ガザに対する「最終解決」とも言えるものの立役者として自分を位置づけることほど「英雄」らしいものはないからだ。ご存知の通り、グランドフィナーレ、究極の民族浄化だ。しかし、多くの人がトランプを信じたのだから、誰がまともだと言うのだ? 一度騙されたのだから、恥を知るべきだ。


Oh, of course, Trump’s out here boasting about being the mastermind behind the end of the Gaza massacre—because nothing screams “hero” like positioning yourself as the architect of what might as well be the “final solution” for Gaza. You know, the grand finale, the ultimate ethnic cleansing. But hey, plenty of people bought it, so who’s counting? Fooled once, shame on them, right?

And now, he’s apparently taking a “bold step” toward peace in Ukraine. How brave. Let’s not get carried away, though—it’s probably just a tactical freeze, a little pause button on the conflict so he can shift focus to China and deal with Russia later when it’s convenient. Fooled on Gaza, likely fooled on Ukraine—what’s next? I’m not holding my breath. This whole thing smells like a calculated ruse, but sure, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Why not?

現実的になろう。トランプは、MAGA の帽子をかぶり、新しいペンキを塗ったアメリカ帝国主義にすぎない。「ウォークグローバリズム」から古き良きアメリカファースト保守主義への転換だ。もちろん、彼は無駄の削減、USAID、NED、いわゆる「ウォーク退廃的BS」の解体について大言壮語し、ディープステート、CIA、NSA、FBI を攻撃するかもしれない。しかし、騙されてはいけない。それはすべて表面的な見せ物だ。エリートによって支配され、帝国主義的な野望によって動かされている米国システムの中核は、どこにも行かない。


Let’s be real—Trump is just U.S. imperialism with a MAGA hat and a fresh coat of paint. A shift from “woke globalism” to good ol’ America-first conservatism. Sure, he’ll talk a big game about cutting waste, dismantling USAID, NED, and the so-called “woke decadent BS,” and maybe even take a few swings at the deep state, CIA, NSA, and FBI. But let’s not kid ourselves—it’s all surface-level spectacle. The core of the U.S. system—controlled by elites and driven by imperialistic ambitions—isn’t going anywhere.

So, by all means, stay skeptical. Keep questioning, keep challenging. Don’t hand Trump and his big-tech oligarch buddies a blank check, or you’re just signing up for another cult.

