





Judge Andrew Napolitano and international relations scholar Prof. John Mearsheimer on Judging Freedom Podcast titled “Can Europe Survive?” premiered March 20, 2025.




PROF. JOHN MEARSHEIMER: It is odd. I’m actually somewhat surprised. I thought that when they pushed Witkoff and Trump pushed through the ceasefire right before Trump was inaugurated, that they would see to it that you moved from the first phase into the second phase and that they would prevent Israel from stymying movement into the second phase. But, in fact, they have not acted that way. And as you know, it’s Israel that has caused the ceasefire to break down. It is not Hamas and we have nevertheless backed Israel hook, line and sinker. And in fact, Trump has said today that he fully supports the restarting of the genocide in Gaza.

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Right before we came on, I was looking at Ha’aretz, an Israeli newspaper that you and I read regularly in English. The death toll in 48 hours in Gaza, 710. I mean, this is just catastrophic. At this rate, this will exceed the slaughter that they perpetrated starting on October 7th or October 8th whenever they invaded. Donald Trump is worse than Joe Biden in this respect. Because you add the domestic repression here, which you and I have talked about, and it seems to be a new incident every day. There’s a medical researcher at Georgetown University or a resident alien, permanent resident alien, who tried to get back into the US they wouldn’t let him back in because they found on his phone criticisms of Trump. But what authority did they get the phone? They don’t have authority just to take his phone, but it took the phone and there it was. And so now they’re not going to let him in. Wait a minute. Criticisms of Donald Trump. What about Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech? That’s pretty clear.

ミアシャイマー:全体としてトランプはバイデンより悪いという基本的な指摘は、確かにその通りだと思う。 今アメリカで起きている市民の自由に対する攻撃を見れば、本当にひどいものだ。 そして、それがトランプの仕業なのだ。 バイデンは、欠点はあったが、この次元では大したことはしていない。 彼は、ガザにおけるイスラエルの政策に抗議する権利を行使していた抗議者たちに味方したが、トランプほど言論の自由や集会の自由を抑圧するようなことはしていなかった。〔・・・〕

衝撃的なことだ。 この件に関してさらに2点。 ひとつは、これが始まりに過ぎないということだ。 ドナルド・トランプはおよそあと4年は政権を維持し、イスラエルに関連する問題、つまりこの現象全体を動かしているものがなくなることはないだろう。 だから、トランプがこのような行動を続けるインセンティブは大きいし、もしかしたら倍増するかもしれない。 そして2つ目のポイントは、抵抗勢力はどこにいるのかということだ。 抵抗がほとんどないのは驚くべきことだ。

PROF. JOHN MEARSHEIMER: Look, I think your basic point that overall Trump is worse than Biden is certainly true. If you look at the assault on civil liberties now taking place in the United States, it is really terrible. And it’s Trump at work. Biden, for all his flaws, did not do much on this dimension. He was not good on this dimension. He sided against the protesters who were executing their right to protest Israeli policy in Gaza, but he was not doing anywhere near as much to suppress free speech and freedom of assembly as Trump is.(…) 

It’s shocking. And two further points on this. One is you just wonder where all of this leads, because this is just the beginning. Donald Trump is going to be in power for roughly another four years, and the problems associated with Israel, which is what are really driving this whole phenomenon, are not going to go away. So the incentives for Trump to continue to act this way and maybe even double down are great. And then the second point I would make is, where is the resistance? It’s quite remarkable how little resistance there is.






ミアシャイマー:答えましょう。とても簡単だ。3つの単語、イスラエルロビー[Three words. The Israel lobby.]

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: You’re right, you’re right. You and I lived through the Vietnam War era. The resistance was overwhelming. I’m beginning to think that it was not a principled resistance, that it was just based upon the existence of the draft.

PROF. JOHN MEARSHEIMER: Well, it was some of both. And you want to remember that there was evidence that once the draft went away, and the draft went away at the end of the war, the resistance died down significantly.


PROF. JOHN MEARSHEIMER: That is not surprising. But the point I would make here, Judge, is that there is lots of resistance, or there has been lots of resistance in the United States to the genocide in Gaza. But what the Trump administration has done quite successfully at the behest of the lobby, is shut down that resistance. That’s what’s going on here.

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Why isn’t, I don’t know what the alliteration would be to comport with genocide, Joe. Genocide, Donald? I don’t know. But why isn’t there that moniker being painted on him? And here’s a guy who calls himself in his inaugural address a man of peace. Here’s a guy who’s taken American foreign policy with respect to Ukraine and Russia and turned a battleship around 180 degrees. And at the same time, he’s funding slaughter, abject slaughter of women and children and babies in the Middle East. I don’t get it. I don’t get it.

PROF. JOHN MEARSHEIMER: I’ll give you the answer. It’s very simple. Three words. The Israel lobby.
