
まずS(Ⱥ)= Φ (象徴的ファルス)から始めよう

Lacan makes this clear when he emphasizes how every One, every Master‐Signifier, is simultaneously S(Ⱥ), a signifier of the lack of/in the Other, of its inconsistency. (ZIZEK“LESS THAN NOTHING”2012)
Lacan’s twist here is that this presence of the objet a fills in the gap, the failure, of representation—his formula is that of the objet a above the bar, beneath which there is S(Ⱥ), the signifier of the barred, inconsistent other. The present object is a filler, a stop‐gap; so when we confront the tension between the symbolic and the Real, between meaning and presence—the event of presence which interrupts the smooth running of the symbolic, which transpires in its gaps and inconsistencies—we should focus on the way the Real corrodes from within the very consistency of the symbolic. And, perhaps, we should pass from the claim that “the intrusion of the Real corrodes the consistency of the symbolic” to the much stronger claim that “the Real is nothing but the inconsistency of the symbolic.”



対象aの五つの定義(Lorenzo Chiesa)」にあるS(Ⱥ)がわからないと質問してくるヤツがいるが、オレもわからんね。いろんなこというラカン派がいるからな。


小笠原晋也@ogswrs …… 昨日の続きです.Encore の最終回で提示されたこの式:
S1 ( S1 ( S1 ( S1 ( S1 → S2 ) ) ) )


「S(Ⱥ) は,其れに対してほかの徴示素すべてが主体を代表するところの徴示素である.すなわち,この徴示素が無ければ,ほかの徴示素すべては何も代表しない」(Écrits, p.819).

つまり,S(Ⱥ) は S2 に相当します.一群 S1 は S(Ⱥ) に対して主体を代表します.しかも,S(Ⱥ) は,ひとつの徴示素がもうひとつのほかの徴示素に対して主体を代表する限りにおいて,徴示素の機能の必要条件です.というのも,S(Ⱥ) は徴示素の穴にほかならないのですから.

寝言だよ、 「S(Ⱥ) は S2 に相当します」なんてのは。いやいやシツレイ! オレにはひどい寝言にみえるってだけで、オレのような寝惚け頭には、「真理」が寝言にみえる場合があるからな。そういう意味での「寝言」だ。

S(Ⱥ) というマテームは、オレの知るかぎり、セミネールⅤにてはじめて語られた。

Au-delà de la parole, de la surparole, de quelque façon qu'on la dénomme, à savoir de la Loi du père, en fin de compte, il y a bien autre chose d'exigible.

Et bien entendu, naturellement au même niveau où se situe cette loi, s'introduit précisément ce signifiant électif, à savoir le phallus, qui fait que dans les conditions normales, ce qui ici se produit, se rencontre à un deuxième degré de la rencontre avec l'Autre.

C'est ce que, dans mes petites formules, je vous ai appelé S(Ⱥ), le signifiant de Ⱥ, c'est-à-dire très précisément ce que je viens de définir comme étant la fonction du signifiant phallus, à savoir ceci qui marque ce que l'Autre désire en tant que marqué par le signifiant, c'est-à-dire barré. (Le seminaire, livre Ⅴ p.655 )

とあるようにこの時点では、S(Ⱥ)= Φ (象徴的ファルス)なんだな。 たぶんその後なんやらと変わったって、S2になることなどアリエナイ! とまずは思うのが「常識」だろ? (参照:父の名、Φ、S1、S(Ⱥ)、Σをめぐって




父を信じることは、典型的な神経症の症状である。それはボロメオ構造の四番目の輪である。ラカンはそこから離れた。そして三つの輪を一緒にするために機能する新しいシニフィアンを探し求め始めた。この文脈において、重要なのは父とその機能を区別することである。すなわち、母と子の分離にかかわる機能、子どもが〈他者〉の享楽から解放されることを伴う機能である。もしこの分離が、二番目の〈他者〉である父への疎外に終わってしまったなら、それは構造的には、以前の疎外(母との同一化)と何の変わりもない。(Lacan’s goal of analysis: Le Sinthome or the feminine way.(Paul Verhaeghe and Frédéric Declercq 2002ーー簡略版:「〈他者〉の〈他者〉は存在しない」
……これらの相違点にもかかわらず、この点までのラカン理論は、フロイト理論と根本的に異なるところはない。しかし父の隠喩を導入した後すぐさま、ラカンは1960年に、象徴秩序における構造的に決定づけられた欠如の考え方を提示する。これはラカン自身の(そしてフロイトの)以前の論拠からのラディカルな旅立ちをしるすものだ。そして、フロイト用語では殆ど言い表せない何か根本的に新しいものを導入している。父の名は、もはや〈他者〉の、すなわち象徴秩序の、保証ではない。逆も同様である。反対に、〈他者〉の〈他者〉はいない("il n’y a pas d’Autre de l’Autre")。


