





Krugman Clings to Currency Tropes By Michael Hudson, May 11, 2023 

ベン・ノートン:…マイケル、まずは、ポール・クルーグマンが4月に発表した「国際マネー狂騒曲の再来」という記事から紹介します。彼はこの記事の中で「狂気」 だと言って、非常に否定的な口調で語っています。




Ben Norton: …Michael, I’m going to start with the article that Paul Krugman published in April, called “International Money Madness Strikes Again“. He has this very dismissive tone in this, saying that it’s “madness”.

And essentially in this article, he creates a straw man, where he says that if you think that the dominance of the US dollar is in decline, that you think that there’s going to be hyperinflation in the United States.(…) So he essentially says that if you don’t believe that the US dollar will stay dominant, you believe that it’s going to become toilet paper. It’s a straw man argument.(…) 

So what do you make of Krugman’s arguments?



MICHAEL HUDSON: It’s not a straw man argument; it’s deliberate ignorance. You have to really have tunnel vision and not understand the most basic economic history to make the misrepresentations that Krugman said.

And if I hadn’t met him, and I didn’t know how really stupid he is as a person, I would think he’s deliberately lying, but I have met him and he really is that stupid.






問題は対外債務から始まり、その債務が建てられ た外国為替(ドル)を稼ぐ能力を超えた債務を払 おうとすることです。

So Krugman doesn’t understand the difference between paying a domestic debt and paying a foreign debt. And that’s because he doesn’t understand foreign trade.

If he understood foreign trade and debt, he never could have won a Nobel Prize. A precondition for winning the Nobel Prize is not to understand how international finance works so that you can act to preserve the kind of financial superstition that’s taught in the universities like the University of Chicago.

And under the monetarist views that are taught in Chicago and parroted in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and the other major media, the governments print too much money, usually to pay workers or to pay social security or social purposes, and that increases wages and that results in inflation and that makes the currency decline as inflation makes exports less competitive.

This gets the whole system in reverse. The problem doesn’t begin with the government just creating money to spend domestically.

It starts with foreign debt and trying to pay debt beyond the ability of a country to earn the foreign exchange, the dollars, in which its debt is denominated.





So Krugman’s misrepresenting the Weimarist and hyperinflation to begin with because he doesn’t want the government to spend money domestically on social security, on labor, on social spending.

He wants it spent on, as he said again and again, we need the money to spend in Ukraine. We need the money to fight Russia and China. He’s become a neocon, which is why he’s on the editorial page of the New York Times.

And you can just look at whatever he says as the product of an ignoramus who’s become a neocon and is a useful idiot to convince people that, well, we’ve given him the Nobel Prize…



On Obama, Castro & General McArthur By Michael Hudson, June 2, 2023



The key is in President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. The international dispute settlement part of that said that no government can sue any corporation for harming the environment. A corporation [can sue] a government for applying an economic policy that would cost more money to the corporation and reduce its profits. So no government could increase taxes on a corporation. No government could impose a land tax. No government could recoup the damage from oil pollution that was caused by Chevron and other super-polluters.(…) 

It’s one of the things that made Obama the worst president in the century, rivaling Woodrow Wilson for the worst of all time. A person who was just completely representing the most reactionary Wall Street and neocon parts.