この変貌の波紋は、ラカンのその後の仕事全体を通して、轟き続けた。まさに最後まで、絶え間なく寄せてはかえす波のように。実に理論の最も本質的なメッセージは、どの理論も決して完璧ではないということだ。循環する論述によって組み立てられた閉じられたシステム、それを我々はフロイトとラカンとともに以前は見出した(原父や父の名によって保証される父、逆も同様)。だがそれは一撃で破棄された。(PAUL VERHAEGHE,2009ーー欲動の最も美しい定義






Name(s)-of-the-Father, he is speaking of something which is perfectly identifiable with Φ and S (A barred)In Seminar V , the Name-of-the-Father could be written as S (S/s), which is, after all, the same as S (A).(Lorenzo Chiesa、2007)

S (A)からS(Ⱥ)になったわけさ、父の名はな。

あとはどうなるのか、それについては、 S (A barred)の叙述がふんだんにある次の文を英文のまま貼り付けておくよ、貴君、訳してみたらどうだい? よく分かる様になるよ、それと小笠原解釈の無様さが。ーーくり返せば、オレの寝惚け頭の理解だがね。



われわれは「現実界の侵入は象徴界の一貫性を蝕む」という見解から、いっそう強い主張「現実界は象徴界の非一貫性以外のなにものでもない」という見解へと移りゆくべきだ。(ZIZEK『LESS THAN NOTHING』2012)

Lorenzo Chiesaも同様。

最後のラカンにとって、現実界は、象徴界の「内部にある」ものである。Dominiek Hoensと Ed Pluth のカント用語にての考察を捕捉すれば、人は同じように、最後のラカンは現実界の超越的概念から、超越論的概念に移行した、と言うことができる。 ( Lacan Le-sinthome by Lorenzo Chiesa)

ーーくり返せば、このジジェクや若き「哲学的」ラカン派Lorenzo Chiesaの解釈はかならずしも正しいというわけではないだろう。別の観点があってよい。

※ちなみにミレールはS(Ⱥ)=Σ(サントーム)と言っているし(Lacan's Later Teaching)、LorenzoはJ(Ⱥ)=Σと言っている(下にあるように1966年のときのミレールにとってS(Ⱥ)はSuture(縫合)だった。そしてサントームは後期ラカンの縫合にはちがいない)。

◆Subjectivity and Otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan, by Lorenzo Chiesa(2007)より

For the time being, what should concern us the most is that both quotations entail that, in Seminar V , Φ as the signifier of the “signified as such” is also the signifier of the lack in the Other, S (A barred), and thus has to be distinguished from the Name-of-the-Father, the “signifier of signifiers” whose nature as a transcendent sign excludes any irreducible lack.

To cut a long story short, at this stage, there still is an Other of the Other. It is important, however, to emphasize that in Seminar V the Other of the Other is, for Lacan, by no means irreconcilable with S (A barred). In other words, at this stage, the symbolic phallus Φ to be understood as that which “carries out” (“réalise”) S (A barred)61 is still “encircled” by the Name-of-the-Father.

This is definitely not the case in “Subversion of the Subject,” where Lacan makes it clear that there is no Other of the Other, nothing standing outside of S (A barred).

Consequently , the most important effect of the passage from “there is an Other of the Other” (A) to “there is no Other of the Other” (A barred) is that the lack in the Other—the fact that, because of the differential logic of the signifying structure, a signifier is always missing from the battery of signifiers—is no longer intrasymbolic but should be considered as real, as a presence of the Real in the open structure of the Symbolic.

Whenever Lacan refers now to the Name(s)-of-the-Father, he is speaking of something which is perfectly identifiable with Φ and S (A barred). In Seminar V , the Name-of-the-Father could be written as S (S/s), which is, after all, the same as S (A).

In “Subversion of the Subject,” when there is no Other of the Other, the Name-of-the-Father is S (A barred); the statement “the father [qua law] is a dead father”62 finds its true implication here. In other words, this means: the Master-Signifier S1 relies on A barred; there is a Father or Master-Signifier, but it cannot be detached from S (A barred).

As Lacan writes: “If we are to expect . . . an effect from the unconscious enunciation it is to be found here in the S (A barred) and read as: signifier of a lack in the Other, inherent in [that is immanent to] its very function as the treasury of the signifier”;63 the signifier of the lack in the Other is at the same time the signifier that, as S1, allows any “effect” of signification to follow “from the unconscious enunciation.”

Lacan then adds that the “lack referred to here is that which I've already formulated: that there is no Other of the Other.” If we compare these quotations with another passage from the same article in which Lacan argues that S (A barred) must be distinguished from other signifiers but not separated from them,64 we can conclude that the “inherency” in the function of the Other as the “treasury of the signifier” should be attributed to both the lack and its signifier.

What precisely does Lacan imply when he claims that S (A barred) is to be distinguished from while not being separated from the signifiers S2? I believe this can be explained by emphasizing how Lacan also mathematically qualifies S (A barred) as −1. Given that there is always a signifier missing from the Other, A is ultimately A barred. S (A barred) is −1 in the sense that the missing signifier is itself signifierized as missing, and hence as −1.

We could equally argue that Φ is the signifier that, due to castration and the resolution of the Oedipus complex, signifierizes itself as missing (−ϕ). Although the real lack in the Symbolic is never canceled, it is precisely by becoming −1 that it is phallically “organized”: such an “organization” of lack is nothing less than what allows the functioning of the symbolic order tout court by means of a sublation of lack.

To return to our original question: S (A barred) is both different from other signifiers S2 insofar as it represents the missing signifier, and not separated from them insofar as this missing signifier is counted within the set of signifiers as −1. As Muller and Richardson correctly remark, S (A barred) “must be somehow inside the universal set and conceived of as a lack (−1) within it. In this sense it is the complement of the universal set, i.e. an ‘empty ,' or ‘null' set.”65

But this is not the whole story . If, with respect to the signifiers S2, the missing signifier can be counted phallically as the “one-less,” with respect to the Real this same lack can be counted phallically as the “one-more.” Although this point remains implicit in “Subversion of the Subject,” it is clear that Lacan, having assumed that there is no Other of the Other, considers S (A barred) as both −1 and +1. The empty set which is complementary to the universal set is empty, yet it is still a set. Let us analyze this more closely .

Φ, S (A barred) is not only the signifier of the real lack in the symbolic Other (−1), it is also the signifier of the fact that this lack is real (+1) or, even better, that it is the Real tout court. In other words, S (A barred) as +1 is the signifier of the fact that the Real as lack is nothing but the consequence of the fact that the signifier as such originally holed the primordial Real, that language “killed the Thing,” and that before the advent of the signifier such a Thing was exactly no-thing. While the phallus as −1 is the signifier of the fact that the Real holes the Symbolic, the phallus as +1 is the signifier of the fact that the Real as 0 was primordially holed by the Symbolic, and that this 0 is now retroactively postulated as an absolute 1.

This last point, a cornerstone of the Lacanian logic of the signifier, was elucidated by Miller in his seminal article “Suture” as early as 1966; S (A barred) is nothing but the suture of the Symbolic. “There is 0, and 0 counts for 1 [compte pour 1]. . . . That which in the real is pure and simple absence finds itself . . . noted as 0 and counted as 1 [compté pour 1].”66

It is now important to distinguish between the retroactive mirage of a primordial 1 created by the disruptive emergence of the signifier out of a homeostatic zero (the primordial Real) from the actual fact that such an emergence is necessarily associated with a +1.

In other words, one has to distinguish the mythical 0 which the symbolic order makes us deceptively perceive as a Whole, as a lost 1, from the concrete presence of what remains of that 0 in the domain of signifiers in the guise of a +1 (as lack). This is nothing but the difference between the primordial Real (the mythical 1) and its remainder, which Lacan calls object a (+1).

To be perfectly clear, however, it should be emphasized that, strictly speaking, object a is not +1: rather, it is the real lack in the symbolic Other (A barred), which logically , if not chronologically , precedes its quantification as +1 by means of the signifying action of the phallus S (A barred). The signifier primordially holes the Real; such a hole transforms the “neutrality” of the Real into a lack which is then inextricable from the Symbolic as such; it cannot be “filled in,” despite the fact that the phallus manages to “organize”/mark it.

今後の反論は、この英文をじっくり読んでからにしてくれ、わかるかい? オレの今のところの S(Ⱥ)理解のベースはここだ。

あと、これ読んで基本的なところを勉強するって手もあるぜ、エリック・ローラン『疎外と分離』→ lacan.kill.jp/translation/texte/E_Laurent/alienationandseparation.doc

この図を眺めてなんとか小笠原寝言を貴君のために救おうとしたがオレにはムリだね、「S(Ⱥ) は S2 に相当します」ってヤツをな。




